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Dimary Cubero
Juan Rosado
Anneliz Molina
 Child Abuse is something or failing to do
something that results in harm to a child or
puts a child at risk of harm.
 Types of Child abuse are physical, sexual or
emotional. Neglect is also a form of abuse.

1-child neglect: Is the most frequently reported form
of child abuse (63% of all cases) and the most
lethal. Is a pattern of failing to provide for a child’s
basic needs, whether it be adequate food, clothing,
hygiene, or supervision.
Some warning signs of neglect in children:
A- Clothes are filthy, or inappropriate for the weather
B- hygiene is consistently bad (unbathed, un washed
hair, noticeable body odor.)
C-physical injuries and is frequently late or missing
 2-Physical Child Abuse: is the second most
frequently reported form of child abuse (16% of
all cases). Involves Physical harm or injury to
the child . It can also result from severe
discipline, such as using a belt on a child, or
physical punishment. The result can be:
punching, beating, kicking, biting, shaking the
child etc..
 Frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, cuts.
 Injuries appear to have marks from a hand or
belt .
 Wears inappropriate clothing to cover up
injuries, such as long-sleeved shirts on hot
 3- Sexual Abuse :is the (10% of all cases). It’s
important to recognize that sexual abuse
doesn’t always involve body contact. Exposing
a child to sexual situations or material is
sexually abusive.
 Sexual abuse usually occurs at the hands of
someone the child knows and should be able to
trust most often close relatives.
 Boys and girls both suffer from sexual abuse.
 Trouble walking or sitting.
 Displays knowledge or interest in sexual acts
inappropriate to his age, or even seductive
 Makes strong efforts to avoid a specific person,
without an obvious reason.
 4-Emotial Abuse: is the (7% of all cases since
2005). Emotional Abuse can severely damage
a child’s mental health or social
development, leaving lifelong psychological
 Constant belittling, shaming, and humiliating a
 Calling names and ,asking negative
comparisons to others.
 Ignoring or rejecting a child as
punishment, giving him or her the silent

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