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David R. Dolbow, PhD, DPT

Ashraf S. Gorgey, PhD, MPT SCI
Jessica M. Ketchum, PhD
Jewel R. Moore, RN
Laurel A. Hackett, DPT
David R. Gater, MD, PhD
From the Spinal Cord Injury and
Disorders Center, McGuire VAMC,
Richmond, Virginia (DRD, ASG, JRM,
LAH, DRG); and Department of Exercise Adherence During
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
(DRD, ASG, DRG) and Department of
Biostatistics (JMK), Virginia
Home-Based Functional Electrical
Commonwealth University, Richmond. Stimulation Cycling by Individuals with
Correspondence: Spinal Cord Injury
All correspondence and requests for
reprints should be addressed to: David
R. Dolbow, PhD, DPT, Hunter Holmes
McGuire Medical Center, Spinal Cord ABSTRACT
Injury & Disorders Service, 1201 Broad Dolbow DR, Gorgey AS, Ketchum JM, Moore JR, Hackett LA, Gater DR:
Rock Boulevard, Richmond, VA 23249.
Exercise adherence during home-based functional electrical stimulation cycling by
individuals with spinal cord injury. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2012;91:922Y930.
Financial disclosure statements have Objective: The typically sedentary spinal cord injured population has limited
been obtained, and no conflicts of physical activity options because of muscle paralysis, difficulties in transportation,
interest have been reported by the
and barriers to access rehabilitation/wellness facilities. It is important to investigate
authors or by any individuals in control
of the content of this article. physical activity alternatives to increase physical activity levels and decrease the
risk of inactivity-derived diseases. The goal of this study was to determine the
effects of a home-based functional electrical stimulation cycling program on ex-
American Journal of Physical ercise adherence of those with spinal cord injury.
Medicine & Rehabilitation Design: Seventeen Veterans with posttraumatic C4YT11 American Spinal In-
Copyright * 2012 by Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins jury Association Impairment Scale AYC spinal cord injury participated in two 8-wk
exercise periods of home-based functional electrical stimulation lower extremity
DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e318269d89f cycling. Exercise adherence and the effects of six factors thought to influence
exercise adherence were studied during both exercise periods.
Results: Exercise adherence rates for exercise periods 1 and 2 were 71.7%
and 62.9%, respectively. Age, history of exercise, and pain not associated with the
exercise activity were determined to have significant impact on exercise adher-
ence rates.
Conclusions: Exercise adherence rates were well above the reported 35%
in the able-bodied population, which provides evidence for the feasibility of a
home-based functional electrical stimulation lower extremity cycling program.
Younger adults with a history of being physically active have the highest potential
for exercise adherence.
Key Words: Spinal Cord Injury, Home-Based Functional Electric Stimulation Lower
Extremity Cycling, Exercise Adherence

922 Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 91, No. 11, November 2012

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
O n September 19, 2011, the United Nations
General Assembly unanimously approved and laun-
SCI, such as lean mass, percentage body fat, and
metabolic profiles.8,9 Gorgey et al.10 found that
12 wks of electrical stimulation to evoke leg ex-
ched an effort to vigorously promote physical ac- tension resistance training resulted in muscle hy-
tivity in an effort to decrease the prevalence of pertrophy, reduction in visceral adipose tissue, and
noncommunicable diseases and enhance the length improvement in metabolic profile in people with
and quality-of-life of all people. The United Nations SCI. However, applications of FES cycling had been
action recognized that sedentary lifestyles and the limited largely to clinics and research laboratories,
resulting noncommunicable diseases represent a which limited its effectiveness as a rehabilitation
catastrophic threat to global health and that phys- intervention to promote physical activity and con-
ical activity is of fundamental importance to glob- tinuity of care after SCI. Considering difficulties
al health and wellness.1 in transportation, barriers to access rehabilitation/
One group considered at particular risk for wellness facilities, and the limited number of ses-
inactivity and development of related noncommu- sions covered by health insurances, the goal of this
nicable disease is those with spinal cord injury (SCI). study was to determine the effects of an innovative
SCI limits the capability to perform regular physi- Internet connected home-based FES cycling pro-
cal activity because of physical limitations resulting gram on exercise adherence of those with SCI.
from paralysis and environmental barriers inhi-
biting access to exercise areas and equipment. It
is well accepted among healthcare professionals Subjects
and now diplomats worldwide that regular physical Seventeen Veterans (15 men, 2 women) with
activity is a cornerstone of physical and psychologic posttraumatic C4YT11 American Spinal Injury As-
well-being. However, the Centers for Disease Con- sociation Impairment Scale AYC SCI participated
trol and Prevention reports that the percentage in the current study. Veterans were all nonambu-
of able-bodied (AB) adults 18 yrs or older who en- latory and wheelchair reliant and at least 6 mos
gage in regular leisure-time physical activity is 35%, postinjury. Inclusion criteria included being a
whereas 33% engage in no leisure-time physical Veteran with SCI, 18 to 70 yrs of age, and having
activity at all.2 More specifically, only 35.6% of AB the ability to respond with muscular contractions
adults perform 150 mins of physical activity per to electrical stimulation of paralyzed muscles. Ex-
week.3,4 Physical activity rates tend to decrease clusion criteria included uncontrolled hypertension,
with age, as demonstrated by only 31% of AB older uncontrolled coronary artery disease, uncontrolled
adults reportedly participating in 20 mins of mod- autonomic dysreflexia, uncontrolled pain, fragility
erate physical activity three or more times per week. bone fracture, pressure ulcers greater than grade II,
Whereas the physical activity rates of AB adults deep venous thrombosis within the past 3 mos, preg-
are sorely lacking, the activity levels of those with nancy, and any physical limitation that would pre-
SCI are reported to be 60% less that those in the clude the ability to perform the FES low extremity
AB population, placing them among the world’s cycling (FES-LEC) activity. The mean age of the par-
most sedentary.5 ticipants was 45.8 T 13.78 yrs, with a range from 22 to
Reflecting the declaration set forth by the 64 yrs. The average time since injury (TSI) was 12 T
United Nations concerning sedentarism leading 13.26 yrs, with a range from 0.5 to 39 yrs (Table 1).
to noncommunicable diseases (obesity, metabolic All participants reviewed and signed a written
syndrome, diabetes, and osteoporosis) are currently VA Human Subjects Research Consent form. This
considered epidemic in the SCI population.6 Fur- study was approved by the institutional review
thermore, as the life-span of those with SCI’s near board of the McGuire VA Medical Center, and all
those without SCI, lifestyle derived cardiovascular applicable institutional and governmental regula-
diseases have emerged as a leading cause of death.6,7 tions concerning the ethical use of human volun-
While advancing physically active lifestyles is a teers were followed. Research was conducted in
large undertaking for the AB population, the chal- accordance with the Declaration of the World
lenge is dramatically greater for those with SCI. Medical Association.
One method of exercise that has shown suc-
cess in the advancement of physical rehabilitation Functional Electrical Stimulation Low
of those with SCI is functional electrical stimula- Extremity Cycling
tion (FES). Previous reports have shown that FES FES-LEC is a rehabilitation activity where elec-
significantly impacts several health variables after trical current stimulates nerves to evoke muscle Home-Based FES Cycling in SCI 923

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 1 Physical characteristics of the subjects
Subject Age, yrs Weight, kg Height, cm LOI ASIA TSI, yrs Sex
1 64 74.62 170.18 C5 B 1.0 M
2 52 104.78 175.26 C6 A 24 M
3 31 68.04 175.26 T4 A 12 M
4 64 87.54 167.64 T9 A 13 M
5 53 105.41 191.26 C6 B 27 M
6 31 88.09 185.42 C7 B 0.5 M
7 22 58.2 182.88 C6 C 0.5 M
8 50 92.25 160.02 T11 B 1.5 F
9 31 73.94 172.72 C7 A 4.0 M
10 52 63.14 172.72 C4 B 33 M
11 37 68.17 182.37 C6 B 12 M
12 50 126.10 182.88 C5 B 3.0 M
13 59 104.78 167.64 T7 C 0.7 M
14 38 73.94 185.42 C6 C 19 M
15 58 101.83 165.10 T11 A 4.0 F
16 27 100.02 175.26 C5 B 1.0 M
17 59 84.37 170.18 T10 B 39 M
LOI, level of injury; ASIA, American Spinal Injury Association Scale; TSI, time since injury; A, no motor or sensation below
injury; B, no motor but some sensation below the level of injury; C, some motor and some sensation below the level of injury.

contractions in a sequential pattern that enables of training and safety. The RT300 also allows the
paralyzed muscles to perform a cycling activity. participant to cycle from his/her own wheelchair,
During this study, an RT300 FES-LE cycle (Re- eliminating the need to transfer onto the cycle.
storative Therapies Inc, Baltimore, MD) was placed
in each participant’s home. Because of the cost of
the cycles and the historically low exercise rates of FES-LEC Training
those with SCI, the FES cycles were initially rented Before starting home-based FES-LEC, partici-
with the possibility of the Veterans Affairs Medical pants were screened and cleared for participation
System purchasing the FES cycles for long-term by their physicians. The participants also under-
use by the Veterans if exercise adherence was near went at least one FES-LEC session in the McGuire
the recommended rate of three times weekly over the VA Medical Center SCI exercise laboratory so that
initial 8 wks. Exercise adherence rates were then heart rate, blood pressure, and possible autonomic
reviewed for an additional 8 wks. Because the ex- dysreflexia symptoms could be monitored. After
ercise adherence during the initial 8 wks of exercise successful completion of the laboratory trial, they
was used to determine whether the FES cycles will were cleared to begin home-based FES-LEC. All
be purchased for long-term use, there is the pos- participants were asked to participate in three cy-
sibility that this would bias the results. Thus, an cling sessions per week with at least 1 day of non-
additional 8 wks was reviewed to see whether there cycling between sessions. Participants were notified
would be a disparity in exercise adherence between that if participation was close to the requested three
the two 8-wk periods since the added incentive sessions per week for the first 8 wks, the cycle would
of purchase of the cycle was removed for the second be purchased for their continued long-term home
8-wk period. use. Sessions were monitored by the research staff
The RT300 FES-LEC electrically stimulates via Internet connection. Cycle parameters were in-
the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles dividualized depending on the amount of current
through wires connected to surface electrodes. The needed to perform the cycling activity and depending
RT300 has Internet connectivity that allows clin- on the comfort of the participants. Cycling para-
icians to follow results and make alterations to meters ranged among participants as follows: cur-
the exercise and cycle parameters remotely. Once a rent amplitude, 70 to 140 mA; pulse width, 250 to
session is completed, the performance data in- 400 Hsec; and frequency, 33 Hz. Speed was ad-
cluding time, distance, power, and energy expen- vanced between 30 and 50 rpm, with an initial re-
diture and the session parameters such as current sistance of 0.5 Nm. The resistance was set on
amplitude, pulse width, current frequency, cycling automatic so that the RT300 cycle would vary the
speed, and resistance are displayed and stored. The resistance to allow the set speed. For example, if
Internet connectivity allows for the optimization the speed was set at 40 rpm and the resistance was

924 Dolbow et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 91, No. 11, November 2012

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
at 1.0 Nm, if the participant could not sustain the active and inactive categories as determined by
set speed at that resistance, the cycling system participants’ self-professed history of exercise using
would automatically decrease the resistance to allow an adapted version of the Brief Physical Activity
the participant to maintain the selected speed. Cy- Tool.11 Participants were asked how many days per
cling duration was increased over the 16-wk period week and how many minutes per session they ex-
until a goal of between 40 and 60 mins of contin- ercised before injury. Exercising 50 mins or more
uous active FES cycling was attained. Participant for 3 days or more per week was considered active,
and participant helpers were provided training whereas less than this was considered inactive.
concerning the placement of electrodes and the Level of injury was divided into those with tetraplegia
FES-LEC procedures. and those with paraplegia; TSI was divided into three
Conductive adhesive gel electrodes were used categories (G3, 3Y10, and 910 yrs), and history of
to evoke skeletal muscle stimulation. Electrodes depression was determined as those participants who
were placed on the skin of the following corre- had a diagnosis of depression documented in their
sponding skeletal muscle groups. Quadriceps: one medical record. The sixth category, self-professed
electrode was placed on the skin 2 to 3 cm above the pain, was determined by using a question from a
superior aspect of the patella over the vastus med- simple pain questionnaire asking how many days
ialis muscle, and the other lateral to and 30 cm per week the participant feels pain (daily, weekly,
above the patella over the vastus lateralis muscle. monthly). A response of weekly or more frequently
Hamstrings: one electrode was placed 2 to 3 cm was considered as having recurrent pain, and less
above the popliteal fossa and the other electrode than weekly was considered not having recurrent
30 cm above the popliteal fossa. Gluteus maximus: pain. Pain was non-FES-LEC related, as pain dur-
two electrodes were placed parallel and on the bulk ing FES-LEC was contraindicated for inclusion
of the muscle belly of each buttock with 3 to 4 cm into the study. Thus, it is important to recognize
between electrodes. that no participants experienced pain due to the
FES-LEC activity.
Exercise Adherence
The 16 wks of home-based FES-LEC was di- Data Analysis
vided into two 8-wk exercise periods because the Generalized linear mixed effects models were
exercise rate during the first 8 wks of cycling was used to model the adherence rates for each 8-wk
used to determine whether the rented cycles would exercise period (periods 1 and 2). This model was
be purchased for long-term use. It was felt that chosen because the outcome variable was a pro-
this knowledge may cause the participants to have portion (number of occasions out of 24) and there
a greater incentive to exercise during the first were repeated measures because each participant
8 wks relative to the second 8 wks. During the was measured after each period. The initial model
second 8 wks of FES-LEC, there were no additional included a fixed effect for each period. Using this
incentives to maintain exercise adherence other model, the adherence rates for each exercise period
than the benefits of the exercise itself. Exercise were determined. Furthermore, the change in ad-
adherence was measured as the percentage of the herence between periods was tested and quantified
recommended sessions (24 total sessions) com- using an odds ratio, expressing how many times
pleted over the 8 wks of initial cycling. For example, greater the odds of adherence were for period 1 vs.
if a participant completed 12 of the recommended period 2. BOdds[ was defined as the probability of
24 sessions over 8 wks, the exercise adherence was adherence divided by probability of no adherence.
considered to be 50%. This same calculation was The subsequent models included fixed effects
then repeated for the following 8 wks. Participants for period, the covariate of interest, and the period
were encouraged to maintain cycling three times by covariate interaction. Using this model, the ef-
per week over the entire 16 wks. fect of the covariate on adherence rates at each
period was tested and quantified with odds ratios.
Subgroups/Factors This included an expression of how many times
There were six subgroups or factors (age, his- greater the odds of adherence were during the
tory of exercise, level of injury, TSI, history of de- given exercise period for one subgroup vs. another
pression, and pain) that the authors identified as subgroup. Furthermore, the effect of time on ad-
possible influences on exercise adherence. Age was herence rates for each subgroup was tested and
divided into younger than 50 yrs and 50 yrs or quantified with odds ratios, expressing how many
older, whereas history of exercise was divided into times greater the odds of adherence were for each Home-Based FES Cycling in SCI 925

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
subgroup during period 1 vs. period 2. Finally, the The odds of adhering to the exercise program were
interaction between time and the covariate of inter- 2.56 and 1.07 times greater for exercise period 1 vs.
est was examined to see whether the effect of time on exercise period 2 for younger and older partici-
adherence differs between the covariate subgroups. pates, respectively. Finally, there was not a signif-
icant time-by-age interaction effect (t = 1.32, df =
8.40, P = 0.22). That is, the effect of age on adher-
ence rates did not differ significantly between the
There were 17 participants in this study; 59% periods (i.e., 4.86 , 2.04) and the effect of time on
were 50 yrs or older, 58% had a history of active adherence rates did not differ significantly between
exercise, 65% had tetraplegia, 24% had a history younger and older participants (i.e., 2.56 , 1.07).
of depression, and 71% reported recurrent pain.
Furthermore, 35% had a TSI of less than 3 yrs; History of Exercise
18%, 3 to 10 yrs; and 47%, more than 10 yrs. There was a significant exercise history effect
on adherence rates for exercise period 1 (t = 2.52,
df = 14.93, P = 0.02) but not for exercise period 2
(t = 1.31, df = 6.18, P = 0.24). The odds of adhering
The adherence rates for exercise periods 1 and 2 to the exercise program were 4.59 and 2.23 times
were determined to be 71.7% and 62.9%, respec- greater for those with an active history vs. inactive
tively, without adjusting for any of the predictor history for period 1 and period 2, respectively.
variables. There was a nonsignificant decline in There was not a significant time effect on adherence
adherence rates from period 1 to period 2 (F1,3.4 = rates for those with an active history (t = 1.65,
1.91, P = 0.25). The adherence odds for the first df = 4.02, P = 0.17) or those with an inactive history
exercise period were 1.46 times greater than the (t G 0.01, df = 6.78, P = 0.10), although there was
odds of adhering to the exercise program for the a decrease seen for the active history group. The
second period. odds of adhering to the exercise program were 2.06
The effect of each of the subgroups was exam- and 0.99 times greater for exercise period 1 vs. ex-
ined not controlling for any of the other predictor ercise period 2 for those with active and inactive
variables with the results as follows (Table 2). exercise histories, respectively. Finally, there was
not a significant time-by-exercise history interac-
Age tion effect (t = 0.98, df = 5.65, P = 0.37); thus, the
There was a significant age effect on adherence effect of exercise history on adherence rates did
rates for exercise period 1 (t = 2.65, df = 14.97, P = not differ significantly between the periods (i.e.,
0.02) but not for exercise period 2 (t = 1.32, df = 4.59 , 2.23) and the effect of time on adherence
9.24, P = 0.22). The odds of adhering to the exercise rates did not differ significantly between partici-
program were 4.86 and 2.04 times greater for pants with active and inactive exercise histories
younger participants vs. older participants for ex- (i.e., 2.06 , 1.00).
ercise period 1 and exercise period 2, respectively.
There was not a significant time effect on adherence Level of Injury
rates for younger (t = 2.19, df = 5.71, P = 0.07) or There was not a significant injury level effect
older (t = 0.14, df = 10.47, P = 0.89) participants. on adherence rates for exercise period 1 (t = 0.92,

TABLE 2 Odds of exercise adherence as affected by subgroups

Subgroup Category Session 1 (8 wks) Session 2 (8 wks)
Age (G50 vs. Q50 yrs) 4.86a 2.04
History of exercise (active vs. inactive) 4.59a 2.23
Level of injury (tetra vs. para) 1.77 0.95
Time since injury
G3 yrs vs. 3Y10 yrs 2.45 1.59
G3 yrs vs. 910 yrs 1.22 0.46
3Y10 yrs vs. 910 yrs 0.50 0.29
History of depression (no vs. yes) 2.22 1.34
Non-FES-LEC pain (pain vs. no pain) 2.22a NA
Statistically significant at > = 0.05.
FES-LEC, functional electrical stimulation low extremity cycling; NA, not available.

926 Dolbow et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 91, No. 11, November 2012

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
df= 14.96, P = 0.37) or for exercise period 2 (t = did not differ significantly between the TSI groups
j0.07, df = 4.44, P = 0.95). The odds of adhering (i.e., 1.71 , 1.11 , 0.65).
to the exercise program were nominally 1.77 and
0.95 times greater for tetraplegia vs. paraplegia History of Depression
at sessions 1 and 2, respectively. There was not a There was not a significant depression history
significant time effect on adherence rates for those effect on adherence rates for exercise period 1
with tetraplegia (t = 1.98, df = 2.74, P = 0.15) or (t = 1.19, df = 14.98, P = 0.25) or for exercise period 2
those with paraplegia (t = 0.02, df = 5.20, P = 0.99), (t = 0.43, df = 3.73, P = 0.69). The odds of adher-
although there was a nominal decrease seen for ing to the exercise program were nominally 2.21 and
the tetraplegia group. The odds of adhering to the 1.34 times greater for participants with no depres-
exercise program were 1.88 and 1.01 times greater sion history vs. those with a history of depression
for exercise period 1 vs. exercise period 2 for those for exercise periods 1 and 2, respectively. There was
with tetraplegia and paraplegia, respectively. Fi- not a significant time effect on adherence rates for
nally, there was not a significant time-by-injury those with no history of depression (t = 1.57, df =
level interaction effect (t = 0.93, df = 4.36, P = 0.40); 3.27, P = 0.21) or those with a history of depression
that is, the effect of injury level on adherence rates (t = 0.05, df = 3.83, P = 0.96), although there was a
did not differ significantly between the exercise nominal decrease seen for the no depression his-
periods (i.e., 1.77 , 0.95) and the effect of time on tory group. The odds of adhering to the exercise
adherence rates did not differ significantly between program were 1.70 and 1.03 times greater for pe-
participants with tetraplegia and paraplegia (i.e., riod 1 vs. period 2 for those with no history of de-
1.88 , 1.01). pression and those with a history of depression,
respectively. Finally, there was not a significant
Time Since Injury time-by-depression history interaction effect (t =
There was not a significant TSI effect on ad- 0.75, df = 3.68, P = 0.50); that is, the effect of no
herence rates for exercise period 1 (F2,13.76 = 0.54, depression history on adherence rates did not dif-
P = 0.60) or for exercise period 2 (F2,3.99 = 1.13, fer significantly between the exercise periods (i.e.,
P = 0.41). For exercise period 1, the odds of ad- 2.22 , 1.14) and the effect of time on adherence
hering to the exercise program were 2.45 times rates did not differ significantly between partici-
greater for less than 3 yrs since injury vs. 3 to 10 yrs pants with no depression history and with a de-
since injury, 1.22 times greater for less than 3 yrs pression history (i.e., 1.70 , 1.03).
since injury vs. more than 10 yrs since injury, and
0.50 times greater for 3 to 10 yrs since injury vs.
more than 10 yrs since injury. For exercise period 2, There was only one subject with a report of no
the odds of adhering to the exercise program were pain who completed both exercise periods. Thus,
nominally 1.59 times greater for less than 3 yrs the effect of pain on adherence rates for the second
since injury vs. 3 to 10 yrs since injury, 0.46 times exercise period or on changes in adherence rates
greater for less than 3 yrs since injury vs. more than could not be examined. However, the effect of pain
10 yrs since injury, and 0.29 times greater for 3 to on adherence during the first exercise period could
10 yrs since injury vs. more than 10 yrs since injury. be examined. There was a significant effect of pain
There was not a significant time effect on adherence on adherence rates for the first exercise period
rates for those less than 3 yrs since injury (t = 0.98, (t = 3.22, df = 14, P = 0.01). The odds of adhering
df = 2.72, P = 0.41), those 3 to 10 yrs since injury to the program for the first exercise period were
(t = 0.11, df = 4.12, P = 0.92), or those more than 2.22 times greater for those with reports of pain
10 yrs since injury (t = j0.66, df = 3.42, P = 0.55). than those without.
The odds of adhering to the exercise program were Thus, according to the results of this study, age,
1.71, 1.11, and 0.65 times greater for exercise pe- exercise history, and non-FES-LECYrelated pain sig-
riod 1 vs. exercise period 2 for those less than 3 yrs, nificantly affected exercise adherence, whereas TSI,
3 to 10 yrs, and more than 10 yrs since injury, level of injury, and history of depression did not.
respectively. Finally, there was not a significant
time-by-TSI interaction effect (F2,3.43 = 0.64, P = DISCUSSION
0.58); that is, the effect of TSI on adherence rates While regular physical exercise is essential for
did not differ significantly between the exercise the health and wellness of all persons, it is even
periods (i.e., 2.45 , 1.59, 1.22 , 0.46, and 0.50 , more crucial for those with SCI because of the ac-
0.29) and the effect of time on adherence rates celerated atrophy of body tissues such as muscle Home-Based FES Cycling in SCI 927

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
and bone caused by paralysis. When you consider would[), muscle spasms, and vacation away from
the constraints concerning available physical ac- home without access to an FES cycle.
tivities caused by physical limitations and envi- However, contradictory to the generally lower
ronmental barriers, the importance of developing exercise rate of the older group, two participants in
innovative barrier-free exercise options is rec- particular from the older group had the best overall
ognized. The advent of FES cycles with Internet rates of exercise adherence during the first 8-wk ex-
connectivity to allow healthcare professionals to ercise period (108% and 100%). Both decreased in
monitor exercise sessions from a distance is one exercise adherence during the second 8 wks of exer-
innovative approach. However, the risk of poor cise to 63% and 71%, respectively, but still remained
exercise adherence among those with SCI after well above that reported for the AB population.
the acquisition of expensive specialized equipment History of exercise was also a prime indicator
remains a pediment to the decision to purchase of a successful exercise adherence rate, with four of
an FES cycle for home use. This study provides the seven with self-professed sedentary lifestyles
evidence concerning the feasibility of a home-based dropping out of the program or leaving the pro-
FES-LEC program and also provides information gram because of lack of participation. Self-professed
concerning a number of characteristics that may descriptors of the active group were minor league
show predisposition of successful adherence to a baseball player, soccer player, runner, body builder,
home-based FES-LEC program. The exercise ad- wheelchair athlete, and active working on the farm
herence for the first 8-wk exercise period may be and around the house. Self-professed descriptors
considered biased because there was the extra in- of the inactive group were tired, Bcocoon persona-
centive of having the FES cycle purchased for long- lity[(wanting to stay in bed all day under the cov-
term use. Even so, it is important to determine ers), not an athlete, and not able to do a lot because
whether those who are severely limited in exercise of physical limitations.
options because of physical limitations and external Surprisingly, those who reported recurrent
barriers and are typically sedentary populations pain had significantly higher exercise adherence
would participate in regular physical activity if than did those who reported no recurrent pain.
the means were provided to them. The answer was Most (12/17) of the participants described them-
yes, as their combined exercise adherence rate was selves as having recurrent pain; however, pain was
71.7%. The second 8 wks of FES-LEC was perhaps not an occurrence during FES-LEC exercise. It is
even more important because all incentive to par- also interesting to note that three of the five par-
ticipate was removed other than the benefits de- ticipants who did not continue the exercise after
rived from the exercise. The exercise adherence rate the first 8-wk exercise period were categorized as
did drop to 62.9%; however, this was statistically having no pain. Although it is reasonable to theo-
insignificant. rize that if pain during FES-LEC exercise had not
The exercise adherence rate of both 8-wk ex- been part of the exclusion criterion and partici-
ercise periods (71.7% and 62.9%) was greater than pants who perceived pain during FES-LEC were
the reported 35% rate of exercise in the AB popu- included in the study, the results may have been
lation. This may well have been influenced by the different because, generally, pain during any ac-
availability of home-based exercise, the elimination tivity is expected to depress the performance of
of the need to transfer onto the cycle, and the mon- the activity. However, the results of this study in-
itoring of exercise sessions by research staff via the dicate that the perception of recurrent pain apart
Internet. The three factors or subgroups that sig- from the exercise activity does not decrease the
nificantly influenced exercise adherence rates were level of exercise adherence but may provide in-
age, exercise history, and recurrent pain not involv- centive to continue with the activity perceived as
ing FES-LEC. Reasons given by the participants not causing pain.
for missing exercise sessions or lack of participation Pain is a subjective experience, and although
were a decrease in interest in the exercise program, there are physiologic factors at play, how a partic-
setup involving placement and removal of electrodes ular person reacts to pain is largely dependent on
was too time-consuming, not enough time because his/her past experiences with pain.12 Linton and
of employment or other responsibilities, illness Shaw12 described fear of pain as one of the most
(urinary tract infection, infected cat bite, develop- influential psychologic factors involving chronic
ment of pressure ulcers unrelated to cycling, burns pain. The fear of pain often manifests itself through
to bottom of feet unrelated to cycling), lack of sup- what is known as the Bfear avoidance model,[
port (Bspouse not helping as much as they said they which would typically cause individuals to avoid

928 Dolbow et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. & Vol. 91, No. 11, November 2012

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
activities that they perceive as painful.12 However, The exercise adherence rates of participants in
the increased exercise adherence rate in this study this study provide encouragement for the successful
using an activity not perceived as painful by those use of home-based FES-LEC as a method of provid-
with recurrent pain suggests the possibility of a ing long-term physical activity for those with SCI.
Bpain-free affinity model[ whereby persons with However, further innovation may provide increased
chronic pain are more likely to participate in an exercise adherence and maintenance over the long-
activity that they perceive as pain free when com- term. Interventions to decrease problems such a
pared with persons who do not have recurrent pain. pressure ulcers, muscle spasms, and injuries as well
In this case, FES-LEC provided participants with as to provide increased motivation would likely be
an activity that allows them to follow the advice beneficial to those with SCI, particularly older per-
of McCracken and associates,13 who espouse that sons and those with a history of sedentary lifestyle.
persons with chronic pain should divert their at- As indicated by the results of this study, a
tention away from avoiding pain and concentrate program of home-based FES-LEC with Internet
on living life to the fullest. The use of FES-LEC monitoring by healthcare professionals can pro-
activity in this study was essentially pain free and vide regular physical activity for those with SCI.
thus, apparently, was not subject to the powerful Other technologic innovations such as telehealth
effects of the fear avoidance model, allowing par- programming, which is the use of telecommuni-
ticipants to concentrate on the activity in a positive cations technologies including two-way visual and
manner. Further research is needed to corroborate audio connection to support long-distance clinical
the existence of a pain-free affinity model for those health care and monitoring of the exercise sessions,
with chronic pain. may be a way of further increasing motivation and
Level of injury, TSI, and level of depression had optimization of program safety.15 Several researchers
no statistically significant bearing on exercise ad- have demonstrated improved functional and cogni-
herence in this study. tive status and improved exercise adherence with
The average exercise adherence rate during utilization of telehealth technology.15Y19
the second 8 wks decreased by 8.8%, from 71.7%
to 62.9%; however, this rate of decrease fell short Limitations
of statistical significance. Nevertheless, both rates
A primary limitation of this study is the lack
of exercise were well above the reported rate of
of female participants (two), which eliminated the
exercise (35%) in the AB population. This drop may
ability to test for sex influences on exercise adher-
be because of the fact that the FES cycles were, at
ence. The lack of female participants reflects the
this point, guaranteed for future use and the need
fact that it is harder to recruit female participants
to ardently adhere to a high exercise rate may have
because there are fewer women with SCI and fewer
seemed less important to participants. All subgroups
female Veterans. Another limitation of the study is
experienced a decrease in rate of exercise after the
that age was divided only into two groups (G50 and
first 8-wk period with the exception of the 50 yrs or
Q50 yrs). The limited number of study participants
older group. However, this result was undoubtedly
(N = 17) did not allow for the division into multiple
influenced by the five older persons who dropped out,
age groups.
were dropped from the program because of lack
of exercise, or were not able to participate in the
second 8 wks of exercise because of injury. CONCLUSIONS
The average of 82.5% exercise adherence rate The high exercise adherence rates indicate that
found by Hicks and colleagues14 while studying when provided the means, those with SCI can par-
persons with SCI during two sessions per week of ticipate in a regular exercise program. This provides
progressive resistive volitional exercise over a 9-mo evidence for the feasibility of a home-based FES-LEC
period is slightly higher than the 71.7% found program. The overall participation was at a much
during the first 8-wk exercise period in this study. higher rate than the reported 35% in the AB pop-
However, the participants in this study were asked ulation. The results also indicate that adults with
to exercise three times per week as opposed to just SCI younger than 50 yrs who consider themselves
two times per week in the study by Hicks et al.14 as having lived an active lifestyle have the highest
Hicks and associates14 reported a 46.7% dropout probability of adhering to a home-based FES-LEC
rate over the 9-mo program, with a 38% dropout exercise program. It is important to investigate
rate at the 6-mo mark, which is higher than the ways to further increase exercise adherence, espe-
29% dropout rate in this 4-mo study. cially for older adults with SCI and with a history Home-Based FES Cycling in SCI 929

Copyright © 2012 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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