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How Does Flood Happen?

(Bagaimana Proses Terjadinya

Flood is a condition when lots of water occupy an area that is usually dry. There are some
reasons of how this condition occur such as water overflow from river, ocean or lake, bad
drainage system that could not contain the rain water, or even the snow melt. The following
explanation will illustrate the process of flood in urban area as the result of extreme
Every urban area is designed with a schematic waterways that will contain the rain water and
allow it to flow to the river or to certain location underground that can later be absorb by the
soil. But, there are certain possibilities that can hinder this process to be carried out
flawlessly. One of the possible factor is human’s action.
Let’s imagine that the drainage system under a city ground is like a long and huge pipe.
When you pour water into a pipe, the water will come out on the other end of the pipe. This is
how the waterways system should be working. But, what will happen if you cover the other
end of the pipe with something? For example you sealed the other end of the pipe with plastic
or something like that which ensure the water cannot pass through. The water that you pour
into the pipe will start to fill the whole space of the pipe until it is full and flood happen, the
water goes back to where it comes in the first place.
That is mostly what happen in urban area. The people throw their trash carelessly and when
the rain come, little by little, some of the trash washed away into the sewer and pile up
somewhere in it. Until one day, the pile of trash clog the waterways and as the result flood
happen when the heavy rain occur.

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