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Game -Songs WITH PROF DOGGS TROUPE 44 songs and games with activities chosen by Harriet Powell with drawings by David McKee A&C BLACK - LONDON Published in association with Inter-Action Inprint ‘BRK 1.2 Anon-922 Fist publi by A & € Back (Publishers) Ld 235 etd Row, London WTR 4, England Thit eitionligensed to Tl Pubishers obmins, Rusa, Noto be sold except Russa at independent sates All rghts reserved No put ofthis pinion snaybe reproduce or use nny form of by a7 means ~ photegrap lecttonic ot mechan, Including photocopying eeoeding apingor Information storage and retical stem — spthout permision ofthe publishers, Bans acasets ‘opt, coerna 6 econo wp a ‘eon prs cee egpaascmac ratte a epi 185,195 Shnacanennoc waa Hasvencrae"a 97 San sass 8-600) Spo 71362300 gant) ‘san 715825300) Contents Learning Through Fun How to-use the book Guitar chords 1 Say hello § tua song for saying hello. 1¢ can also include actions and aciag-ott 2 How do you do? ‘A ritual meeting ond greeting song 3. Bash and Bang Band A poroling song, Sing it a8 you play seal or home-made instruments 4 Bandleader ‘Acthythm game w ploy ina cece 5 We're going tomake circus ‘A gathering together or parading song. Use {to gather children together for any projet 6 Come to the party ‘Acting-out things sou can dot party ~ forthe seaside, or 7 Musicless chairs ‘An acting-out game ino circle 8 Make a face ‘Moke it as hoppy or as silly o as seary os B 4 15 6 " 8 9 Keep your face straight [A game to play in pais trying to make each other laugh When a dinosaur’s feeling hungry [Asong about food — what you lke and ‘where to nd it Yummy corners A rnning around game with a food theme Creep up ut don wake the sleeping man Burglar '8 game for moving silently ond listening hard Actin song Bea gla or a mouse or anything you ike {in this song witha framework for including your own ideas for acting out Knee boxing Finger sword fighting ‘Two pascal games to playin pairs Be a clown ‘Anything a clown can do you can do too Walking through the jungle = what ight you se, and what would you ao? Body patterns ‘A game for making the shape ofan animal together with your bodies, ‘Magic statues ‘A follow-my-Leeder game in which children freeze ino different shapes 3 24 a5 26 Crying song [Ashort song 9 comfort a crying child Rhyming name song Instant chyme making Clap clap game A maytam and word game Dice song Roll the dice and counr the dots es you sing the song, Colour song ‘Asong for learning about colours and how to mix them Colour collecting Arrunning around game for learaing eelours fe 9 Actions and dances 7 8 29 30 3r 3 3 4 35 36 37 Keep on dancing ‘Accurmulasve action song and dance Bendy toy ‘An action Song for bending and stretching ineo diferent shapes Clay modelling ‘A game for children to move cach other's bodies ino different shapes Make a cake ‘An action song about fod, which con be ‘ured ito spooky spel-making song Monster stomp ‘Make yourself into a monster and jin The Grant Grow! Chorus One two three ‘An action song ond dance ino cirele ve got a body ‘A cumulative action song about diferent Parts ofthe body Drawing faces ‘A game like consequences Mistletoe ‘A Chelstmas ection song about giving isan We can do anything ‘Challenge each other to copy your actions Ape ‘A copying game to play ine circle Actions and sounds 38 3 o “ 2 a “4 Weather song [song to make the weather do whos its void Sound song A uiet song, listening out for sounds ‘round you Storytelling ‘Make up a story and provide the sound effects cs you go along Down on the farm A cumulative sound and action song about farmyard animes ‘On Christmas Day ‘What would you like for Christmas and ‘what sound would it ke? Cumulative words ‘A memory game about Christmas presents Say goodbye Shik How the game-songs were developed Acknowledgements Index of titles and first lines Game tides ore given in ital Learning Through Fun Professor Dogg's Troupe of Inter-Action began ‘when afew actors joined me create a Participatory play for eildren onthe streets ond Playgrounds of North London. The ploy used Esiourful costumes @ confit in the pot which the children cou help resolve, o gular or fccordion, and simple songs with easytorpck-up funes and words “The plot wes resolved by the children partipating through gamer which helped move the storyline along. Oct ofthis came the formation ofthe Troupe os theatre company shih ereated sown motel fr show projects and events n which children could take Por ieumeditely ond atively especially trough ‘omer and songs "AS we developed the dheory and proce of artzipatory Theatre throughout the seventies ‘the types of song alo developed: One basic type Used in most ofthe more thon 150 ploys created {or ehildsen bythe Troupe since 1968 ithe jame-song. This hos simple words ond a catchy {ness steuctured oso ype of game. There tre many troditional game-songs; Professor Doga's Troupe have created ner ones for teres sisorons ‘Ail songs tha hildren sing teach them physical (thymic) e-ordinaion along with foetal and languoge sills which are, of course by-products ofthe simple ct of singing, Gome- songs do this more than other types of songs, teoause oftheir erative structure, They ean be ployed round with and changed, added tor Sted ost. Children naturally want to use lenguages and the use of language is the ey to most forther Icarning. Motivation use language spat of creative playing ond singing andthe chile Sesire wo explore. Songs 0s games build on these Datura copacces "They encourage children to vse language and to practise it in public, a it were, by singing out oui with other children. The children neither feel they ore being taught to sing not learn ‘anything diteey, Teall hoppens as part ofthe ‘ame ond e's fun emight be interesting to look a some ofthe ‘many things which can happen when children do something os seemingly simple as singing a {ame-song together. They can be: earning to listen to others teking tums ‘having feling of security in @ group speaking up in 8 group co-operating with their peer group making decisions change © word or action accepting that changes are permitsible withiao sr of rules using their imagination both physically and verbally enabling leadership wo emerge thinking up respons practising verbal sills ond vocabulary developing muscular co-ordination and shythmie ability ‘The list above con be summarized in three categories of sil: communication, social and language. "There ea fourth arca~ emotional development. When a child plays the game-song ‘of creeping up ona slesping man who then wakes up witha roar (72 Crep xp), there Iso Potential for diferent kind of emotional Expression ~ fear, laughter end pleasure is adds up to game-songs being ly useful in developing confidence and Srronge of bose skills, The nice thing abou ‘when all he analysis is over, is that game-sonas ‘re simply a great deal off, ED Berman MBE How to use the book Singing these game-songs is childs play! All the invention, energy and fun in children’s play is herein game-song 00. As well as enjoying singing together, children can Joi in vith all, kinds of physical activity, fom winging ‘eyebrows 9 doing the monster som. ‘Game-songs encourage children play inventively withthe words of songs and t© make ‘up new versions, They present many ‘opportunities for children and adults choose thet own actions, sounds and words within the ‘sic framework ofeach game-song. Just like chilésen's games they have themes of fantasy oF reality ora misture af both ‘ll the game-songs in the collection have been. written over the last twelve years by actors and ‘musicians ossociated with Iner-Action's Prof Dogg's Troupe, several of whom have also wotked at Interplay Community Theatre, Leeds, All the songs have been sung with children under seven os wel as children of ‘wider age range and some hove been used ith childeen with various disabilities. ‘Weave used them hundreds of ies in all sons of places ~ parks, playgroups, schools, clubs for children with handicaps, ond with our ‘wn ehldren at home “Types of game-songs Alongside'the heading “basic us" we indicat the ‘game-song's type and purpose. There are ual Songs, ation songs, sound effect songs, acting ‘cut songs, parading songs, gathering together ‘songs, ond dances, Most songs havea ‘combination of purposes for example actions ‘ond sound eflects. Many ofthe songs have BE Wvvroae themes such asthe circus, the jungle or the ‘Weather which childfen ike theres us, con easly relace wo. ‘Most ofthe game-songs are constructed cllow the children’s suggestions tobe Incorporated, For example Rhymes: Rhyming name song needs childeen o provide Hynes for each others names Words: Make a cate encourages children to think of ingredients for a requires suggestions of toys the lhldren might receive at Christmas {andthe sounds the toys might make Actions: oe got a body needs Sugoestions for what You do with Sliferent parts of your body Basie ase ‘Under this heading we give you guidance on hhow to use each gamme-song in is basic frm, Tey this Unies this heading we list further ways of using the game-song. Introduce different ways of playing the ame-songs yoursel or ask children to suggest ways before singing the song. Here fre some examples of how we have developed them: Exploring the theme further. For ‘example the Weather song, witch i 0 Song for singing abou different kinds of weather, can be sung to include {deos for what you door wearin ilferent kinds of weather Changing a theme. Come othe party ‘ean become Come tothe weaise —Ghanging o character. ‘The dinosaur in When a dinasausfeting mgr can. become another snimal oro person —Tnelading actions Say ells con be chonged to Clep your hands or Bea Also under this heading we give you some ideas for extending the gume-songs into other etnies such of craft work or storytelling “Altemotively, an activity may lead you into on ‘ppropriate game-song, Here are some possibilies: after singing Walking through the jangle hildren could point jungte pictures, or ‘eoding «jungle story might lead to Singing Walking dough the jungle often the song and activity can be ‘combined. Animal costumes could be ‘made withthe children and worn while Singing Walking serangh te jungle Remember that our suggestions are only starting points, You wil think of more posibilies than ‘wehave ever ‘The music ‘The tunes are simple and fun to sing. Children pick them up very quickly. We have given chard Symbols obove each melody and a piano ‘Socompeniment to most ofthe songs for those Wwe want to ue an instrument to aecompany the singing, ‘This hat been recorded to help both thore who ‘don't read music and thove who do, Listening ‘and singing along will enable you to lean the tunes and fel confident singing them with children even without accompaniment. Even if yourdo read music, you may like to listen to the {ape withthe children ond gett know the song together "The recordings difer from the book in that we hhave made up new words in those songe which dare meant v9 elicit suggestions from the children, ‘We recommend thr you listen to how the children's suggestions could in in place of furs. Then sing the songs allowing the chldzen to introduce thats own wards ond ideas ae The games Alongside the songs is «collection of non- ‘musical games in stip cartooa form. These are ames which we often play before or afer Singing a song. Mos of them connect with a theme inthe game-song they accompany. For Instance the actions in @ song may lead into @ ‘non-musical game or vies vero "—Bendy roy con ead 10 the game called ‘Clay modeling in which eben bend teach other into shapes, Here is one more game. Try making up your ‘own game-song using a well-known rane as we Ihave done with Riyming name sng. We ave found the habit of playing around with songs @ creative one = Wwe Hope you il 09, Harriet Powell Guitar chords A 2 sie 0g FO bare: press a strings down with es ager ¢ Say hello Mage Anolon Col, Job ut ond Ohare Star e > Leader Children = Say hello Hello Seyhatlo Het say het Say helio Hebi. Say helo Sayhello Hello Sayhello Hello Basi use - «rival song for saying hello G Fine Ty this YW Say hello toa different child each time. _¥f Pretend to be something or someone else. ‘You don't need reper all four lines for The children can act out the movements and ach name one or two would do: imitate the sound of whatever the leader tells Tidy SDL te Hello John__ Hello John Hello John — Hello John. Hello Pete — Hello Pete ‘$7 Fit in words describing actions, The ‘Ye Tum the song into a game. Ask the Pubrmbsecrtngasion The feTemsbcumyunsme a se ago nr heretics Jody ddd tele Oil ee a Clap your hands clap clap clap Allsitdown All stand up 2 How do you do? soto How do yo do? Inductor end les or wodbck How doen? : Pm very pleased ‘to meet you, . ¢ ot + Tr very seed neon, a. Ld. ps How do you do? Lote, J 4 4 4 How do you | dot JJ.» you "do? How do you do? How do you dot JL) 14ST, My mame is My name is | Hareri-et oe rs 4 bys How do you do? How do you | do? E c F c ve = ry pleased to [mest you, t'm | ve ~ ry pleased to | mest Basic use ~ a vivwei mecting and ‘reeting song Young children pick this song up very {uickly. The leader may lke to accentuate the rhythm by accompanying the singing on ‘percussion instrument. You can ploy the melody rhythm, a steady pulse of doted ‘crochet bears (first rhythm given below), or play te rhythm of the weeds “how do sou 0" throughout: Drum ej. J. J, (Chaves or woodblock How do you! do? Introduce the song tothe childsen by thythmically chanting the words “how do you do” over and over, then introdcing your ‘own name (see the Introduction}. Ty this ‘YX Get all the children shaking hands with, cach other by singing the irs rv bars of the ‘melody to these words (the chythm needs to be altered slghely) aod did y Everyone hold hands Everyone hold hands Shake them up and down ‘Shake them up and down td didy Now we can sing Now we can sing ‘Then start te song again at “how do you {do Encourage the children ro in other ‘ction, such os clapping the etm in the same way. 3 Bash and Bang Band oe ‘We are the Circus Bash and Bang Band Bash bash bash, kicking up a din We are the Circus Bash and Bang Band Bang bang bang, everyone join in. Lala Le lala lale lala Tntroction Lola lala lala (Repeat) Bang bang bang, 2 e Baste use — 0 parading song [A song which children can aecompony with home-made instruments, The name Cir Bash and Bang Bond is used as on example tnd you cas insert any name you like for your band, eg. the name of your school or Playgroup. Ty this $€ Make your own instruments - plastic bottle maracos tin can drums, pan lid ‘gmbols~ then sing the song and parode ‘ound using your instruments ro play along fon “bash bash besh", “bong bang bong" fond in the “la a” section, FT If you don’t have instruments, imitate the sounds instead, e.g. drum (boom boom ‘boom) or trumpet (tot toot rot). Tis wi work well inthe “To Ta” section where ‘everyone can make the sound of their instrument and mime playing it instead of singing tot, FX Call our one rype of inst played or mimed during the While the others keep silent 4 Bandleader IE, ae aE Paes ee ‘To deveiop the game. [cheese a chid Fo Ta the room Ware eon ae fare onto a Fae ae Tae 5 We're going to make a circus at We're going wo make a circus ‘We're going co make a circus We're going 10 make a circus Introduction TThe greatest show on cart. 5 Leader intron Fat It's gigantic It's gigantic It'll be Frontie Ibe frantic ‘Theil a minute Thrill a minute Come along ond bein it Come along and be in it Were } going to make Basic USe - yurnering woyether or parading Allsing te fist section together, then in the second section the children sing he repeated line after the Ieoder Each section can be repeated as many times as youlike. You can use the song as a means of gathering 4 group of children together fe «project. Change the 0 Ing to make a words to suit the situation, -g “We've going to paint a pieture™ ‘Sele then oxk om them to dance, raw, grow, ot whatever is ‘appropriate, inthe mid of the circle. Meanwhile the other chien con sing the frst setion ofthe song with Suitable new words, We can see a tiger We can see a tiger We oan see a tiger The wildest tiger on earth. 3H Make circus spend a day helping the prepere for and perform their own Grcus. Make 6 Come to the party ene Chorus a > Come to the party come to the party ‘Come to the party come right now, Think of something you want ro do Come tothe par-ty feome tothe par-iy, |Come to the party comeright now, ‘And you can do it right now. ‘You can cat cake on your own, ‘You can eat cake with a friend ‘You can eat cake with everybody ‘And you can doit right now. Come to the party ‘You can have @ dance on your own ‘You can have a dance witha friend ‘You can have a dance with everybody ‘And you can doit right now. Come to the party Think of something you [rant to do And | you can do stright _f ga ‘You can... on your own Basie U8 — an acting-ow song org You can catcake on your| own You can eat ake witha | fiend ‘After singing the chorus together, get suggestions trom me " 2 children for diferent things you can dot a party and ‘cc them out while singing each new verse FE Reploce party with any different theme, For example ‘Come to the seaside come tothe seaside ‘Come to the seaside come right now, Think of something you want to do [And you can do it right now. Ask “What can you do at the seaside?” You can have a paddle on your own You can have a paddle with a friend You can have a paddle with everybody ‘And you can do it right now. ‘Cometo the seaside Ask again ‘Youcan....on you own .. ‘FX Use as a gathering together or parading tong after an activity such as face pointing, dressing up, or mask making. Alter the theme to whatever is appropriate~ citeus, farmyard, pantomime. 7 Musicless chairs [Fe leader giver ae ‘gq nambers ane. ho or "Cn hos fos The i ele Payers | crotmateciiens. Esk Shen Sot Eitan ce ‘Change the theme to whatever you Tike, eg, shepherds sheep and sheep dogs & Make a face sone hors Ifyou want to be happy ‘nd have a happy day, And spread o bit ofjoy around ‘Then there is just one way Make a face Make a face Make it as happy os you can And make o face. Ifyou want t0 be happy Make a face Make a face Make it as seary as you ean And make a face. If you want to be happy Make a face Make a face Make it as silly as you ean ‘And make a fa Ifyou want to be happy Basie USC — on vesing-oxt song Alter singing the chorus together ask the children what sort of face they can make happy, silly, angry oose one and repeat the verse oF chorus os mony times es you like while you all make that face, Sing the chorus again then start anew verse ee ‘Ask: "hat sort g Ga a Make it as hap-py [as you can And Ty ths WY Substitute statues for faces and ask the children what sorcof statue they would like romake, e.. Sing through the verse or css Sen arse ie shile ypo ail make Rappy faces} ‘YX Moke o sound: ask the children in turn to think ofo funny, imaginative, quiet or loud sound on different instruments or wing their ‘Moke a stanue —- ‘Moke a statue ‘Make a sound ‘As much lke a monster as you can ‘Make a sound ‘And make a staue, ‘Make itas quiet as you con ‘And make a sound, 9 Keep your face _ straight aan Feeqyone chaser a parmer [5.8 ae @ ‘ee Child wale a face and musk Fate Pe Qeresion Fixed et Tis padtoer mui pF Rake him Teagh oF change his Face wihove teaching, hia. 10 When a dinosaur's feeling RURGIY —s.s.cins.stsesownntnase ‘When a dinosaur’ feeling hungry He looks for food He looks in the forest ‘When he's in a hungry mood. When a | dinosaurs feet -ing |tmunery | tle ‘When he looks in the forest He finds ots and lots of tees, ‘When he looks in he forest ‘Noto fet He finds lots and los of mice. And he goes mmm ~ trees [And he goes ugh ~ mice [And he goes mmm ~ trees — = [And he goes ugh ~ mice. inthe |fo-rest_—_Whenhe'| ina hun ~ ery When a dinosaurs feeling hungry He looks for food, = in the | fo-rest___ He finds tots and lots of Before you start the song, ask the children ‘where a dinosaur might lok for food, and i ‘hot it would and woulda like wo eat, Fit 4 Tee acoaecat tans he xpos Toots —— in the | fo-rest___ He finds| tote and tots of | |mice inthe song, making up os many new verses = ‘as you like. a mmm —| trees And he gors| ugh | mice And he goss] mice. Ainosau's feel ~ ing Ty ths FT Makeup @ new verse fr each chi in ‘wm, asking them what they ean and can’ ‘ator what they do and don’ like cating, ‘and where they would go to find it When Pete is feeling hungry He looks for food, He looks inthe kitehen ‘When he’s ino hungry mood. ‘When he fooks in the kitehen He finds lots and lots of cake, When he looks inthe kitchen He finds lors and lots of soap, ‘And he goes mmm ~ cake ‘And he goes ugh ~ soap > 7 Pa When un ary —_ ‘YT Instead of o dinosaur, think of another horacter to sing about = human, anim, oF otherwise. You might choose a character from a favourite story. As you sing the song you could all move round the room pretending tobe the person you are singing ‘bout. Ask ce children What they can find in the room which your new choracter would and wouldn' like eating. Fit their suggestions into the song to make new verses. FY Put some edible things like different pieces of fruit into one bag, and into another ‘bog put some inedible objects a piece of siting, soap, rubber. As you sing the song, a chil can pick one thing from each bap sit Which to complete the lines ofthe verse M Yummy corners [in each corner oF he room @ chia holds @ large] pidure of a Pood TF ihe leader shies Banana’ the chilaren mort Fn] fo that commer beepegT gieg bake rere Wi on 12 Creep up os Dm Dm Sam creep up, creep up [As quietly as you con. ‘Sam creep up, creep up Inaroduetion Sam creep up reep up. Don’t wake the sleeping man, ‘Sam pat the pig on the head ~ pat pat pot ie ‘Sam pat the pig on the back ~ pat pat put ‘Sam pot the pig on the head ~ pat par pat Oh oh oh oh Tsay, You'd better run awoy! © Dm ‘Sam creep up, ceep up| Don't [wake the seeping |man. Basic use — a2 acting-out song ach child in turn creeps up to sleeping character (in ‘our example a farmer with e pig). Another child can be this character, The child creeping up i eying to steal the pig from the farmer. After the third time of [Sam pa the pig on theheadl—, (pat pat _ pot) patting the pig the farmer wakes up with aloud yawn : a ‘or roar, cd the child runs away. w z > G A ratte on ttc ont_pat_pat)_[sun_pat te icon the ed Ty this FT Hide someone in « large cardboard box or basket ond give them a collection of loud found makers hittl, football rote, hoter. The other children creep up in turn sand knock the basket, After the tied time the person inside makes one ofthe loud sounds (3 Burglar Bina ne chisahe at an gene mick efecto Maggie creep up, creep up ‘As quietly as can be Maggie creep up, creep up T wonder what we'll see ‘Maggie give the basket a knock — noc knack knock Careful or you might get a shock — knack frock Anack ‘Maggie give the basket a knock - Anock knack hock (Oh oh oh oh I say, ‘You'd better run away! /4 Act in song Standing up, standing up —- . Basle Use — a1 action and acting-owt song 7 c the format ofthis song ~ "standing up’ is simply given ae ra {an example. Sing the chorus then repeat the Vere ues Ee eee Rast Ceeeasta| (a with i actions os many times as you ike 15 Knee boxing Ty this Efe cn) | eae] Tyee ma om io Fo : Se fac aus (6 Finger sword fighting ie yone cies, CO ii 7 Beaclown Be a clown, bea clown ‘Some are big and some are small, ‘They can do anything ot all, Bea clown, bea clown, A clown can pulla funny face You can pull a funny face You ean pull a funny’ face too, A clown can pulla funny face You can pull a funny face You can pull a funny face too. Be a clown clown can jump up and down You can jump up and down ‘You can jump up and down to Be a clown Aclown can 4 Chorus Introduction Bes |clown, be a Jclown = —Z = Lesurely pace They ean [do an = y-thing at Verse o>

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