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Simba. This name has absolutely changed my life. Since I moved away from my
parents’ home, I lived alone in a huge house on the outskirts of Madrid. It has all
the facilities you can imagine and dream but without live and feelings. I was
stuck in a rut. My daily routine began with a long commute to my job. Once
there, I spent lots of hours working like a sleeve. But what was the aim of that
effort? For whom I worked so much? Only for me? No, something must change.
Simba came as a surprise to me. In my searching of something that change my
life, one day I went to a society for the protections of animals where abandoned
animals wait their future. And there he was. Simba, I do love “The Lion King”,
saw me before I saw him. He stared at my eyes so fixedly that I suddenly know
that this dog would be part of my life.
Since this day, my life turned 360 degrees. My life has worth. I have had
assumed an obligation and responsibility. I wake up earlier because I take a 20-
minute walked with him. When I return, he is waiting me waging his tail and
whining. Holidays have changed as well. Now I only book hotels where dogs
are allowed.
To sum up, I searched for a change and it came. I don’t regret of it. It the best
choice I has ever done. I prefer my current life with their limitations rather than
the former dull one. I prefer my life with you: SIMBA.

Sergio Asenjo Regodón

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