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Self-Assessment Module 5

Looking on a good art picture
Art is an essential part of each state, city and person's life. The word “art” has a set of
definitions, characteristics and peculiarities but each person imagines and interprets it
in a special way.
Britain has an extensive art history, contributing significantly to the European – and
global – art evolution. Some even argue modern art has its origin in Britain.
Whatever your opinion of British art, you can’t miss exhibition of the year or maybe
even of the decade!
To start with, I have never seen so many gorgeous paintings! You can immerse
yourself in the world of abstract or portrait work. Every art pictures can show you an
incredible story.To my mind the habit of looking at good pictures is in itself a means
by which taste can be formed. Art allows people to talk about emotionally
meaningful experiences. Every artist tries to develop his own style of painting to
differ from other ones. There are many styles of painting in art: a portrait, a still life,
a landscape, a seascape and etc. An artist has the skill to combine form and colour
into harmonious entity and to represent a brilliant colour scheme.
The artist`s pictures may be dull, crude, chaotic and colourless daub of paint. But in
spite of it they are an exquisite piece of painting. So, you shouldn’t miss this
opportunity to dive in the word of art. And don’t forget to present your ID if you
want to have reasonable price on the tickets.

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