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Death. And the fear of death. Both unreasonable and beyond my understanding, why fear escape?

not embrace the unknown? Isn’t that the modern world’s motto, ‘embrace the unfamiliar’? Why, then,
do I shiver as the blade edges closer and closer to my wrists, why do I run away from the very thing I
crave? As if by some sick, twisted nudge by reality, I hear the loud gusts of wind make the long-
abandoned swings in the backyard creak. A heartbeat is skipped, unbeknownst to the cruel world
around me. As I stare into the cracked bathroom window in front of me, my past stares back. Slowly, my
grip around the blade loosens and, eventually, falls to the floor, queueing silent tears to start flowing
down her pale cheeks, until the pain left her numb.

Cradling her new-born in her hands, Shannah was ecstatic, she could feel her heart almost pumping out
her chest; she was a mother. A mother of a beautiful, lively girl she named Luna; a name she had taken
months to choose. Even days after Luna’s birth, the joy of motherhood never left Shannah’s heart for a
second. Shannah’s friends surrounded Luna, giving her kisses and tiny cuddles, setting aside hefty
presents for her. Squealing and gaping at all the attention she was getting, Luna hid herself with her
mother’s hands, her mother who was lost in her deep blue eyes. Planting a kiss on her forehead,
Shannah carefully placed Luna in her carriage, as she busied herself with the hearty crowd in her house,
continuing to peak glances at her even as she did so.

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