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A enjoyable day in my life is gathering with my family. Because in my opinion my family

can make me happy and let go fatigue. My family is understands who i am. With them i will
enjoy holiday. Whetever it’s just relaxing in my home. More over this the end month in
years and all my families in out of town will come to my house and we can go to my village.
We can enjoy holiday with them. Enjoy beauty my village. We will gathering and holiday.
I am happy goes to village we will plan to enjoy the holidays together in the village ...

The fun for me besides that is to go back to my hometown, even if it's only for a while and
just make the body tired on the road it doesn't matter to me because I can enjoy the fresh air
and its beauty which is much cooler and more beautiful than the city of Medan because in
village I can enjoy the wonderfull village which does not exist in the city. In my village i
could see traditional tradition of the local people. As a goes to how to live away from the
crowds, activities that I often noticed such as still washing in the river, bathing in clear rivers,
going to fields, and especially at the end of the year there was a habit of making This lemang
or Mangalomang batak language
is fun activety because we rarely encounter this habit in the city.

Other things make my life enjoy is when my uncle come to my home because i am very dear
my uncle, my uncle very kind for me, if he come back to her home he will give a money and
give advice for me for active learning. If my uncle come to my house, i will get much money.

other things than, when i am with my best friends, because we can make crazy things
If I with them, i am very happy. problems that are on their minds will disappear if they are
already with them.

My best friend has the same habits as me, snacking, walking, talking about nothing to talk
about, going to the mall but not shopping looking for a free place and lots of other things we
can do to make fun between us.

I am very happy and enjoy if i with them.

I always enjoy and happy do all the activities with them, they are able to eliminate my bad
mood to be a good mood.

so whatever we do is a pleasant thing for me

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