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Book Trailer For The One and Only Ivan

Kaylee Kessler
Title Scene

Composite: Green Background to Mimic Book Cover

Type of Shot: Still image with transitions applied
Framing:Vertical image centered horizontally in frame
Text: “The One and Only Ivan” (Helvetica Neue Bold Italic White /Size:60) and
“By: Katherine Applegate” (Helvetica Neue Light White / Size: 36)
Picture: Gorilla (labeled CC0 1.0/
Time: 10 seconds
Transition: Cross Blur
Audio: imovie audio: Travel

Narrator: None

Scene 1: Introduction/Hook
Video Composite: Narrator (Ms. Kessler) standing up, holding a copy of The One and Only
Background: Outside (Jungle/Gorilla Habitat)
Type of Shot: Medium
Framing: Ms. Kessler standing alone
Time: 30 Seconds
Transition: Cross Blur to next image
Audio: Narrator Speaking
Background Music: imovie audio: Travel

Narrator: “How would you feel if you spent every day of your life in a cage? Imagine looking
at the same objects and metal bars every day. Imagine how helpless you would feel. In the
novel, The One and Only Ivan, Ivan lives this reality. Ivan, a silverback gorilla lives in a zoo
that is located in a mall. Ivan soon realized that there were many more places in the world that
he could be exploring if he was not locked up in a cage. Let’s read The One and Only Ivan, to
see what Ivan does!”
Scene 2: Background of Book

Composite: Image of drawing from Ivan

( )
Type of Shot: Still Image
Framing: Cover will be Centered in Frame
Time: 25 Seconds
Transition: Cross Blur to next image
Audio: Narrator Speaking
Background Music: imovie audio: Travel

Narrator: “This Newbery Medal winning book was written by Katherine Applegate and
illustrated by Patricia Castelao. This true story is about a silverback gorilla who spent 27 years
alone in the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade intimidating young children behind metal
bars. Ivan spent his free time drawing!”
Scene 3: Hard Times

Composite: Image of Closed SIgn (labeled CC0 1.0/

Type of Shot: Still Image
Framing: Image will cover entire frame
Time: 15 seconds
Transition: Cross Blur to next image
Audio: Narrator Speaking
Background Music: imovie audio: Travel

Narrator: “Ivan soon begins to think that he will never meet another gorilla like himself in his
life. People soon stop coming to the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and the owner begins to worry that he
might have to shut down the mall.

Scene 4: Ruby

Composite: Image of Baby Elephant (labeled CC0 1.0/

Type of Shot: Still Image with Transitions Applied
Framing: Image will cover entire frame
Time: 20 Seconds
Transition: Cross Blur to next image
Audio: Narrator Speaking
Background Music: imovie audio: Travel

Narrator: “The owner then decided to try one more thing before having to close the mall. One
day, Ruby, a baby elephant, comes into the Exit 8 Big Top Mall. The owner had hopes that this
would excite guests and prevent the mall from closing. Ruby was taken from her family. Ruby
begins to help Ivan feel like he is at home by helping him remember parts of his life outside
the mall.”

Scene 5: Thoughts

Composite: Image of Ivan Thinking (labeled for reuse on Wikimedia Commons)

Type of Shot: Still Image with Transitions Applied
Framing: Image will cover entire frame
Time: 15 Seconds
Transition: Cross Blur to next image
Audio: Narrator Speaking
Background Music: imovie audio: Travel

Narrator: “Ivan comes to the conclusion that he has to save Ruby. Ivan has to come up with a
plan to help Ruby escape the conditions at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall.”
Scene 6: Read to Find Out!

Composite: Cover of The One and Only Ivan (labeled for reuse on
Type of Shot: Still Image with transitions applied
Framing: Image will cover entire frame
Time: 20 Seconds
Transition: Cross Blur to next image
Audio: Narrator Speaking
Background Music: imovie audio: Travel

Narrator: “With the help of a little girl, pictures (drawn by Ivan) are placed on the billboard
outside the mall to attract reporters. The reporters come in and report on the conditions of the
mall. Will Ivan and Ruby escape the lonely and harsh conditions at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall?
Read The One and Only Ivan today to find out!”

Scene 7: Credits

Book: The One and Only Ivan by:Katherine Applegate Published by: Harper Collins
Scholastic Corporation, 2012

Audio: iMovie, Travel

Images: Gorilla, Mathias Appel

Image Created By Ivan, Schu
Image of Closed SIgn, Alabama Extension

Baby Elephant, Tyranny Sue

Ivan Thinking,_Tacoma,_WA_1989.jpg

Book Cover

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