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Power Rule: (d/dx) (xn ) = nxn-1

2. Derivative of a constant, a:  (d/dx) (a) = 0
3. Derivative of a constant multiplied with function f: (d/dx) (a.
f) = af’
4.  Sum Rule: (d/dx) (f ± g) = f’ ± g’
5. Product Rule: (d/dx) (fg)= fg’ + gf’ 
6. Quotient Rule:ddx(fg) = gf′–fg′g2

1. ddx(sin x)=cos x
2. ddx(cos x)=–sin x
3. ddx(tan x)=sec2x
4. ddx(cot x=−cosec2x
5. ddx(sec x)=sec x tan x
6. ddx(cosec x)=−cosec x cot x
7. ddx(sinh x)=cosh x
8. ddx(cosh x)=sinh x
9. ddx(tanh x)=sech2x
10. ddx(coth x)=−cosech2x
11. ddx(sech x)=−sech x tanh x
12. ddx(cosech x)=−cosech x coth x

1. ddx(sin−1 x) = 11–x2√
2. ddx(cos−1 x) = −11–x2√
3. ddx(tan−1 x) = 11+x2
4. ddx(cot−1 x) = −11+x2
5. ddx(sec−1 x)= 1|x|x2–1√
6. ddx(cosec−1 x)= −1|x|x2–1√

1. ddx(ax)=axlna
2. ddx(ex)=ex
3. ddx(loga x) = 1(ln a)x
4. ddx(ln x)=1/x
5. Chain Rule: dydx = dydu×dudx = dydv×dvdu×dudx

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