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*COVID hits Pakistan. Nationwide lockdown implemented*

Social Media activist: *Phone rings late at night* Hello?

Neighbour: *Crying* Sorry to disturb you so late at night but its an emergency.

SMA: Its okay, tell me what happened?

Neighbour: My father has COVID and he’s very critical. The doctors have tried everything and
nothing worked. They want to take a chance by doing plasma therapy but I am unable to find a
donor since the blood group is rare.

SMA: What’s the blood group?

Neighbour: It’s O negative.

SMA: Sorry, my blood group is B positive but don’t worry, I’ll find you a donor as soon as

Neighbour: Thank you. *Hangs up*

SMA: *Puts up posts on social media platforms for plasma donation*

*After few hours, a donor with the same blood group contacts the SMA*

SMA: *Calls the friend* Hey, good news I found a donor for your father.

Neighbour: *Crying loudly*

SMA: What happened? Tell me!

Neighbour: My father is no more with us. We were late in finding the plasma.


SMA: *In deep thinking*

Friend: Are you okay?

SMA: Yeah, I am just thinking about my neighbour’s father. We could have saved him if the
plasma was arranged on time.

Friend: You did your best.

SMA: But it wasn’t good enough.

Friend: Don’t be too hard on yourself man, it’s the government’s job to provide resources to us
not yours.

SMA: Well, I can’t just sit here and do nothing when the pandemic is killing hundreds daily.

Friend: Have you thought of something?

SMA: Yes! Look, I was able to find a donor within hours just because of my social media
influence. I can use that to help the people regularly.

Friend: Yeah, but it would be difficult for the general public to contact you in time.

SMA: *Makes worrying expressions and starts thinking again*

SMA: *After a while* YES GOT IT!

Friend: Umm.. what?

SMA: We should make a digital platform accessible for all.

Friend: Umm.. care to elaborate?

SMA: Lets make a digital community through a Facebook group which is accessible for all. We
can use our social media power to promote it. We can collect data from the people who are
willing to donate plasma so when someone who is in need of a donor can get it quickly through
our database. What do you think?

Friend: This might actually work.


*The idea of making a group turns out to be an instant success*

Friend: Congratulations, your plan worked.

SMA: Thanks but it still a work in progress.

Friend: What do you mean?

SMA: I noticed that there is so much disinformation and COVID related myths spreading in the
group and no one is there to rectify them.

Friend: So what will you do about it?

SMA: I have contacted a few doctor friends who have agreed to help clear all the confusions
and answer the queries of people about COVID in the group. They will be answering questions
and will be spreading correct information there frequently. This will be so beneficial for the
public in getting educated about the pandemic, so that they can manage it effectively.

Friend: That’s smart thinking. You’re widening the scope of the group.

SMA: This is not all. I have also contacted a few medical equipment suppliers, they will be
assisting the people in getting the oxygen cylinders, oxymeters and other essentials at the right

Friend: Wow, you have really made this group an all in one platform for COVID affected people.


SMA: *Phone rings* Hello?

Stranger: Hi. Is this **** speaking?

SMA: Yes, who’s this?

Stranger: My name is **** and I wanted to thank you for the brilliant initiative you have taken
for the COVID affected people. We needed a donor for my father to save his life and through
your platform, we got it in no time. My father is the sole bread earner in our family and around
eight human lives are dependent on him. You didn’t only save him, you saved the lives of eight
people and we all are so grateful for that. Thank you so much!

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