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Name : Summy Yufitri

NIM : F1C320006

Prodi : Physic

In the last century, environmental pollution has become increasingly worse. One of the major
causes of this phenomenon is human activity. This topic is significantly important because there is only
one Earth to live in. This essay will suggest some possible solutions to this issue.

First of all, one solution to resolve this dilemma could be to reduce the number of cars on roads
by encouraging the use of public transports. This could be managed through cooperation between
governments and individuals. For illustrations, governments could ensure that public transport is more
affordable and convenient for the general public; this might help to reduce car emissions to the

Another solution to combat environmental pollution is via education. By this, I mean that both
parents and educators should raise awareness by teaching children from a young age how crucial it is to
look after the environment. For instance, it has been proven that younger children pick-up information
more quickly and follows the instruction given by teachers and parents. As this is the next generation
who will inherit the Earth, their sense of responsibility is important to address this issue. Also, the
governments should introduce laws to limit the deforestation in many countries around the world to
ensure that there are enough green forests, fortunately, there are many nations who have already
introduced these laws such as the USA.

To conclude, this essay has discussed some of the possible solutions in order to help tackle the
problem. In my opinion, reducing the numbers of cars and educating the next generation are key factors
in helping to save the planet, perhaps in the future if those ideas are approved the world will be greener
and safer.

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