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Nama : Amelia Azzahra

Npm : 20154011010
Prodi : DIII Kebidanan tingkat 1


1. What are three advantages and disadvantages of birth control?

2. What are the possible possible traditional and moderm treatment for inftuenza patient (8
months gestational age woman)?
3. What is the possible health problem will be faced by Indonesian 25 years later?
4. What are the negative effects of smoking to the pregnant woman?


1. What are three advantages and disadvantages of birth control?

a. Advanteges
Iuds containing copper up to 99 percent are considered effective protection against
b. sidadvantages
During the first six months of its use, women will experience irregular bleeding and
blotting, require experienced help to install and release, and not protect from stis.

 Excess contraceptive
a. implants are very effective, don't interfere with sex activities, and can last a long
b. Deficiencies require the help of trained people in installation and release,
sometimes with irregular bleeding at the beginning of usage, and failing to protect
from stis.
 Contraceptive injection
a. This injection or injection can last up to three months, is highly effective, and does not
interfere with sexual activity.
b. Sidadvantages
Injecting can cause menstrual abnormalities or irregular bleeding, requiring
recordkeeping long as it is used, and failing to protect against ims.

2. What are the possible possible traditional and moderm treatment for inftuenza patient (8
months gestational age woman)?
 The possibility of traditional infuenza treatment does not induce side effects and does not feel
sleepy a substance containing modern medicine tends to improve more quickly but there are
serious side effects if consumed periodically.

3. What is the possible health problem will be faced by Indonesian 25 years later?
 The next 25 years will probably be a threat to an Indonesian child's future.
Stunting causes significant economic damage. Those with a weak immune system, are more
susceptible to diseases such as diabetes and cancer, and tend to die earlier than normal people.
Brain development is also affected, and sufferers also have lower iqs and lower incomes as

4. What are the negative effects of smoking to the pregnant woman?

 When pregnant women use tobacco, they are at risk
health problems for themselves and poor birth outcomes for their babies.
It causes miscarriages, cancers, fetal defects, et cetera

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