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The topic being examined for my SBA is Child Abuse with the focus on the theme “The
consequences of Child abuse”. I have chosen this topic because I have seen acts of child
abuse around the area in which I live in and it hurts me to see child being abuse by their
elders.Through doing this topic I I intend to educate the public about why parents abuse children
and to reduce the cases of it happening in the future by letting my voice be heard.

To find solutions I would attempt to conduct an interview which would be my primary source of
information. This would give me an idea on why children are abused and what are some of the
consequences of a child being abused. And to supplement my research in my reflection will be
a short story titled “Never ending trauma” where the character always finds himself always being
abused by his parents which causes the character to have after symptoms due to being abused.

This theme will directly benefit me along with other students by giving us with the knowledge on
child abuse and also by showing us that child abuse is wrong. This theme appeals to me
because I want to work in the child abuse department when I get older In helping parents to
resolve disputes in an orderly manner while dealing with children and also showing them that
resolving conflict with children is the best thing to do rather than abusing them.

Norman could remember the very first day he came to live with the oldman mr.Hawkins. His
poor parents who loved him so much and could hardly provide for him made the decided that
they wanted a better life for him and so they put him up for adoption. Around that same
Mr.hawkins had recieved the news that norman was up for adoption so a few days later norman
was adopted by Mr.hawkins who then became his original father. At first the relationship
between Mr.hawkins and norman started of smoothly but as time progressed the Mr.hawkins
really started to show his true color.

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