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 Parietal - lines the thoracic wall, thoracic surface of the diaphragm and lateral aspect of mediastinum
 The cervical pleura extends ~3cm above the medial third of the clavicle to line the under surface of the
suprapleural membrane
 Supplied by the intercostal nerves (costal pleura and peripheral part of diaphragmatic pleura); phrenic nerve
(mediastinal pleura and diaphragmatic pleura over dome of diaphragm)
 Visceral - surrounds the lungs and receives autonomic supply


 Right - three lobes with a horizontal and an oblique fissure

 Left - two lobes only, with an oblique but no horizontal fissure. Has a cardiac notch
 Blood supply to the bronchi and connective tissue of the lung is from the bronchial arteries, branches of the
descending aorta
 Alveoli receive de-oxygenated blood from the pulmonary arteries and oxygenated blood leaves via the
pulmonary veins
 Lymphatic drainage is to the pulmonary nodes close to the hilum and then into the bronchomediastinal
lymph trunks. These two trunks ascend on either side of the trachea and drain into the brachiocephalic vein
(left) or the thoracic or right lymphatic duct
 Parasympathetic supply is from the vagus nerve - produce bronchoconstriction, vasodilation and increased
glandular secretion
 Sympathetic supply is from the thoracic sympathetic trunk, cause bronchodilation, vasoconstriction and
decreased glandular secretion

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