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Jalan Kalimantan 37 Kampus Tegal Boto Kotak Pos 125 Jember
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris
Hari / Tanggal : Jumat, 8 JANUARI 2020
Waktu : 7.00 – 8.40
Dosen : Eka Wahjuningsih SPd MPd
Please don’t forget to write down your name and NIM on your answer sheet


The earliest artificial harbors known are those that were built in Crete around 2000 BC. Under
Roman rule a large number of harbors were built around the Mediterranean Sea, some of which are still
used today.

In the Middle Ages, when sea commerce became an important industry in Italy, the art of harbor
engineering was revived. The harbors of Venice and Genoa were begun in this period and some of the
original works are still standing in both ports.

Little was done to improve the natural harbors in the United States until 1970’s. Then the
colonial government made improvements in the important harbors of New York, Boston, Philadelphia,
and Charleston.

A harbor must exist before facilities for a seaport can be used. When a port is needed to handle
the traffic in a certain area, an artificial harbor may be built. Whether or not a harbor becomes a thriving
port depends on several factors. The surrounding land area must be able to be developed industrially to
provide products for export. There must also be a population large enough to provide a market for
imports. The land immediately adjoining the harbor must provide room for docks, warehouses, and
loading and unloading facilities. Road and links inland must be good.

Many of the large industrial and commercial cities in the world, such as New York City and
Rotterdam in the Netherlands, owe their success to their superior harbors and port facilities. Lacking
good harbors has been a hindrance to the progress of many countries, especially in Africa and Central
America. Many cities that do not touch any ocean or sea have become “seaports” through dredging and
canal construction. This process has connected Houston, Texas, to the Gulf of Mexico and Chicago,
Illinois, to the Mississippi River.

A ship entering a port is assigned a berth, or a mooring space, along a wharf or pier. When the
ship is tied to the dock, rat guards are put over the ropes to prevent rats, which may carry disease, from
running along them. Solid cargo and cargo packed in containers are moved on conveyor belts or motor
operated carries called forklift. Liquid cargo, such as oil, is pumped through hoses between the ship and
storage tanks. Large tubes, resembling vacuum cleaners, are used to unload loose cargo such as grain.
Huge derricks can lift large pieces of cargo to and from ships. Containers, packed with goods are lifted
from the ship and placed on trucks or railroad cars. Smaller cargo is loaded and unloaded by workers
called stevedores, or longshoremen.

In United States, maintenance and control of the facilities in a port are the responsibilities of
both federal and local governments. The local port authority usually handles such jobs as the assignment
of berths, the loading and unloading of cargo, and the procedures in passenger terminals.

Ports handling international commerce will also have federal customs officials present to make
sure that any goods brought into a country (as either personal property or cargo) are legally permitted
and suitably taxed. Health officials will check to see that no person, animal, food, or plant enters or is
brought into the country carrying diseases. Immigration authorities are also present to process and
assist newly arriving foreigners.

In the United States, the design, construction, and maintenance of harbors are the responsibility
of the US Army Engineers. In many cases, cities and states pay for harbor improvements with their own
funds, but the work is supervised by the Federal Government. Congress provides funds for harbor

Anonynous, 1988


1. What makes a harbour become a thriving port?
2. Why do some industrial cities fail to develop their industry?
3. What is the function of rat guards put over the ropes in the deck?
4. How is liquid goods loaded and unloaded from a ship in a port?
5. What are the duties of port authority?
6. What is the evidence that the art of harbor engineering begins to revitalize in Italy in the Middle
7. How is the liquid cargo loaded and unloaded?
8. How do federal customs work in a port?
9. How do cities that do not have any ocean solve the problems that may occur related to the
exporting and importing the goods to and from the cities?
10. What are the functions of forklift?

II. Complete each of the sentences below with the provided words (10)
1. Tall buildings were constructed only rarely before the …………………… of the elevator in
the 1850s
2. Graves Otis first ……………………………………….. his elevator at 1854 New York World’s Fair
3. Otis also invented a safety ……………………………… to stop the elevator from falling if the lift
rope broke
4. In 1857, Otis put his first ……………………….. elevator in a New York City building
5. The newest …………………… elevator systems have computers to control elevator
6. Hydraulic elevators moved more …………………….. than the earlier steam engine elevators.
7. One of the first elevators was installed at the Paris …………………………….. of 1900
8. In automatic elevators, passengers push a …………………………………….. for the floor number
they want
9. Different types of elevator move at different………………….
10. …………………………………………………. are moving stairs used in stores, railroad, and airline
terminals, and other places.

a. Speed f. floors k. escalators

b. Invention g. passengers l. showed
c. Device h. automatic m. smoothly
d. Button i. exposition n. easier
e. Electric j. travel

III. Use the correct form of the verb in each sentences (score:20)
1. He (work)……………. every day
2. He (talk) ………………… to Tom right now
3. The children (sleep) ……. for two hours every afternoon
4. Those two fellows (fix) ………………… the car at the moment
5. We (do) ……………. Exercise 13 at the moment
6. The sun (get)…………….. very hot during the afternoon
7. I (buy)……………….. that book on Engineering during my last vacation
8. The tall fellow (leave) ………………… his office three weeks ago
9. We (pay) ……………… for the rent last year
10. Our present teacher (live)……………………….. in this town all of his life

IV. Write down sentences based on the types of the sentence in each number (score:20)
1. Nominal sentence 6. Verbal sentence
2. Verbal sentence 7. Nominal sentence
3. Verbal sentence 8. Verbal sentence
4. Nominal sentence 9. Nominal sentence
5. Nominal sentence 10. Nominal sentence

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