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6/6/2021 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO B02]

Examen parcial - Semana 4

Fecha de entrega
8 de jun en 23:55
5 de jun en 0:00 - 8 de jun en 23:55
4 días
Límite de tiempo
90 minutos
Intentos permitidos


Historial de intentos

Intento Hora Puntaje

MANTENER Intento 2
11 minutos 96.67 de 100


11 minutos 96.67 de 100 1/9
6/6/2021 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO B02]

Intento Hora Puntaje

Intento 1
62 minutos 81 de 100

Las respuestas correctas ya no están disponibles.

Puntaje para este intento:

96.67 de 100
Entregado el 6 de jun en 10:44
Este intento tuvo una duración de 11 minutos.

Pregunta 1 20
/ 20 pts




Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box. There
are some extra words you don’t need to use.

qualifications -  exchange - assignment - touch - championship - grades -

hit homesick - degree - overseas - floods - lead singer - fog - fan club


1.    I can’t go out because I have a long Geography assignment


2.    Bye! Please keep in touch

. Don’t forget me :(

3.    My parents will let me go to the party if I get good grades

in all the exams.

4.    Turn on the TV; today is the tennis championship


5.    One of my dreams is traveling overseas

. I’d love to visit

different countries.

6.    Turn on the car lights! It’s difficult to see in this fog
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6/6/2021 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO B02]

7.    Poor Lucas; he’s homesick

. He really misses his family.

8.    My favorite band is Muse. Its lead singer

is Matt Bellamy;

he’s very attractive. My favorite song is “Uprising”; it was a

7 years ago.

9.    It has been raining too hard and people are leaving their houses
because of the

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Respuesta 9:


Respuesta 10:


Parcial Pregunta 2 16.67

/ 20 pts


I.    Complete the first part of the following article with the correct
form of the verb in parenthesis. (present perfect or passive voice).

Finland  has been

(be), for many years, one of the best

countries in education. Why? What does Finland do differently?

First of all, in terms of evaluation, Finnish students only take one
standardized test during their entire primary and secondary schooling. 
The Finnish test, called the National Matriculation Examination,
is took
(take) at the end of high school and it

is graded
(grade) by teachers, not computers.  The questions

students are asked

(ask) are about life, happiness, ethics,

political issues, evolution, environment, etc.

Regarding the teaching profession, through years, Finnish authorities

have understood
(understand) the importance to appreciate and value

teachers. In fact, teachers in Finland are paid

(pay) twice as

much as teachers in Latin America.

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has been

Respuesta 2:

is took

Respuesta 3:

is graded

Respuesta 4:

are asked

Respuesta 5:

have understood

Respuesta 6:

are paid

Pregunta 3 20
/ 20 pts


In order to understand a little bit more about this education model, we

interviewed Pasi Sahlberg, a professor and former director general at the
Finland Ministry of Education.

II.    Read the interview with Pasi Sahlberg and choose the correct
question, based on the answer.

1.     How long has Finland been in the first places in the PISA ranking?

Our students have been in the first places for more than 10 years.

2.     Have you increased the ludic activities in your classes?

Yes, we have. It’s clear that kids need to play and have fun. It’s a natural 5/9
6/6/2021 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO B02]

part of their process.

3.     Are teachers considered important in Finland?

Yes, they are. They are treated with a lot of respect.

4.     Has education improved all around the world?

No. it hasn’t. There are many countries where education is not a right and
it’s not considered a priority.

Respuesta 1:

How long has Finland been in the first places in the PISA ranking?

Respuesta 2:

Have you increased the ludic activities in your classes?

Respuesta 3:

Are teachers considered important in Finland?

Respuesta 4:

Has education improved all around the world?

Pregunta 4 20
/ 20 pts


Read the following text about Christmas and identify if the statements below are

Christmas is an important Christian holiday in Europe and North America.

It is celebrated on December 25th. In the weeks before Christmas,
Christmas trees are put up in homes and offices and are beautifully
decorated. People dress up as Santa Claus and sit in shopping malls 6/9
6/6/2021 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL IV-[GRUPO B02]

giving children presents. Christmas carols are played and sung in the
malls and on the streets.

Families and friends usually exchange presents. Families share a

Christmas meal that usually consists of roast turkey, roast potatoes and a
large choice of vegetables followed by Christmas Pudding and Mince
pies. Some people prefer Christmas parties where they drink beer, wine
and sometimes champagne. Since shops and entertainment centers are
closed, not many people go out at Christmas, unless they are going to
church or to visit families. Christmas celebrations are not just on
December 25th as people celebrate on Christmas Eve and the day after
Christmas which is called Boxing Day.

Santa Claus is part of the Christmas festivities and small children believe
he brings their presents down the chimney on Christmas Eve. Children
believe that he lives in the North Pole and travels with his reindeers to
deliver presents to children around the world. Some people traditionally
leave a glass of sherry for Santa and a carrot for his reindeers. There is
lots of excitement on Christmas morning as children get up VERY early to
open their presents.

1.    Two things people do on Christmas are singing carols and wearing
Santa Claus’s costumes. True

2.    Roasted turkey, chicken or meat are usually part of the Christmas
meal. False

3.    Going out is not a common activity on Christmas. True

4.    Boxing day is on December 24Th. False

5.    Children believe Santa Clause likes sherry and carrots. False

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Pregunta 5 20
/ 20 pts


Listen to Johnny and Karen talking about New Year’s celebrations in

China and Scotland. Read the statements below and identify if they
are True or False, based on the conversation.

1.    In Scotland many people clean their houses on the first of January.

2.    Karen remembers her mom opened the door at 12 and they all waited
for the first foot to come.      True

3.    Karen also remembers they all came out to the streets to eat and
drink. False

4.    New Year in China is usually between January and February. True

5.    In China they relate the food they eat on New Year with luck and
money. True

6.    As a tradition, kids and single people are given money. True

Adapted from Cutting Edge

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Puntaje del examen:

96.67 de 100 9/9

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