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ern2024 Prelim Exam: Attempt review Home / My courses / UGRD.1T5703.20337 / Week 4: Pram Bram / Brolin Exam Started on Tuesday, 1 June 2021, 12:48 PM State Finished ‘Completed on Tuesday, 1 June 2021, 107 PM Time taken 18 mins 46 sect ‘Marks. 27:00/30.00 Grade 90.00 ovt af 100.00 cueston complete Which ofthe following isthe correct example of granting role STUDENT to USER ANNA? Select one 8. GRANT ROI STUDENT TO USER ANNA; b, GRANT STUDENT TO ANNA; GRANT STUDENT TO ANNA IDENTIFIED BY 80), «GRANT ROLE STUDENT TO USER ANNA IDENTIFIED BY Bo: euson2 complete ark 10 oof 00 Which ofthe following isthe correct syntax for creating a new user? Select one 2. CREATE USER hr IDENTIFIED BY he be. CREATE ROLE hr IDENTIFIED BY USER hr; dl CREATE ROLE hr IDENTIFIED BY br, htps:vimestral!2038/mod/quiztrview.phpatlompt=3161168emi=55673 ant ern202 Prelim Exam: Attempt review cueven sk 100 oto 100 Which ofthe following is not included in the memory requirements of oracle database, Select one: 18. Manager Database Control b, 1 GB for the ASM instance and Oracle Restart 6.368 for the ASM instance 4.1 GB forthe database instance with Oracle Enterprise custond Nak 100 ut of 00 Itis a named group of related privileges that can be granted tothe user. This method makes it easier to Select one 2. character b. Operator User Role htps:/vimestral revoke and maintain privileges, ant ern202 Prelim Exam: Attempt review cuesenS sk 100 oto 100 \Which ofthe following is the correct example of granting INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE to user ANNA with an option to pass the privilege to other user? Select one {GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ‘ON EMPLOYEES TO ANNA WITH PRIVILEGE GRANT OPTION; bb GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON EMPLOYEES TO ANNA \WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE FROM EMPLOYEES TO ANNA WITH GRANT OPTION; dd GRANT INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE To EMPLOYE ‘ON ANNA WITH GRANT OPTION; cunsion 6 Mak 100 ota 100 \Which ofthe following is the correct example revoking a priviledge to INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE to USER ANNA? Select ane ‘3 REVOKE INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE FROM EMPLOYEES ‘ON USER ANNA; 'b, REVOKE INSERT, UPDATE: ON EMPLOYEES TO ANNA: EVOKE INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE FROM EMPLOYEES TO USER ANNA; d, REVOKE INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE To EMPLOYEE htps:/vimestral ern202 Prelim Exam: Attempt review cueven7 sk 000 oto 100 {Also known as the application or tool that connects to the Oracle Database Processes. Select one: 8. User process b, Connection 1. Communication coston 8 ark 10 ot of 00 \Which ofthe following is not included in the required operating system users and groups? Select one a-sysdba b. Dba «6 Groups 4. Oinstal cuevon® compte ‘This used to remove a privilege granted to a user. Select one DELETE b. CANCEL, REVOKE 4. REMOVE htps:/vimestral ant ern202 Prelim Exam: Attempt review coer 10 sk 100 oto 100 Iris a type process structure that records checkpoint information in Contra ile on each datafile header, Select one: Checkpoint Process (CKPT) b. Log Writer Process (LaWR) «Database Writer Process (D8Wh) d. Process Monitor Process MON) coeton 11 Nak 100 ut of 00 It isa communication pathway between a user process and an Oracle Database instance. Select one 2. Communicati b. User process «Connection session uevon 12 compte Itis a type of process structure that cleans up the database buffer cache Select one 2. Lag Write Process {LGWR) Process Monitor Process (PMON) Checkpoint Process (CKPT) d. Database Writer Process (O8Wn) htps:/vimestral sit ern202 Prelim Exam: Attempt review cuenon 13 sk 100 oto 100 It represents the state ofa current user login to the database instance, Select one: Communication b, Connection Session . User process cston 14 Nak 100 ut of 00 Which ofthe folowing isthe correct example of granting SELECT and INSERT on table EMPLOYEES to roleSTUDENT? Select one GRANT SELECT, INSERT ‘ON EMPLOYEES To STUDENT, GRANT SELECT, INSERT To EMPLOYEE (ON STUDENT; « GRANT SELECT, INSERT (ON EMPLOvEES TO USER STUDENT; d. GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON EMPLOYEES TO ROLE STUDENT; coenon 15 complete ware 10 oof 00 Itis a type of privilege that is used to manipulating the content of the database objects. Select one Table / View Schema Object System htps:/vimestral ont ern202 Prelim Exam: Attempt review cuevon 16 sk 100 oto 100 It isa type a Oracte environment where Oracle Products run Select ane a ORACLE SIO b, ORACLE HOME ORACLE BASE ORACLE WAREHOUSE coston 17 ark 10 ot of 00 Which ofthe following System Privileges is not part of SYSTEM privilege? Select one 2. CREAT VIEW b. CREATE TABLE «CREATE SESSION CREATE INDEX cuevon 18 compte Iris a type of process structure that can collect transaction, redo data and transmit that data to standby destinations Select one Checkpoint Process (CKPT) Log Writer Process (LaWR) « Recoverer Process 4. Archiver Processes (ARCh) htps:/vimestral mm ern202 Prelim Exam: Attempt review cueron 19 sk 100 oto 100 Itis a communication between a user process and an instance Select ane Session bisgiPhust Database Instance d. Connection cueton 20 ark 10 ot of 00 \Which ofthe following isthe correct example of selecting all columns fram employees table using the user BEN? Select one 2. SELECT * FROM STUDENT b. SELECT * FROM SYSTEM STUDENT; « SELECT * FROM STUDENT BY USER BEN; dl, SELECT * FROM SYSTEM STUDENT BY USER BEN; cuetion 21 compte Which ofthe following is the correct Disk space requirement when installing Oracle? Select one 33408 b3ce 3868 16a htps:/vimestral ant ern202 Prelim Exam: Attempt review cuewon 22 ak 100 oto 100 Which ofthe following is not included in the optional requirement for operating system of oracle database? Select ane a. Asmdba , asmadmin| Dba 1. Asmaper ston 28 ware 000 ot of 00 Itis a type process structure that automatically connects to other databases involved in in- doubt distributed transactions Select one 2. Log Writer Process (LGWR) bs, Checkpoint Process (CKPT) « Recoverer Process 4, Archiver Processes (ARCh) cursor 24 compte Also known as Oracle Database backup and restore operations Select one a Large Poo! Redo Log Butfer «Data Buffer Cache d.Java Pool htps:/vimestral ont ern202 Prelim Exam: Attempt review cuenen 2S ak 100 oto 100 ‘This use to connect to the Oracle instance and is started when a user establishes session Select ane Connection b Server process User process 1. Communication cueton 26 ark 10 ot of 00 Itis a type of process structure that records checkpoint information in Control fil on each datafile header Select one 2. Process Monitor Process (PMON) b, Checkpoint Process (CKPT) « Database Writer Process (D8Wh) 4. Log Writer Process (LGWR) ueson 27 compte Itis part ofthe System Global Area whichis used to provide memory for Oracle Streams processes Select one a Large Poo! Redo Log Butfer «Data Buffer Cache d.Java Pool htps:/vimestral sont ern202 cueren 28 ak 100 oto 100 Holds information about changes made tothe database Select ane 1. Data Butfer Cache b Large Poo! Java Poo! Redo Log Buffer cueton 29 ark 10 ot of 00 Prelim Exam: Attempt review Itis part ofthe System Global Area (SGA) that hold copies of data blocks that are read from data files Select one 2. Redo Log Butfer b. Data Bulfer Cache «Java Pool 4. Large Poo! cursor 30 compte Iris a ype of process structure that writes the redo log butfer to a redo log file on disk Select one ‘Database Writer Process (DBWn) Log Writer Process (LcWA) Checkpoint Process (CKPT) 4d. Process Monitor Process (PMON) = Prelim Quiz 2 Jump to, htps:/vimestral Lesson 4: D8 transaction and Concurrency Control = an

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