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THEME: LEADERSHIP FOR THE AFRICA WE WANT From time immemorial, Africa had been the theatre for many misdeeds from different countries “governors. Anti-democratic practices had been seen in various countries from our continent, power overturn against democratic elected authorities were and are still remarkable. Many practices leading to underdevelopment of Africa had been done by our leaders like enabling the embezzlement, stealing Africa resources, being the labor forces of western leaders and promoting nepotism and favoritism. All these practices are,therefore.the big hindrances to reaching sustainable development and all are from our leaders who do not care for the development of Africa, Then, leadership which proactively acts, that promotes critical thinking and self-controlled investment, that controls African richness and care more about ‘African citizens is the leadership for the Africa we want. Proactive behavior is the first quality that we,Africans.need in our leaders. Most of the African leaders are reactive,they react passively after something has taken place which should not be the case. We want leadership which is proactive by preparing tomorrow and predicting results on projects to be undertaken and prepares the counterattacking measures against eventual hindrances.Leadership that has the end in mind, knows the priorities for the citizens and knows how to tackle eventual issues. Our Africa continent is rich in mineral resources and other valuable things that can lead our continent to the development, we need visionary leadership like Thomas Sankara, Mouammar Khadafi who saw the needs of their citizens and respond them favorably. Most of the time, we have seenEuropean or American consulting, groupscoming to study how to develop Africa whereas we have our own specialists in all domains and who really know the problems we have and what are the necessary and useful means to develop our continent. Leadership that think about building factories, huge industries to transform our natural resources, is the one we Africa wants. Leaders who take time to think and analyze the Africans’ situation,find the sustainable solutions for African issues are leaders that we want. Thomas Sankara eradicated the poverty in a very short time because he took time to analyze and work on his citizens’ needs. Leadership that controls African richness by enabling external investment is the one we want. ‘No country has developed without the full control of its economy. We want leadership which alters the current practices of letting African economy in the hands of Europeans, Americans or Asians. To enable external investments is of paramount importance but our leaders need to take further actions to regulate the way activities are done and to see what the goals of those investments are. Are Africans beneficiaries? Are they respecting African rules and laws? Are they not willing to corrupt African leaders to get what investors need from our continent? Are they responding to current situations of African citizens? By finding reassuring answers to these queries, leaders can take actions. With this leadership spirit, we can witness the development of Africa and the well-being of Africans. The big hindrance for African economy is nepotism and long reign over countries by some leaders. Fighting against nepotism is from the leaders that Africa wants. Nepotism embeds only bad things, countries are crippled by this practice because they no longer produce enough as key responsibilities leading to production are given to relatives of the current leaders. ‘This practice hinders the good life of countries, poverty is seen everywhere, citizens starve, unemployment increases and governments increase taxes on trading, properties, wages and this contributes to underproduction. In this case, development is impossible because key positions are taken by unqualified people, and this leads to exile of qualified people. We want,then,leadership that can cope with this dangerous practice to unveil capabilities and talents which, of course, can contribute to African renaissance economically as well as politically. The long reign of current leaders is another practice that needs to be eradicated to enable new emerging leaders that we want to enable sustainable development. If a country is governed by a leader for ten years, to see new ideas in his team is rare, the country becomes stable as well as the economy. This leads to witnessing people who are thirsty of change, they use all the methods including power overtum. Many innocent people are killed and the country decreases more. The leadership we want is the one which enables change, avoid routines and which appreciate the diversity because as many we are rain but as one we are drop. Leadership for the Africa we want is the one that strengthens the educational system and health one, To always wait for other's help is scandalous for our leaders, sending their children to study abroad and get treated there shows that we still have to do something to improve our educational system and health by building schools, universities and hospitals with necessary and up-to-date materials and most importantly hire qualified employees from Africans because specialists in all domains are available. Leadership that promotes the application of laws and fight against corruption is the one Africa wants because corruption is a very big problem for the development. We need leadership that increases and promotes small associations, organizations and enable the integration of regional organizations and ‘communities. Supporting the regional community initiatives is for our leaders we want because through these communities; thoughts,ideas and contributions are brought together, take insights from them, put together all efforts to get satisfactory results for the good of the ‘community.Leaders that we want are these ones who are ready to face and challenge these hindrances to reach sustainable development. On the whole, leadership for the Africa we want is the one that acts proactively, that promotes critical thinking, controls African richness by enabling external self-controlled investment, strengthens our educational system and health, appreciates diversity by enabling the emerging of new young leaders, that fights against nepotism and corruption. Having this leadership will enable reaching sustainable development and the well-being of African citizens.

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