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The Digitalization in Health Industry

Dr.Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic are the market leaders in developing solutions, which helps to
facilitate customers. During this pandemic, they were the first one who were providing Covid Testing
services in Pakistan.

In collaboration with Pakistan Army, the first isolation centre was provided laboratory and diagnostic
services by Dr. Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic Centre. Till date these services are provided Free of cost
for those who cannot afford.

In this Pandemic, Dr. Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic centre not only provided their services but also
created a lot of opportunities for people who lost their jobs. They planned their expansion in these
tough times so that they can facilitate their customers within the neighbourhood and create as much
employment as possible.

Expanding network throughout Pakistan, and with more than 60 plus branches and collection points.
Dr.Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic Centre proved that they are customer centric and want to facilitate
everyone at their door steps.

Along with this they initiated their web and mobile portal through which you can easily book your

Covid -19 or any test no matter where you are. Keeping in mind the convenience of customer and their
loved ones they also initiated a portal which enable people to book appointments for any one no matter
where they are in the world.

Moving ahead Dr. Essa Laboratory and Diagnostic centre has also planned a detail version of personal
care for their customer. Which will provide personalized services at their home, which includes X-Ray
facility, ECG,BMD, Ultrasound, all laboratory services and physiotherapy.

Digitalization in this century is all about how you make your customers journey comfortable and hassle
free with just a tap on the mobile scree.

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