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 Step 2: 

o Think about your favorite horror films, then choose the film that
you like the most. 

 Step 3: 
 From the film you have chosen, prepare a dialog following these
 For Student A: You are a radio presenter and are
interviewing student B (a film critic) about a horror film he/she saw
last year. Ask him/her questions to find out what he or she liked or
didn’t like about the film. You can use the questions and the ideas
 Questions you can use:  

What horror movie did you see?

The Movie IT / The Killer Clown)

 What did you think of the setting of the movie?

 Very interesting since it is a supernatural horror movie where the
"Losers" are pushed into different nightmare scenarios.
 Did you like the performance of the IT clown?
 If I liked his performance of the character. Since he is very subject
to the role, by causing intrigue to the moments of appearing.
 How did you find the Movie Trailer?
 A friend of mine recommended it to me
 What did you like the most about the movie?
 When jeorge (young brother) takes off her arm

Ideas to complete the questions: Plot acting, actors, music,

special effects.
 For Student B: You are a film critic. Student A (radio
presenter) is interviewing you about a horror film you saw. Think of a
horror movie you know well and answer student’s A questions. You can
use the expressions and the vocabulary below. 
 Expressions: I thought the________ / In my opinion,
the_________  / I really liked the________  / I found the

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