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In the novel Spirits Are Forever With You Zangetsu Possessed Ichigo (the one that

fought Ulquiorra) is stated to be superior to 100% Resurrección Cien

[URL='']30% of Base Cien is stated to be superior to

We can reasonably assume Mayuri is referring to Yammy [B]at his strongest[/B] for
three reasons;
[*][URL='']He actually watched Yammy's entire battle
with Kenpachi and Byakuya and saw Rage Form Yammy[/URL]
[*][URL='']Mayuri said he would take Yammy's corpse for
study after he was killed[/URL]
[*]He's interested by the sheer amount of power Cien has, I don't see him being
interested in someone weaker than a character he's already studied.
[URL='']It's a bit hard to explain to people who
potentially haven't read the novel, but essentially, Cien is a clone of
Szayelaporro's original form, which was a Vasto Lorde and originally the strongest
Espada, for most of the novel he goes around collecting separated pieces of himself
that gradually return him to his original power, but for the majority of the novel
he is only at 30% power.[/URL]

[URL='']Towards the end of the novel, it's stated that

Cien it at 60% of his power from reclaiming several separated pieces thrown out by

30% Base Cien > Rage Form Yammy (67.2 Teratons)

100% Base Cien = 224 Teratons | (67.2 / 30) * 100

Resurrección is accepted as a 5x multiplier and we know Cien's Resurrección does

increase his stats since he's now able to no sell Kenpachi's strikes which were
cleanly cutting through him before and keep up with eyepatch off Kenpachi whereas
eyepatch on Kenpachi was equal to Base Cien,
[URL='']Kenpachi's eyepatch is
accepted to amp [B]all[/B] his stats[/URL].

Regardless, Cien is a clone of

Granz[/URL] original form and their Resurrección is [I]basically[/I] the exact same
and Szayelaporro's Resurrección is accepted to increase his stats on his profile.

100% Resurrección Cien = 1120 Teratons or 1.12 Petatons | ((67.2 / 30) * 100) * 5

[SIZE=6]Supporting evidence[/SIZE]
[*]Cien is able to fight on par with Post-Hueco Mundo Arc Kenpachi without his
eyepatch, whereas Hueco Mundo Kenpachi didn't even bother taking his eyepatch off
against Yammy Llargo.
[*]Base Cien's regular Cero is mistaken for a Gran Rey Cero by a spectator, for
clarification, a Gran Rey Cero is superior to a Cero Oscuras which are 10x as
strong as regular Cero's.
[SIZE=6]Debunking potential counters[/SIZE]
[*]"Since Cien is a clone of Szayellaporro Granz original form, who is just a
combination of these
[URL='']characters[/URL] he can't
be this strong"
[URL='']It is stated that the combining of two Arrancars
isn't simply an addition of their power, but rather a massive multiplied increase,
so Cien being a combination of two fodders wouldn't mean Cien himself is only
equivalent to those two characters together.[/URL]

And this isn't a rule to how merging/dividing works anyway, Piccolo became
exponentially stronger after absorbing Kami who was fodder to him at that point.

[SIZE=6]Is it consistent with Zangetsu Possessed Ichigo's showings?[/SIZE]

It's very consistent, [URL='']Ichigo at half power was

able to [B]overwhelm[/B] Segunda Etapa Ulquiorra's Cero Oscuras with just a basic
Cero[/URL], Cero Oscuras is 10x greater than a regular Cero and Segunda Etapa
Ulquiorra can be [I]reasonably [/I]argued to be the strongest Espada.

[SIZE=6]Who this scales to[/SIZE]

[*]Zangetsu Possessed Ichigo
[*]Aizen (Is stated to be above any of the Espada, which would logically include
previous Espada as well, which Cien was)
[*]Post-Nnoitra Fight Kenpachi (Fought on par with Cien)
[SIZE=6]Cien Profile[/SIZE]

It should be fine for a profile to be created for him for the following reasons;
[*]His personality is completely different to both Szayelaporro Granz and Yylfordt
[*]He's demonstrated more abilities than either
[*]Completely different statistics to either character
[*]Major antagonist of the novel
[SIZE=6]Changes to
Kenpachi's[/URL] profile[/SIZE]

[URL=''][SIZE=4]The simplest part of this segment,

Azashiro Kenpachi's range with his Bankai should be thousands of kilometers due to
being able to merge with and manipulate the entirety of Seiretei, which has an
accepted diameter of 1018 kilometers.[/SIZE][/URL]

[SIZE=4]Probably the most controversial part of this segment, Azashiro should

probably have nigh-omnipresence with his Bankai via being able to fuse with the
entirety of Seiretei, attack from anywhere within it and perceive everything going
on within it, evidence is the same as for range.[/SIZE]

He should maybe have teleportation since he's able to appear anywhere he has fused
with, might already be covered by the nigh-omnipresence if it's accepted though.

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