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NIM : 88200038

Lesson 5 English for nursing


Translate onto Indonesian and make a sentence for its term

Vocabulary : Kosa kata

The teacher is giving material about good and correct vocabulary

Avoid : Menghindari

To avoid traffic jams the bus drivers leave early

Contraindicated : Kontraindikasi

Contraindicated is a condition or factor that serves as a reason to prevent certain medical actions due
to the dangers that the patient will get

Indicated : Terindikasi

The patient is indicated by a disease that is quite worrying

Suggest : Menyarankan

The nurse suggests drinking more water

Pus : Nanah

The wound suffered by the patient until it drained of pus

Suture : Jahitan
After performing a C-section there are several suture

Sponge : Spons

The sponge is very soft

Splint : Belat

The splint is a trap that is installed in the tidal zone, consisting of two pieces of netting as a wall and a
pocket between the two nets

Swollen : Bengkak

Swellon is experienced in the stomach

Numb : Mati rasa

Numbness is often caused by damage, irritation, or pressure on the nerves. Some types of diseases
(such as diabetes), can cause nerve damage, causing symptoms of numbness

Paralysis : Kelumpuhan

The paralysis he had had for a long time

Convulsion : Ledakan

Occur convulsion around the house

Patch : Tambalan

My bicycle tire is leaking so there are several patches

Hazardous equipment : Peralatan berbahaya

Hazardous equipment is stored in a special room

Rub : Menggosok

Brushing the teeth is part of personal hygiene

Greasy : Berminyak

His face is very greasy

Rash : Ruam

There is a rash on his back

Tightnes : Ketat

The pants are so tight

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