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Topic 5- Fluid & Electrolytes

1. A client recently diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate

antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) complains of headache, weight
gain, and nausea. Which of the following is an appropriate
nursing diagnosis for this client?
A. Deficient fluid volume related to decreased fluid
B. Excess fluid volume related to increased water
C. Deficient fluid volume related to excessive fluid loss
D. Risk for injury related to fluid volume loss

2. Dehydration is of particular concern in ill health. If a patient is

receiving IV fluid replacement and is having their fluid balance
recorded, which of the following statements is true of someone
said to be in “positive fluid balance”

A. The fluid output has exceeded the input

B. The doctor may consider increasing the IV drip rate
C. The fluid balance chart can be stopped as “positive”
means “good”
D. The fluid input has exceeded the output

3. An adult who has gastroenteritis & is on digitalis has lab values

of; K 3.2 mEq/L, Na 136 mEq/L, Ca 4.8 mEq/L, & Cl 98 mEq/L.
The nurse puts which of the following on patient’s plan of care?
A. Monitor for hyperkalemia
B. Avoid foods rich in potassium
C. Observe for digitalis toxicity
D. Observe for Trousseau’s & Chvostek’s signs
EXPLAINATION: People who take digoxin are commonly given
medications called diuretics, which remove excess fluid from the
body. Many diuretics can cause potassium loss. Low levels of
potassium in the body increase the risk of digitalis toxicity.

4. The nurse is preparing to care for a patient with a potassium

deficit. The nurse reviews the patient’s record & determines
that the client was at risk for developing the potassium deficit
because of which situation?
A. Sustained tissue damage
B. Requires naso gastric suction
C. Has a history of Addison’s disease
D. Is taking a potassium –retaining diuretic

5. The nurse is assigned to care for a group of patients. On review

of the patient’s medical records the nurse determines that
which patient is at risk for fluid volume excess?
A. The patient taking diuretics
B. The patient with kidney disease
C. The patient with an ileostomy
D. The patient who requires gastrointestinal suctioning

6. The nurse is reading a health care provider’s (HCP) progress

notes in the patient’s record & reads that the HCP has
documented “insensible fluid loss of approx 800 ml daily”. The
nurse interprets that this type of fluid loss can occur through
which route?
A. The skin
B. Urinary output
C. Wound drainage
D. The gastrointestinal tract

EXPLAINATION: Insensible Fluid Loss refers to water that

passes through the skin and is lost by evaporation, and Evaporative
water loss from the respiratory tract.
It is termed insensible as we are not aware of it.

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