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Bala Anjii Reddy Badam

Student Id: 20410690


Activity 1..............................................................................................................................................3
Description of the Work Done..........................................................................................................4
Activity 2..............................................................................................................................................9
Preventing overfitting.....................................................................................................................13
Activity 3............................................................................................................................................15
Description of the work done.........................................................................................................16
Task 2.............................................................................................................................................16
Task 3.........................................................................................................................................17
Task 4.............................................................................................................................................18
Task 5.............................................................................................................................................19
Task 6.............................................................................................................................................20
Activity 4: Poster................................................................................................................................23

Figure 1.................................................................................................................................................3
Figure 2.................................................................................................................................................4
Figure 3.................................................................................................................................................6
Figure 4...............................................................................................................................................10
Figure 5...............................................................................................................................................11
Figure 6...............................................................................................................................................12
Figure 8: Poster..................................................................................................................................23
Activity 1
Intelligent systems and Artificial intelligence can be very important aspects of the

application in several industries especially those involving automation of various services which

they offer. Intelligent systems can be defined as machines that are technologically advanced such

that they can perceive and respond to the environment in which they exist. Artificial intelligence

refers to the ability of machines to demonstrate intelligence that is naturally displayed by humans.

Artificial intelligence can be in the form of speech recognition and problem-solving while

intelligent systems can be in the form of neural networks or fuzzy systems and expert systems. The

systems that were applied during the session include expert systems and smart driving cars

respectively (Wahl, et. al, 2018). These systems have demonstrated solutions to various problems

that face businesses.

Figure 1

Computers can store a lot of information and they can process the information fast proofing

to be more accessible whenever they are required. The introduction of expert systems that

mimicked the process of decision making by human expertise acted as a breakthrough for the

introduction of artificial intelligence. The program was able to inquire about various situations and

how they can be able to respond to them. The expert systems can be used to advise non-experts

while using a program leading to the systems becoming widely used in industries. Logic

programming has been essential in improving artificial intelligence (Jarvie, 2012). The computing

power of a computer surpasses all the needs as time passes thus the capabilities of artificial

intelligence. The existence of big data in the current age can be cumbersome to be processed by a

person hence artificial intelligent can in handy in banking, entertainment, and marketing. Massive

artificial intelligence has enabled brute force learning through the use of big data.

Description of the Work Done

The step-wise construction of an expert system through emulation of a human expert

in decision making thus solving complex problems through the representation of knowledge by the

use of mainly if-the rules instead of the use of conventional procedural code. The inference engine

and knowledge base which exist in artificial intelligence are very important in the representation of

facts and rules which a machine uses to provide solutions.

Figure 2
Intelligent Systems can be used in combination with a thermal-based camera system which

contains a black body device used for calibrating the sensors of the image against the background.

This system was being used during group work. It applied technology in measurement of the body

temperature of the malaria patients through the use of a two-piece thermal scanner. The image

screen can be used to analyze up to five thousand people who come through the image screen. The

system could understand the geometry of the face and which is a representation of the body party

that is flat. The system had the capability of sending an email once the person who is being

measured has a high temperature. Hospitals were the potential clients who can put the system into

use are the hospitals.

The future of artificial intelligence has been noted to be underway in different fields and

therefore expected to be better in the future. Companies can answer emails of their customers

through the use of machines that have been programmed to answer specific questions. The

machines can also receive calls and provide solutions for various inquiries from the customers. The

driverless cars ave has shown the ability of the machines to surpass human cognitive abilities in all

tasks (Li and Mourikis., 2012).

Figure 3
Artificial intelligence involves deep learning and machine learning. Artificial neural

networks can be created through the use of deep learning. This is an entire depiction of the human

brain through the neurons which are connected to form a network. AI uses basic algorithms in the

performance of its functions which can be regarded as traditional software but being applied in a

different manner (Mao, et. al, 2016). The intelligence can be noticed in the different warehouse

management systems in which shortage can be identified and its cause through the use of artificial

intelligence. Specific processes have been made possible through the replacement of decision

making systems by artificial intelligence systems to enhance efficiency.

Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems have improved productivity, efficiency, and

accuracy in the organizations which are being applied. The incredible capabilities which artificial

intelligence has shown have enabled organizations to use the advantages that it comes with thus

enhancing human intelligence leading to gaining better value from the data that exists (Perez-Neira,

A.I. and Campalans, 2010). The benefits of intelligent systems have enhanced decision making

leading to a better understanding of artificial intelligence and its benefits.

Competitive advantage and reduced cost are being gained by the companies which have

employed AI systems. The change of the way through which operations are run can be an issue to

the unions and job security.

The future of Artificial intelligence is positive as it is likely to create more jobs that they will be

lost. AI is likely to impact the economy as the creation of jobs will require certain specific skills to

be implemented in the new systems. Basic problem tasks are likely to be replaced as AI systems can

be used in decision making (Zhang and Chen, 2012).

There is a need for businesses to take advantage of AI by achieving its effectiveness through

successful implementation which will enable everyone to benefit. The power of AI can be gained

through addressing the issues which exist at education level and business level. The focus is
required to be on training students on roles that are directly associated with working with artificial

intelligence. There is a need for emphasis on the subjects that act as a stem (Amershi, et. al, 2019).

Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems are very essential in the daily lives of humans.

This is through their application in most of the sectors leading to the achievement of efficiency.

Expert systems can compete with the specialist level in narrow ways but they may not be able to

function according to the daily situations. Artificial intelligence trends consist of many different

techniques such as natural language processing.

Amershi, S., Weld, D., Vorvoreanu, M., Fourney, A., Nushi, B., Collisson, P., Suh, J., Iqbal, S.,

Bennett, P.N., Inkpen, K. and Teevan, J., 2019, May. Guidelines for human-ai interaction. In

Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-13).

Zhang, J.S., and Chen, A.X., 2012. Review of quantum discord in bipartite and multipartite

systems. In Quantum Physics Letters.

Perez-Neira, A.I., and Campaigns, M.R., 2010. Cross-Layer Resource Allocation in Wireless

Communications: Techniques and Models from PHY and MAC Layer Interaction. Academic Press.

Mao, H., Alizadeh, M., Menache, I., and Kandula, S., 2016, November. Resource management with

deep reinforcement learning. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks

(pp. 50-56).
Cicalo, S., Tralli, V. and Perez-Neira, A.I., 2011, May. Centralized vs distributed resource allocation

in multi-cell OFDMA systems. In 2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring)

(pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Li, M. and Mourikis, A.I., 2012, October. Vision-aided inertial navigation for resource-constrained

systems. In 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (pp. 1057-

1063). IEEE.

Bresina, J., Dearden, R., Meuleau, N., Ramkrishnan, S., Smith, D. and Washington, R., 2012.

Planning under continuous time and resource uncertainty: A challenge for AI. arXiv preprint


Jarvie, D.M., 2012. Shale resource systems for oil and gas: Part 2—Shale-oil resource systems.

Wahl, B., Cossy-Gantner, A., Germann, S. and Schwalbe, N.R., 2018. Artificial intelligence (AI)

and global health: how can AI contribute to health in resource-poor settings?. BMJ global health,

3(4), p.e000798.

Skobelev, P., 2018, June. Towards autonomous AI systems for resource management: applications

in industry and lessons learned. In International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents

and Multi-Agent Systems (pp. 12-25). Springer, Cham.

Activity 2
Deep learning refers to the part of machine learning which uses multiple layers to

progressively extract higher-level features from the raw input. It makes the use of neural networks

to learn a representation of features directly from the data that has been presented. A trained neural

network can be used in the identification and removal of various artifacts such as noise. Therefore

deep learning acts as a datastore for image preprocessing and it is used for image augmentation. The

computer has to be trained to recognize various images about their real appearance. The more the

data that is fed to the computer, the better it becomes of recognizing the images. The images were

labeled for the computer to recognize the patterns which were present in the image. Therefore, the
computer will have the capability to build its own cognition. This is possible through the use of

python and TensorFlow in writing the program (Van Ginneken and Sánchez, 2017).

Image processing using a dataset of the image involves classifying the images. An image

classifier is used through tf.keras.Sequential model and being able to load the data through the use

of tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator. Data input pipelines can be built through the

use of a class that will be able to work on disk. Overfitting should be identified and prevented.

Image processing can be done by either using greyscale or RGB values (Janowczyk and

Madabhushi, 2016).

Figure 4
A dataset that consists of several images is used in the process and the different classes of

the images are labeled to make the dataset ideal. The existence of massive labeled data sets and

GPU computing has led to the improvement of the concept of deep learning as it acts as a fuel to the

improvement which has been noticed. The availability of improved architecture such as inception

modules and highway networks has enabled the depth and flexibility of the network. The software

platforms such as chainer and TensorFlow have provided automatic differentiation leading to faster

prototyping and fewer errors being experienced. Different types of data should be used while

training a model in to be able to determine how well a network generalizes.

Deep learning is very essential in daily lives as it has many applications such as image

classification. Image classifications can be seen in apps such as Facebook which provides an auto-

tagging suggestion. This is through the use of deep nets and the ability to take pictures at different

angles then labeling the name which belongs to the picture. It is now possible to be able to

recognize different objects in a certain picture and even relate it to a given occasion. For instance, if

a picture has been taken with chairs, a place where furniture is sold can be recommended for the

person as a place to visit.

Figure 5 Speech

recognition. Speech is a form of communication in the society of humans. A model can behave the
same way as humans by recognizing a speech and responding to it. For instance, Siri of Apple.

There has to be a consideration of many factors such as age, gender, and quality of sound.

Market prediction. Deep learning models can be used to predict the buying and selling

trends of traders depending on the dataset which has been used in training the models. Therefore, it

is easy for a trader to make a decision depending on how they desire to invest (Litjens, et. al, 2017).

Digital advertising. It is easy to categorize users depending on their purchase history as well

as browsing history and recommend relevant advertisements that are personalized and real-time.

Fraud detection. Multiple data sources of deep learning can be used to determine if a decision is a

fraud in real-time. It is easy to detect which markets are susceptible to fraud.

Deep learning has made tasks that could be tough to be easy. The applications of deep

learning range in different sectors such as health and education. There will be more applications in

the future through the advancement that is being witnessed with the application of deep learning

(Bayar and Stamm, 2016).

Overfitting refers to a modeling error that happens when a function is too closely fit to a set

of limited data points. In this way, the performance of the model can be impacted negatively.

Overfitting can be a problem because its evaluation of machine learning through the data that it is

trained upon can be different from the evaluation which will be performed on the unseen data.

Overfitting can be limited through the use of various techniques such as the use of a resampling

technique to do the estimation of the accuracy of a model and holding back a validation dataset

(Affonso, et. al, 2017).

Preventing overfitting
It is very useful to detect overfitting although it may not solve the entire problem but it can

help in reducing the problem.

Remove feature. The inbuilt features which exist for algorithms help in training a model.

However, those that do not have can be removed manually and improve them through

generalization. Sometimes it can be difficult to justify certain features but it can be done through

determining how each feature fits into a model.

Regularization. It refers to a broad range of techniques that are used for forcing a model to

be simpler. It depends on the type of learner being used. It can be tuned through cross-validation.

Ensembling. It refers to a machine learning method that is used for combining predictions being

obtained from multiple separate models. It can be through bagging which attempts to reduce the

chance overfitting complex models or boosting which attempts to improve the predictive flexibility

for simple models (Guo, et. al, 2016).

Deep learning is very essential in image processing through its application in image

processing by involving machine learning in the process. It involves modern technology in its

application such as speech recognition and fraud detection. Machine learning can be applied in
problem-solving through the method of induction. Generalization can be used in the application of

new data to a model. Overfitting can perform well on the training data while poorly on other data.


Kussul, N., Lavreniuk, M., Skakun, S. and Shelestov, A., 2017. Deep learning classification of land

cover and crop types using remote sensing data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,

14(5), pp.778-782.

Janowczyk, A. and Madabhushi, A., 2016. Deep learning for digital pathology image analysis: A

comprehensive tutorial with selected use cases. Journal of pathology informatics, 7.

Guo, Y., Liu, Y., Oerlemans, A., Lao, S., Wu, S. and Lew, M.S., 2016. Deep learning for visual

understanding: A review. Neurocomputing, 187, pp.27-48.

Cha, Y.J., Choi, W. and Büyüköztürk, O., 2017. Deep learning‐based crack damage detection using

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Gal, Y., 2016. Uncertainty in deep learning. University of Cambridge, 1, p.3.

Bayar, B. and Stamm, M.C., 2016, June. A deep learning approach to universal image manipulation

detection using a new convolutional layer. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Information

Hiding and Multimedia Security (pp. 5-10).

Kamilaris, A., and Prenafeta-Boldú, F.X., 2018. Deep learning in agriculture: A survey. Computers

and electronics in agriculture, 147, pp.70-90.

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ACM international conference on Multimedia (pp. 157-166).

Affonso, C., Rossi, A.L.D., Vieira, F.H.A., and de Leon Ferreira, A.C.P., 2017. Deep learning for

biological image classification. Expert Systems with Applications, 85, pp.114-122.

Litjens, G., Kooi, T., Bejnordi, B.E., Setio, A.A.A., Ciompi, F., Ghafoorian, M., Van Der Laak, J.A.,

Van Ginneken, B. and Sánchez, C.I., 2017. A survey on deep learning in medical image analysis.

Medical image analysis, 42, pp.60-88.

Activity 3
Prolog makes the use of logic clauses to solve problems. The clauses contain two parts that

are the right-hand side predicate and the left-hand side predicates. It consists of facts and rules

which are knowledge-based. A knowledgebase can either be 1, 2, or 3 otherwise represented as

KB1, KB2, KB3. It is classified according to the number of facts which are contained in a clause.

For instance, KB1 contains a single fact which is true while KB2 contains two facts and KB3

contains more than two facts. All these facts are unconditionally true. The facts and rules will state

how a given problem will be solved to attain a solution. In the facts which have been given on the

question, the determination is the animal is a cheetah depends on the facts and the rules which have

been given. The facts are checked if they ascertain rules for an animal to be a cheetah for the

program to indicate if it is true or false. The output of the program will depend on the facts and

rules which have been input. Therefore, the prolog does not reason the same way humans reason
having a predetermined mind through the different features which they know exist for given animal

or characters (Swift. and Warren, 2012).

Computing questions can best be answered using the knowledge base. Its origin can be

traced back to the capability of the employees to answer questions on emails and telephone calls.

Later they realized that customers often asked similar questions. There was a need for them to

develop a system that could help them answer the frequently asked questions and even solve the

more complex questions more easily. The enhancement of the knowledge base was to help in

answering such questions which required lengthy search. The web features of searching emerged

and promoted the introduction of knowledge base systems.

The different symbols which were used in the knowledge base needed to be understood to

solve the different problems which were faced. The interpretation of the problems for answers

requires that the inbuilt predicates interpret the problem which is being presented to apply the facts

and rules which exist in the program. Lack of specific ways through which files could be formatted

led to the use of knowledge base facts and rules to be able to solve the different problems which

existed. Faster search options were provided by the knowledge base through their easy maintenance

(Mera and Wielemaker, 2013).

Description of the work done

Task 2






mammal(yes):- gives_milk(yes).








Animal (cheetah) will be the keyword being searched by prolog. It will run through the facts

and the rules and when an animal (cheetah) is found, it will go back and search the facts which th e

cheetah has. It will proceed to check what is on the left-hand side of the rule. It will run through all

the rules and find different kinds of animals. It will go back to the beginning of the program and

start again. It will proceed to indicate that a cheetah provides milk and it eats meat. The color of the

cheetah is also tawny but it does not have feathers. It will skip the strips and feathers. On reaching

the mammal, on the left-hand side of the rule, it is a fact that it is a mammal that gives milk. It

continues down the rules and at the animal (cheetah) it will be able to find that the animal is not a

cheetah (Schneider-Kamp, et. al, 2010).

Task 3






mammal(yes):- gives_milk(yes).





At first, the program will run until it finds an animal (lion) on the left-hand side. It will look

at the right-hand side rule it will find carnivore (yes) then it will go back to check the facts for the

lion being a carnivore. The facts will be true making it to proceed to the next fact of the animal

(lion). The color of the lion and if the lion has spots as well as feathers and it will realize that they

do not exist. All these facts will be true about the characteristics of a lion which have been input

(Wielemaker, et. al, 2012).

Task 4
The facts for the animal (tiger) will be entered into the program such that the prolog will

recognize the facts in order to identify the animal as being tiger (Costa, Rocha and Damas, 2012).







mammal(yes):- gives_milk(yes).






Task 5







bird(kingbird):- omnivorous(yes), has_feathers(yes).

Task 6






mammal(no):- gives_milk(no).


Prolog does not know the facts as humans do but it makes use of backtracking in which it

has to go back to the previous facts to determine if they satisfy the requirements of a certain rule.

The query that is made has to be compared with the data that is stored in the database to realize if it

is true or false according to the facts which have been stored. The trace for a given predicate can be

made after checking all the facts and the rules which exist for a given predicate. The relationship

between the facts and rules has to be logical to realize their applicability in various questions

(Wielemaker and Costa, 2010).

The applicability of the rules and facts written into a program depends on the solution

which they are meant to solve. The different facts represent the knowledge that is fed into a

program to solve a specific problem. The built-in cannot appear as the principal functor in a fact or

the head of a rule. Thus this has to remain the same as changing it can lead to changing the meaning

of the definition. Matching between two terms can say to exist if they are identical or they have
been made to be identical by the look of a variable. The use of variables acts as a guide to the facts

which have to be considered in solving a given problem.

Wielemaker, J., Schrijvers, T., Triska, M. and Lager, T., 2012. Swi-prolog. Theory and Practice of

Logic Programming, 12(1-2), pp.67-96.

Costa, V.S., Rocha, R., and Damas, L., 2012. The yap prolog system. Theory and Practice of Logic

Programming, 12(1-2), pp.5-34.

Wielemaker, J., Lager, T. and Riguzzi, F., 2015. SWISH: SWI-Prolog for sharing. arXiv preprint


Schneider-Kamp, P., Giesl, J., Ströder, T., Serebrenik, A. and Thiemann, R., 2010. Automated

termination analysis for logic programs with cut. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 10(4-

6), pp.365-381.

Amaral, C., Florido, M. and Costa, V.S., 2014, June. PrologCheck–property-based testing in prolog.

In International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming (pp. 1-17). Springer, Cham.

Efremidis, A., Schmidt, J., Krings, S. and Körner, P., 2018, September. Measuring coverage of

prolog programs using mutation testing. In International Workshop on Functional and Constraint

Logic Programming (pp. 39-55). Springer, Cham.

Dunchev, C., Guidi, F., Coen, C.S. and Tassi, E., 2015, November. ELPI: Fast, Embeddable, $

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(pp. 460-468). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Wielemaker, J. and Costa, V.S., 2010. Portability of Prolog programs: theory and case-studies.

arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.3796.

Mera, E. and Wielemaker, J., 2013. Porting and refactoring Prolog programs: the PROSYN case

study. TPLP, 13(4-5-Online-Supplement).

Swift, T. and Warren, D.S., 2012. XSB: Extending Prolog with tabled logic programming. Theory

and Practice of Logic Programming, 12(1-2), pp.157-187.

Activity 4: Poster

Figure 7: Poster

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