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Gifts occupy an important place in our social life.

They build our relations

with other people. We exchange gifts with other people at our festivals.
The birthday gifts and gifts exchanged between friends are the routine of
our life. They speak of our love for one another. In this essay, I shall
discuss two different types of gifts and also give my opinion in the
forthcoming paragraphs.

The expensive gifts are the ones that can never go wrong. Most people
tend to be happier when they receive expensive gifts, no matter what the
gift consists of. It is something about the human brain, but whenever
someone receives an expensive gift, it simply makes their day better.
And there is also the fact that the best presents are the ones you cannot
afford to buy nor able to get. It is the same concept as when we were
kids. We did not have money to get toys ourselves, but when Santa
Claus brought them you felt like you were on cloud nine.

On the other hand, there are homemade items that have no match. The
fact that someone put time and effort into making the gift shows how
much they care about you. These may not be expensive, but have a
peerless sentimental and emotional value and are the ones you will
never forget and the ones you will value the most.

Concluding, I would say that receiving a homemade item is far more

important and significant rather than an expensive one. However, every
person has a different point of view...

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