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Nama : Amelia Daulay

NIM : 200441046

Class : 1A English Language Education

Courses : Basic English Structure

 Sentence by using noun :

1. Dika is a good boy
2. Hanun was a wise queen
3. Rober killed Nana
4. Tiger as the National Animal of India
5. Indonesia is the fifth most populous country in the world
6. Jennifer has a beautiful sister
7. Jogja is beautiful city
8. I love to play with my cat
9. Indonesia is a wonderful country
10. I live in Puding Besar
11. Her name is Nola
12. I visited the Seoul Tower in South Korea
13. Christmas is my friend favourite festival
14. My father likes Hero’s Day
15. My mom is nice

 Sentence by using verb :

1. Salsa ran a long road
2. My father has gone Europe
3. I take this food
4. I make a cup cake
5. He send me a letter
6. She throw the ball to me
7. He grabs my hand
8. He buy two boxes of pizza
9. Don’t touch my phone
10. My father fixed my computer
11. I walk behind his house
12. We decorated this room
13. I open the package
14. She picks two piece of candies
15. I will punch you on your face
 Sentence using adjective :
1. She’s so pretty
2. This is so cool
3. They are great
4. Its so cute
5. Your skin is really soft
6. Your voice is really nice
7. Your mom is really thoughtfull
8. Your dad is handsome
9. He is so lazy
10. That car is really expensive
11. That snack is really cheap
12. He is so rude
13. That horse run so fast
14. She is very sensitive
15. He is so smart

 Sentence using adverb :

1. He swims well
2. When I clean, I do laundry last
3. He never wants to go to the mall with me
4. The movie is starting now
5. I have many things to accomplish today
6. Tomorrow, my mother going to the movies
7. I only take the bus to work
8. I am so hungry, I could eat a cat
9. Baby Jeka was very tired after missing her afternoon nap
10. I really don’t care what you think
11. You simply don’t understand
12. She will plant her garden here
13. When I bake, I make strawberry cookies first
14. She midly disapproved of his action
15. He moves so slowly in the morning

 Sentence using pronoun :

1. The cat is mine
2. Something is wrong there
3. Everyone was crying
4. All of the players we count on are out of form
5. This is my bicycle
6. they went to the mall
7. she asked me to review it by this evening
8. I myself am a slow walker
9. Many of them were injured
10. Those are my neighbour’s dogs
11. That is my laptop
12. This is a present from my dad
13. This doll is better than that
14. Look at Lala. She is a good girl
15. This car belongs to us

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