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Nama: Frengki Agus Setiawan

NIM: 212019010025
Kelas: A
Medical Equipment
3 cc spuit syringe
A syringe is a pump consisting of a sliding plunger that fits tightly in a tube. The plunger can be
pulled and pushed inside the precise cylindrical tube or barrel, letting the syringe draw in or
expel a liquid or gas through an orifice at the open end of the tube.
How Does It Work
Preesure is used to operate a syringe. It is usually fitted with a hypodermic needle, nozzie, or
tubing to help direct the flow into and out the barrel.
Someone Who Used The Syringe
Syringes are often used to administer medications, doctor, nurse, and pharmacist.
The downward movement of the plunger inject fluid, and the upward movement withdraws
Analytical part of speech
1. Noun/ Nomina
- Syringe: Jarum suntik
- Tube: Tabung
- Barrel: Gulungan
- Needle: Jarum
- Cylindrical: Silinder
- Liquid: Cairan
- Gas: Gas
2. Verb
- Pushed: Mendorong
- Pulled: Menarik
- Help: Membantu
- Operate: Mengoperasikan
- Used: Menggunakan
Preesure: Menekan
Open: Membuka
3. Adjective
- Inside: Didalam
- End: Diakhir
- Direct: Langsung
- Hypodermic: Hipodermik
- In: Didalam
Task 3
A syringe is a pump consisting of a sliding plunger that fits tightly in a tube. A syring is often
used to administer medication, doctor, nurse, and pharmacist.

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