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My success story

In my opinion, success is not about a degree, but success is that we can achieve our own goals
and be proud of ourselves. When I was in my mid-teens, I had the choice of life, which was to
continue my studies in the pharmaceutical industry when I was in high school. I felt depressed
because there had a new atmosphere and was very tense, even the practice got its own nickname,
the tiger cage. But with the passage of time I began to like and was very comfortable in the
pharmaceutical field even during the last days of high school I wanted to stay there because it
was still too comfortable but I had a life journey to be successful.

Never imagined before that will be how life will be in the future. After graduating from high
school, I wanted to continue in the field of pharmacy, but what strength did I get after passing the
exam I was declared not graduated or entered the pharmaceutical field so I chose another field
but still related to health there I felt very disappointed.

And finally after careful thought I chose in the field of nursing I am happy to still be in the field
of health even though I am still very sorry I did not try as much as possible in taking the exam.
But I have to be sincere and try to be comfortable and explore the field of nursing, I want to
succeed in the field of nursing and create my own clinic. Actually this is not my success story
because here I just started my life story but because this is the only thing that might be a story.

Maybe for some people this is trivial. But for me, this is the first step in my life to knit success
later, Amen. I want to boast of my parents who have educated me and cared for me since
childhood with great affection, following my requests that might be a burden to them, I want to
be included in the row of people who are successful in the health field. I want to be a motivation
for them, I also want to be a successful mother in the future who can educate my future children
like my mother and father. This is my story that might not be interesting

That is all and thank you.

Fuji sariah (1811020009)

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