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Contract Quotation

For Rent a Car

(Toyota Hilux 2021)
Melvin Jones C. Mabli

Delta Earthmoving Company

Terms and Conditions

- Car Rental will be valid until the end contract of the company (Delta) with Philex Mines
located in Dam 3, Ampucao, Benguet.
- Driver and Fuel will be cared of by the company ( Delta)
- Vehicle shall not be use to carry passengers other than it’s employees authorized by the
- Repairs caused by the driver’s negligence should handle by the company
- Vehicle shall not be use to carry passengers in excess of the capacity thereof; not to use
the vehicle to push, propel or two another vehicle, trailer/ any other thing without the
permission of the owner.
- Vehicle shall not be use to carry materials in excess of it’s rated weight capacity
- Vehicle shall not be used to any race/competition/ any illegal purpose and must be
operated with negligence
- Vehicle shall not be use by any unauthorized personnel without the permission of the
- Any damage / unexpected incidents/ accidents made shall be made accountable by the
- Usage must be done within work periods and within scope of work
- Fifty thousand pesos as a monthly payment must be paid no later than 2 months

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