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Head-to-toe assessment

Medical hx: allergies (medication, food, environmental factors), diagnosed medical problems,
surgical hx, substance use (alcohol, tobacco, marajuana, illicit substances)


Neuro: difficulty swallowing or trouble with speech, orientation (person, place, time, situation),
LOC, symmetry of facial features, PERRL (direct and consensual)

HEENT: changes to vision or hearing, external eye structures (conjunctiva - have pt. pull down
lower lids, sclera, cornea - shine pen light laterally in both eyes), oral mucosa (have pt. pull down
lower lip; lips, buccal mucosa, gums), teeth (have pt. open mouth; number, color, restoration,
alignment), hearing

Pulmonary: SOB or difficulty breathing, chest (symmetry, shape, inspiratory/expiratory effort),

position of trachea, breath sounds (anterior - 4, posterior - 6, lateral - 2; one full respiration cycle)

Cardiac: chest pain or heart racing, apical site for 30 secs

Abdominal: last BM and abd pain, contour of abd, BS in all 4 quadrants, palpate over all 4

GU: pain/burning with urination or change in frequency

Upper extremities: numbness/tingling or pain, extremities (palpate down both arms), radial
pulses, cap refill, ROM/strength with hand grasp

Lower extremities: numbness/tingling or pain, extremities (palpate down both legs), DP/PT
pulses, cap refill, ROM/strength with flexion and extension

Skin: changes to skin or noticeable odor, variations, breakdown, masses, lesions, unusual
scars/moles, edema, temperature, turgor, odor

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