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Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal by William Torbitt About the Author (written in 1970) the authoris alawyerin te soushwestem part ‘Torte Unie Stas wit weny yeas al experience. For two years he served as a prosecuting antomey in criminal cases during 1849, 1950 and partof 1951. He his engaged in both civil and criminal practices and is Hicensed in al sute and federal cours in his area and the ‘Cour of Tax Appeals. “The author is atypically conservative and sic- ‘cessful atomey belonging to the American Trial Lawyers Association, all of his aea barassocia- tioas, Kiwanis and local civie clubs. He is a family man and is highly respected in the courts before which fie practices. He is not critical of the Warren Commission or of any other national agency in connection withthe assassination. ‘The author hes participated in eases in the southwest where professional Mexican assas- sins have been used to commit politcal murder He has also participated in the tral of cases in the southwest involving gua-running activities through Mexico to Cube, both before Casto was successful and after Casto succeeded and be- came the subject of overthrow by gunrunners from the southwest. Close relatives of the gambling syndicate mem- bers have used the legal services of Torbit in complicated cases involving wacing of financial dealings of organized crime in Texas and their foreign connecting links More imporcant, William Torbitt has been a member of the song supporters of Lyndon Johnson since 1948. He supported Joba Connal- ly in the gubernatorial race of 1962 and exrlier was closely associated in the succescful rave of Lloyd Bentsca in the Texas Valley adjacent to the Mexican border. Torbitr was alsoa key politi- cal backer of Texas Governor, Allen Shivers ‘The author remained close to the conservative Connally-Totinson politcal organization and ‘was personally acquainted with most of the people he writes about until he leftthem in 1963, “Torbitt remains active in Texas Valley-Mexico border politics, butat subdued pace. During his tem as prosocutor, he was deeply involved in the investigations and prosecutions of the gam- bling syndicate and Mafia operations in Texas, Except for five years forcign service in the U.S. ‘Navy during World War Il, Torbittis a lifelong resident of Texas, He holds his law degree from the University of Texas at Austin, ‘The author says, “The fascist cabal who assas- sinated John Kennedy planned to lay the blame (on honest right-wing conservatives if their first ploy, to lay the blame on Oswald and the Com- saunists was not bought.” The author set out in this work simply to analyze, bring together and present his personal knowledge and the evidence which has been ‘gathered by the Warren Commission, Fim Gar- ison and all other investigative agencies con- nected with the case. Asis the ofic of alawye, hhe makes legal deductions from the evidence ‘gathered but consistcntly refuses to specalat= on the evidence even when some speculation is warranted. He says that speculation isa close kin to rumor and, consequently, he resorts only to those legal deductions which cours allow alaw- ‘yer to make from the court-approved and docu- ‘mented evidence. ‘This work is an enlargement of a working paper fumished to Tarbitt by two agents — one with the Customs Department and the other with the fi “The Torbitt Document «2 ee ee Narcotics Bureau. For obvious reasons, their identities must be protected, butthe author gives highest credit to the investigative work of the ‘wo well-informed officers. ‘The author especially credits the working paper Of the two agents with revealing the heretofore highly secret Defense Industrial Security Com- mand and its intelligence assignmeats on bebalf of the munitions and aerospace manufacturers, ‘The fascistic totalitarian secret police agency is even stronger and more devious in 1970 and threatens our democracy, he says. Chapter I then Fim Gartison, the New Orleans istrict Attomey began to investigate the assas- sination of President Kennedy, he took the posi- tion that regardless of who was behind the assas- sination, the American people could take the ‘uth, should have the facts and thatthe right of the American people to know superceded any damage that might be done to the image of the United States by the revelation of respected gov- ‘emment leaders’ involvement in the crime, ‘Chief Justice Earl Warren and other members (of the Commission charged to investigate the assassination took another posi is, reveal the assassination scheme would do great harm and damage to the image of the United ‘States in the eyes of the world and therefore, it ‘would de to the best interests ofthe nation that their findings be as were reported by them. Enough evidence has now been uncovered by , the Werren Commission, other investigative agencies here and in Europe, and Jim Garzisoa to reveal an almost total working knowledge of how the assassination was carted out and by whom, ‘The killing of President Kennedy was planned id supervised by Division Five of the Federal jureau of Investigation, a elatively small de- [pactment within the FBI whose usual duties lespionage and counter-espionage activites. "haat teens Fee acted dually with the Defense Intelligence Agency which was acting con behalf of the Joint Chicts of Staff in the Pentagon. Directly under the two-pronged lead- ership of Division Five and the DIA was the control group, their highly secret police agency: the Defense Industrial Security Command (De- fense Industrial Security Command). ‘The Defense Industrial Security Command has always been kept secret because it acs, in addi- tion 0 its two official control organizations, on behalf of NASA, the Atomic Energy Commis- sion, U.S. Information Agency and the arms, equipment, ammunition, munitions and related miscellaneous supply manufacturing corpora- tions, contacting with NASA, the AEC, USIA, and the Pentagon. Onc can readily observe the Defense Industrial Seoutity Command is not compatible with an ‘pen democracy and the U.S. Constitution. Con- sequently, the top secret arms manufacturers" police agency has been kept from the knowledge ‘of even most US. officials and congressmen. The Defense Industrial Security Command (efease Industrial Security Command) had its beginnings when J. Edgar Hoover in the carly 1930's organized the police force of the fled- sling Tennessee Valley Authority at the request of David Lillienthal. The police force covered the entire Tennessee Valley Authority from Knoxville, Tennessee through Huntsville and Florence, Alabama and into Kentucky and back trough the eastem portion of Tennessee into southern Kentucky. This was one of the first federal agencies with a separate federal police fowe. This force grew and Lilfienthal took it forward to cover the Atomic Energy Commis- Son, thus tying it into the amy intelligence service. LM. Bloomfield, a Montreal, Canada lawyer ‘bearing the reputation asasex deviate, the direct supervisor ofall contractual agents with. agar Hoover's Division Five, was the top coordinator forthe network planning the execution. A Swiss corporation, Permindex, was used to head five front organizations responsible for furnishing Personnel and supervisors to camy out assigned duties. ‘The five groups under Permindex and their supervisors were: 1. The Czarist Russian, Eastem European and Middle East exile organization called Solidar- ‘The Torbitt Document «3 ists, headed by Ferenc Nagy, ex-Hungarian pre- micr and Joba (or Jean)De Menil, Russian exile from Houston, Texas — a close friend and sup- ore of Lyndon Johnson for over 30 year. 2. Asection of the American Council of Chris- tian Churches headed by H.L. Hunt of Dallas, Texas. 3. ACuban exile group called Free Cuba Com- mittee headed by Carlos Prio Socearas, ex-Cu- ban president. 4. An organization of the United States, Carib- bean and Havana, Cuba gamblers called The Syndicate headed by Clifford Jones, ex-liew- tenant governor of Nevada and National Demo- cratic Committeeman and Bobby Baker of Washington, D.C. This group worked ciosely with a Mafia family headed by Joc Bonanno. 5. The Security Division ofthe National Aero- nautics and Space Administration (NASA) headed by Wemer Von Braun, head of the Ger- man Nazis rocket program from 1932 through 1943, Headquarters for this group was the De- fense Industrial Security Command at Muscle Shoals Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and on East Broad Street in Columbus, Ohio. ‘The Defense Industrial Security Command is the police and espionage agency for the U.S. saunitions makers. Defense Industrial Security Command was organized by J. Edgar Hoover and William Sullivan, his chief assistant, is in direct command. We shall later examine the involvement of a lange number of the Defease Industrial Security Command agents including Clay Shaw, Guy Bannister, David Fertie, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby and others, with Permindex’s Louis Mortimer Bloomfield of Montreal, Canads in charge. As it must be, all of the preceding facts are established and documented by overwhelming evidence beyond a reasonable doubt onthe fol- lowing pages. Gordoa Novel obtained the aid of the Colum- bus office in 1967, when Jim Garrison was at- tempting 1 get him back to Louisiana from Ohio. Personnel of the Defense Intelligence Agency were subject to assignment with the Defense Industrial Security Command. The Director of the FBI was in charge of NASA's Security Divison and Defense Indus- ‘wial Security Command in his postion as head of counter espionage sctvities in the United Suaes. His agents investigated every employee ‘ofthe space agency as well asthe employees of the pertinent contractors doing business with NASA and also, prospective employees of every ‘ans and munitions manufacturer, ° ‘The Defense Intelligence Ageticy (DIA) is headed by Lt. Gen. Joseph F. Cacroll, a former assist director of the FBI, Caroll worked closely with Sullivan, Hoover and LM, Bloom- field in directing activities of the munitions male es’ police agency, Defense Industial Security Command. Walter Sheridan, whose activites are covered ater, was the dire liaison man between Carroll and Robert F. Kennedy during the per tinent period The address for Defense Industial Security (Commandis 3990 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. The field office for che Command was locatedatthe old Redstone Arsenal in Fiuntsville and Muscle Shoals, Alabama. ‘Von Braun had been decorated more than any ‘other Nazis during World War IL Hoover had worked directly with Yon Braun in counection with NASA's security since his arrival in the United Stes in December, 1945. Lyndion Johnson, as vice presideat, vas Chair- ‘man of NASA and Johnson, Von Brana, Bobby Baker and Fred Black had worked diligently 10 ‘obuain the $9 billion Apollo contract for North ‘American Aviation in 1961. NASA awarded this ‘contract North American despite the fact that it went against the recommendation of is own source evaluation board (4ppoinment on the Moon, 377 et seq, Richard S. Lewis, Viking Press, 1969; New Orleans District Anomey Re- cords). Each of the NASA security personel who ‘were assigned daties in connection withthe as- sassination were employecs or conmactees for Division Five of the FBI and many were con- nected with the other four groups. Ie mast be bore in mind that this was a relatively small ‘E70up within all ofthese agencies and it was nat official andi was not an American operaion but “The Torbitt Document = 4 was simply the independent action taken by these men, some of whom happened to hold official positions. J. Edgar Hoover was named first Director of the FBI in 1924 and he immediately organized the anti-communist Division Five for espionage and counterespionage wok which President Roosevelt made official in 1936. Actually, Div- ision Five was in existence as General Intel- ligence Division (GID) of the Justice Depart- ‘ment since 1919. Hoover, an assistant Attomey General and head of GID, had used the Czarist Russians in tracing the Bolsheviks during the Red scares and Palmer raids ofthat period. (The FBI Nobody Knows, Fred Cook). 1924 was the year the Communists finally took ‘complete control of Russia after five yeats of resistance by the imperial Czarists, From 1918 10 1923, the leaders of the Czarists were leaving Russia with vast fortunes by the tens of thou- sands. One of these escaping Russians was John De Menil, presently of Houston, Texas, who fled toFrance, married into the Schlumberger family, moved to Caracas, Venezuela, and then to Hous- ton, Texas, before World War Il. He is presen the’ Chairman of the Board of Schlumberger Corporation, a worldwide oil well service com- pany. ‘The forerunners of the Solidarists have been described by James Wechsler of the New York Post and other writers, before and during World War I, 2s the Ukrainian fascists. The Solidarists expanded this group to include all EastEuropean exiles, including those of various religious denominations. (Of course, these Russian exiles in all counties of the world were violently anti-communist and considered themselves as a government in exile. ‘They looked on the new Russian government as ‘an occupying foree in their beloved Mother Rus- sia and they formed the secret Solidarist group as the intelligence arm of their goverment in exile with headquarters in Munich, Germany. (XK, 266; Encyclopedia of Organizations, Tol- stoy Foundation, Gale). One has only to glance at Czarist Russian history t0 learn these people are the most proficient dealers in assassination the world has ever known. Geotge De Mohrenschildt, 2 Russian emigré who refused to join the Solidarists and who was {amiliar with the workings of espionage groups and had worked with them in the past, testified that J Edgar Hoover, using Division Five of the FBI, was the planner of the assassination of President Kennedy. Through De Mohren- schildt’stesimony before the Commission and hhis documentation, the connection ofthe espion- age section ofthe FBI with the assassination had been established (IX, 47 et seg, 77 et sea, Rus- sian exiles testimony to Commission). ‘The public records of the corporate records departments. of Italy and Switzerland; Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1963 and 1964; Invisible Government and Espionage Establish- ment by Wise and Ross; Buddy Floyd murder files, Alice, Texas; Warren Commission 26 vol- ~umes, the Grand Jury records of New Orleans Parish, New Orleans, Louisiana; and the District ‘Attomey Recoris of New Orleans Parish, New Orteans, Louisiana, all further substantiate, bol- ster and corroborate the testimony of De Moh- renschildt conceming the FBI's Division Five's involvement. Many examiners of the case have concluded ‘that George De Mohrenschildt was a pat of the conspiracy because of his close association with Oswald during the fall of 1962, winter and carly springof 1963, buta close reading ofthe Russian cexile’s testimony before the Warren Commis- sion shows that De Mobrenschildt was being used by the Solidarists the same as Oswald was being used and was to have been tied in with ‘Oswald in connection with the assassination. However, De Mobrenschild, a highly polished professional geologist, saved himself by moving to Haiti in April of 1963 in counection with a contract with the govemment of Haiti where he sll resided on the day of the assassination of Presideat Kennedy. De Mobrenschildt, in retrospect, knew that Division Five of the FBI and the Solidarists had intended to-use him as a scapegoat along with Oswald and he did not hesitate to name the small group within the FBT as the instigators of the assassination of President Kennedy. (New Or- leans District Atiomey Records). The Torbitt Document -s Concerning the Solidarists, Jack Ruby was a second-generaion immigrant from the White Russian area of Poland and his brother, Hyman Rubenstein was bom there. Ralph Paul, Ruby's Dallas parmer in the Carousel Club, was a Rus- sian immigrant having been bor in Kiev, Rus- sia, (Ralph Paul and Hyman Rubenstein ex- hibits, XO. ‘While in confinement, Jack Ruby said in levers later authenticated by Hamilton Autographs, New York City, that pogroms agains the Jewsin this couatry were a real threat. He repeated over and over the words “pogroais against te Jews” in these leners and in anumber of habeas corpus hearings in federal district cour in Dallas and at the same time, he testified that Lyndoa Johnson ‘was the head ofthe organization carying outthe assassination plans. Ruby's testimony is accept- able in every court as an accomplice witness needing only corroboration insofar as his nam- ing Lyndon Johnson as one of his accomplices This has been done. Ruby's constant use of the words “pogroms against the Jew” reveal his clos affiliation with and his deeply ingrained awareness of his fam ily’s Russian Czarist background. Everyone even slightly conversant with Russian history knows that the words “pogroms aguinst the Jews” are exclusively descriptive ofthe Czatist Russian Cossacks pillaging and killing of Jews in their villages and neighborhoods in Russia uring the centuries under the Czars But to remurn to J. Edgar Hoover's connection with the Czarist Russians in exile, With the Solidarists’ vast number of agents within Russia and the common anti-communist objectives with J. Edgar Hooves, these wo groups immediately merged and have contaual- ly worked almost as one sine thar ime. In 1960, ‘when it was determined that Casto was a Com. munist, he too was considered an occupying force and the Cuban exiles with the common ‘cause worked quite nacrally inthe Solaris and Division Five organizations. ‘Another organization participating with Divi sion Five was a religious group called the Amer- ican Council of Christian Churches. American ‘Council of Christian Churches's West Coastrep- fesentative, EE. Bradley, was indicted by the New Orleans grand jury for complicity in the assassination. American Council of Chrisian ‘Churches launched a campaign in 1964, at J. Edgar Hoover's request. to elect him President ‘of the United States. (1964 Campaign Records; American Council of Christian Churches re cords, N-Y.C). In 1941, J. Edgar Hoover had his good friend and ageat, Carl Mclatie, organize the espionage and intelligence unit under the cover name “Ametican Council of Christian Churches" with ‘the headquarters in New York City. This group was able to take in many innocent religious s70ups wio did not know they were connected with a spy and propaganda agency. However, Hoover and Mclntze, through this guise, were able to place agents posing as minisers and missionaries throughout the United Staes and ‘most Latin-American countries. We wall exarm- ine the involvement of this group's agents latex. (Religious Bodies of America, 1961, Revised; ‘New Orleans District Attomey Records). Hoover was joined inthe cabal to murder Presi- dent Kennedy by Lyndon Johnson, Walter Jen- kins, Johnson's assistant, Fred Korth, whom Kennedy had fired as Secretary of the Navy some two weeks before November 22nd, HLL. Hunt of American Council of Christian Chur ches, JeanDe Menil, Houston multi-nallionaire, head of Schlumberger and a director ofthe Rus sar exile Solidarists, Carlos Prio Socamas, ex- (Cuban president and long-time gambling partner of Jack Ruby and director of the ant-Castro Catans, Bobby Baker, ex Sonate Secretary, Roy ‘M. Colin, New York atiomey and head of the Jewish League Against Communism, Clifford Jones, ex lieutenant governor of Nevada, Demo- cratic National Committceman and business parmer with Bobby Baker and LJ. MeWillie. LJ. MeWillie of Las Vegas, Nevada, a parmet in lavana gambling with Ruby and Jones, LM. Bloomfield of Montreal, 2 long-time fread and agent of J. Edgar Hoover, Ferenc Nagy, ex- premicr of Hungary, Wemer Von Braun, Geman Nazis rocket engineer whom Hitler personally decorated for his work in slaughtering over 17.000 alls during World Wer Il, John Connally “The Torbitt Document «6 and Clint Murchison, Sr. (Jack Ruby's leters, Hamilton's Autographs, N.Y.C; XXVI, 634; XXII, 157 et seg; XXVI, 650; Basel Switzer land Publication A-Z, August, 1961; Canadian LeDevoir Publication, March, 1967; Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March, April, 1967, also 1959 through 1969 files; 1! Gornia of Milan, Italy, 1967-1968 files; 1! Tempe, Rome, 1967- 1968 files; New Orleans District Attomey Records; Swiss Intelligence, JF. Keanedy files). L. J. McWillie, who earlier had been a permer in the Havana, Cuba gambling casino with Jack Ruby, Clifford Jones and ex-Cuban president Carlos Prio Socarrs, in 1962 entered a new business arrangement with Clifford Jones and Bobby the Thunderbird Hotel Casino in Las Vegas. QCKI, 36 er seq; XXMU, 161 et seq, Now Orleans District Atomey Records) ‘The Warren Commission uncovered incontro- vertble evidence that Ruby and McWilie were the closest friends and business associates for over 15 years. Ruby and Ray Brandly of Dallas, the Warren Commission discovered, had seat a umber of Cobra guns to McWillic ia Havana in 1958, but Ruby and McWillic had been gun runners for years. (XIV, 542; XXVI, 499, V, 181 exseq). ‘The complicity of Carlos Prio Socarras, presi- dent of Cuba from 1948 to 1952, with the assas- sination group was documented and authenti- cated inthe official volumes ofthe Warren Com mission Hearings in Volume XXV1 at page 634: December 1. 1963, AT 7-2 advised on November 29, 1963,..staies that in the 1950's, Jack Raby held interestin the Colonial inn, a nightclub and gambling house in Hollandsie, Florida. He stated that Jack Ruby, known then a8 Ruben: stein, was active in ‘Mega fights of ‘weapon from Marit ie Casto gation inCuba, Accovding 1oT-2, Ruby wasteportediy art owner of two planes used for these pur Poses 7-2 further state that Ruby subsequently lft Miami and purchased a substanial share in a Havana gambling bouse in which one Carlos Prio ... was principal owner. 7-2 stated that Carlos Pro. was witha favoe of former Cuben leader Baisa, ut was instrumental in financing sod managing accumulation of arms by pro: Caso forces... (Oni page 650 of the same volume, a revealing document is found connecting Prio, Ruby and Robert Ray McKeown, the gun-runner who was ‘to work with Ruby in shipping the surplus jecps 10 Cuba in 1959, with T. Gonzales who rode the bus into Mexico with Oswald and Ramos who stayed at the Hotel Commercia in Mexico City with Oswald. The document follows: ‘Information conceming reported contact be- tween Jack L. Ruby and Robert Ray McKeown ‘vas furnished the President's Commission oa March 2, 1964... Files reveal iat McKeown was one of the subjects in an extensive investigation ... con- ‘ceming the acvities of Carlos Pio... Pio, former president of Cuba. was engaged with others, including McKeown, in auempting 10 assist Castro in his revoltionary action against ‘the Batista régime in Cuba. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit, Bureau of Ia- temal Revemue, contined the investigation ia this mater and charged various individuals, in- cluding McKeown, with conspiracy to mnageie guns and related equipment to Cuba The defen- ‘dans in this action were 2s follows: Dr. Carlos Pro Socaras also knowm as Carlos Prio, age unknown, male, resident of Miami, Florida, citizen of Cube... (Orlando Garcia. age unknown, male, resident ‘of Miami, Frid, ciizen of Cuba (Guest List Commescio, XXIV, $95}. “Angel Banos, age unknown, male, resident of ‘Miami, Flocida, citizen ofthe United States Robert R. MeKeowa, also known as Dick Mc- Keown, Max, IT. Brown, HJ. Mefllister, age 47 male, resident of Galena Pat, Texas, ciizea (of the United Sates... ‘Manuel Argues, also known se Manny, age23, sale resident of Miami, Floida, efizea ofthe Usited States Evelyn Eleanor Archer, aso Known as Ms. Manuel Arques, Ruby, age 36, female, resident (of Keyport, New Jersey, citizen of the United ‘Sus, Pedro Luis Chaviano Reyes, also known as ‘Lais Chaviano F.Cesillo, Glben Pawoja, age 44, male, resident of Miami, Floia, citizen of Cuba. ‘Abelardo Pujol Barrera, also known as Joe Sanco, José Sanco, José Alonzo, age 42. male, ‘esideat of Miami, Floia, ctizea of Cuba ‘Francisco Gonzales Obregon, alsoknown esT. Goazales (bus ist, XXV. 427) ‘Mas, Ethel Je McKeown, age unknown, fe- sual, resident of Galeaa Peri Texas, cizen of the United States. “The Torbitt Document «7 ‘The arms and aramunition being smuggled to ‘Castro atthe time and later o anti-Castro Cubans by McKeown, Ruby, Prioand their New Orleans associates were obtained principally from the Redstone Arsenal in the Florence, Muscle ‘Shoals and Huntsville area of Alabama, and 0a lesser extent from the Pine Bluff, Arkansas ar- senal. The orders for these men and direction for their activities came from the office of the De- fense Industrial Security Command, the muni- ‘tions makers secret police agency at Redstone. Miswict Attorney Records, Souther District of ‘Texas in U.S. vs. McKeown). ‘McKeown, Ruby, Prio and their New Oricans associates, David Ferrie, Clay Shaw, Maurice ‘Brooks Gatlin, Guy Bannister, Sergio Arcacha ‘Smith and the others all followed'the onders of Jean De Menil in Houston and Wemer Von Braun of Redstone. . (Clay Shaw and Walter Jenkins, only ewo of the large number of sex deviates at command and Tower Ievels in the cabal, were together almost constantly, pushing LBJ during the 1960 demo- cratic convention in Los Angeles according to delegates present there. Shaw and Jenkins will ‘be covered later and their close relationship es- ‘tablished. Prio had met with John De Menil-and Fidel Castro in Houston, Texas in 1956 and furnished Castro with the funds to purchase the ship which transported Castro and his men back to Cuba after their Mexican stay. This is documented in all accounts of Castro's rise to power. Prio, De Menil and their groap all turned vio- ently against Castro in 1960 when Castro made public his Communist connections. After this time, De Menil and Prio, through Schlumberger, furnished agents, arms, transportation and or- ganization for the overthrow of Castro. As 2 ‘matter of fact, Artime, who was in charge of the Bay of Pigs Cuban Revolutionary Council, had been Cuba’s premier under Prio’s rut. Jack Ruby's complicity with ex-presideat Prio in the running of guns to Cuba, both before and after Castro took charge in January 1959, documented by well over 150 creditable wit- nesses in the 26 volumes of evidence taken before the Warren Commission. Alarge group of ‘these witnesses testified concerning Jack Ruby's presence and gua running activites in Islamor- ‘da, Florida, in 1958. Tslamorada is located on the Florida Keys, which De Menil and Schlumberger have for a long time used as a shipping point for arms duc ‘wits proximity to Cuba. ‘We quote from the testimony of the Witnesses. ‘Mrs. Mary Thompson, 1135 Dupont, Kala- ‘m2zo0, Michigan, sated 2s follows: ‘On about May 30, 1958, she traveled w Is- lamorada, Florida, accompaniedbyher daughter and son-in-law, Dolores and Richard Rhoads. ‘They visited ber brother andsister- inlaw. James and Mary Lou “Butch” Woodard, whoresided in Acouage, address notknown, which was located behind be couageo! Ted Wiliams, wel-nown ‘professional bascbl! player. While there, they Met Jack and isabel last name unknown, ac- (uaimtances of the Woodards. There was 90 Sllicientroomia he Woodard conage and eck $d label suggested that Dolores and Richard Spead the night at their home. The ofler was ‘eeepeed and it was determined tat Jack and abel lived in a smal! miocl situated on a white coral pier, which was reachedby crossing anold ‘idge. vv Mary Lov sid that Jack was orignal from Chicago, Hlinos, and reporedly had kiled a ‘couple of men. He later ran drinking place in Dallas, Texas, where he became soquaincd with James Woodard, who was 2 member of the Dallas, TexasPolice Deparazentforastortime about 1954... MaryLou said hatJackhadawunk fall guns ‘and. hat Jack was going o supply tem tothe ‘Cubans. Mis. Thompson stated that she was told that there were supplies of guns hiddea i the marshes... (&XVI, 44) Mary Thompson and six members ofr family identified Jack Ruby 2s being the person in- volved inthe gun running in Flovdain 1958. But the Warren Commission had already uncovered 150 unimpeached witnesses who put Jack Ruby in the Cuban gun running business for over 12 ‘years preceding 1963. ‘Let us renur to the involvement of Carlos Prio Socasras. ‘Oa November 20, 1963, Salvador Diaz Verson proceeded to Mexico City at the direction of Carlos Prio. In Mexico City, Diaz immodiasely after the assassination fed the following story 0 the world news media: [Editor's Note: The ref- “The Torbitt Document +8 crenced anicle is missing inthe manuscsipt. This is the only evident textual omission} ‘Dr. Angel Femandez Varela stated that then Diaz Verson retumed t0 Miami from Mexico City inthe lamer part of November, 1963, Diaz Verson advised him that while in Mexico City he had had contact with other newspapermen there and had leamed that the Mexican Federal Police had arrested a Mexican citizen, Sylvia Duran, an employee of the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City, because of her connection berween Oswald and the Cuban Embassy (XXVI, 413). Dr. Femandes said Diaz Versoa also old him that Oswald had stayed atthe home of Duran, and subsequently met with the Cuban Ambas- sador in Mexico City at a restaurant called Ca- ballo Bayo, accompanied by Syivia Duran, Dr ‘Femandez said he understood from Diaz Verson that Duran, the Cuban Ambassador to Mexico, ‘whose namie Femandez did not know, and Os- wald, reportedly went for aide togetherin acaz, Dr. Femandez seid that the federal police in Mexico City reponedly had turned over the in- formation concerning these incidents involving ‘Oswald to the United States Embassy in Mexico City. bie, Salvador Diaz Verson had been Pro's Chief of Military Intelligence Service during the Cuban presidency of Prio from 1948 through 1952. Diaz and Prio together had worked for the De- fense Induswial Security Command since com ing w the U.S. after Casto embraced Com- smunism. OXVI, 411). ‘The ant-Castro Cubaa part of the plan was to ticthe Caso régime into the munder of Kennedy and thus have the U.S. military give all service to the overthrow of Castro. ‘Another connection of Carlos Prio Socarras and the assassination unit as uncovered by the ‘Warren Commission. This evidence coacemed Dr. Julio Cesar Femandez, Prio's Minister of Information during his presidency of Cuba. Prio and Femandez in addition had been close life- timesfriends and Prio obtained Femandez em- ployment with the Defense Industrial Security Command. “The following wes confirmed by the daughter Of the wimess in all respects, she having been show the documents of Mrs. Hoover in Oc- tober, 1963. Here is the story of Prio's friend, Femandez. ‘On November 27, 1963, Corporal Theodore La ‘Zas, Pennsylvania State Police, Holidaysburg, Pa, advised that at approximately 10:00 p.m. on November 27, 1963, Robert Steele, 316Brayton ‘Avenue, Altoona, Pa., stopped at the Pennsyl- vania State Police Barracks and advised that he was the brother of Margaret Kathryn Hoover, 105 S. Walnat St, Martinsburg, Pa, and had the following information to offer conceming the assassination of President Kennedy which he had received from her. (XXVI, 652). During the third week in October, 1963, Mrs. ‘Hoover who lives in 2 second-story apartment, 105 S. Walnut St, Martinsburg, Pa, located three items inthe dry leaves immediately below ‘er upstairs porch. This porch and Mis. Hoover's residence are located atthe rear of a lot contain- ing two homes. The home at the ears occupied by Mrs. Hoover and the home in the froat ofthe Jot, which was formerly occupied by Mrs. Hoov- , is known as 400 E. Allegheny St, Mar- tinsburg, Pa., and for the past two months has ‘been occupied by Dr. Julio Femandez, a Cuban refugee, who is presently teaching at the Mor- son Cove Junior High School, Maninsburg. ia). ‘These items consisted of an envelope used for tickets from the Seaboani Airline Railroad Com- pany, Miami, Fla; 2 used ticket which was en- ‘closed therein indicating the holder had a coach reservation on the railroad, seat number 48, car smumber 3E, on a train leaving Mimi, Fiz, at 12:40 pa. on September 25, 1963, an arriving in Washington, D.C. the following date. This ticket bore the number, D-214332. Also in the leaves was a throw-away advertisement, com- monly used in advertising trailers, which was found by Mrs. Hoover. Pencilled on the back of this throw-away, which contained no handwrit- ing, were the following notations: ‘The upper left hand comer contained the name of a club, unrecalled by Mrs. Hoover, and 2 six-digit number thereunder which contained cither an address or a telephone number. (Tbid) ‘The Torbitt Document «3 In the top middle of the page was the name, Lee Oswald. (bid), ‘On the right top of the page was the word, “Rubenstein.” (Ibid) In the middie of the page were the words “Jack Ruby.” (bid). ‘On the bottom of the page, toward the center, ‘were the words, Dallas, Texas. (Ibid). Chapter Il lay Shaw, the defendant in the New Orleans assassination case and L.M. Bloomfield of Montreal, Canada, were the only North Amer- ican members of both the Board of Directors of Permindex and Centro-Mondiele Commerciale ‘Shaw had been one of the incorporators of the Swiss corporation Permindex. (Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 1963 and 1964). The other members of the Board include a publisher of the fascist National-Zeinung in West Ger ‘many, an Iulian industrialist who marred into the family of Adolph Hider’s finance minister, and a Rome lawyer, the Secretary of the Fascist Panty. (Public Corporation Records office, Berne, Switzerland). Also on the Board of Permindex was Ferenc Nagy, 2 Solidarist and Prime Minister of Hun- gary from 1945 to 1946; George Mandel, alias Mantello, a Hungarian fascist who supervised attempts to purchase national monuments for real estate development in Italy, and Munir ‘Chourbagi, an uncle of King Farouk. Chourbagi ‘was the victim ina recent murderin Italy. (Public Corporation Records office, Berne, Switzer- land). ‘The ruling clique of Permindex and its 1wo subsidiaries, the Italo-American Hotel Corpora- tion and Centro Mondiale Commerciale, in ad- dition to the sophisticated Nazis and fascists heretofore named were Gutierez di Spadafora, who was under-secretary of agriculeure in Mus- solin's fascist regime and who was aso aruling lord in the Mafia with Imly and Southem Europe as his land area, Enrico Mantello (Henry Man- el, brother of George Mandel), Giuseppe Zigi ‘ott, the head ofthe Italian political pany, Fascist Nationalist Association for Militia Arms, and Hungarian emigré and former nazi, M, Simon- fay. (The Kennedy Conspiracy, Paris Flam. monde, Meredith Press, 1969). (On December 1, 1962, the representative ofthe publication Who's Who in the South and South. west was told by Clay Shaw in New Orleans that hhe was 2 director for the Swiss corporation, Permindex. Shaw was also one of the directors for Centro Mondiale Commerciale of Rome. As ‘we shall see later, one purpose of Permindex was the funding of the 1961 and 1962 assassination attempts on DeGauille. Both firms being directed by the same man, the stated corporate purpose was to encourage trade between nations. Their actual purpose was four- fold: 1. To fund and direct assassinations of Eur- copean, Mid-East and world leaders considered threats to the Westem World and tw peolewm interests ofthe backers. 2. To furnish couriers, agents and management in wansporting, depositing and re-channeling fands through Swiss banks for Las Vegas, Mi- ami, Havana and intemational gambling syndi- cates. 3. Tocooniinate the espionage activites ofthe Solidarists and Division Five of the FBI with ‘groups in sympathy with their objectives and to receive and channel funds and arms from the financiers to the action groups. 4. To build, acquire and operate hotels and gambling casinos in the Caribbean, Ialy, and at other tourist areas. (Basel Switzerland Publica- tion A-Z, August, 1961; Canadian Le Devoir Publication, March, 1967; Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March, April, 1967, also 1959 thra 1969 files, 1! Gornia of Milan, Kaly, 1967-1968 files: Il Tempe, Rome, 1967-1968 files; New ‘Orleans District Atomey Reconis; Swiss Intel- ligence, LF. Kennedy files). ‘The principal financiers of Permindex were a number of U.S, oil companies, FLL. Hunt of Dallas, Clint Murchison of Dallas, John De ‘Meail, Solidarist director of Houston, John Con- nally as exccutor of the Sid Richardson estate, Haliburton Oil Co., Senator Robert Kerr of Ok- lahoma, Troy Post of Dallas, Lloyd Cobb of New ‘Orleans, Dr. Oechner of New Ortcans, George “The Torbitt Document - 10 and Herman Brown of Brown & Root. Houston, ‘Atomey Roy M. Cohn, Chairman of the Board for Lionel Corporation, New York City, Schen- ley Industries of New York City, Walter Dorn- berger, ex-nazi general and his company, Bell Acrospace, Pan American World Airways, its subsidiary, Intercontinental Hotel Corporation, Paul Raigorodsky of Dallas through his com- pany, Claibome Oil of New Orleans, Crédit Suisse of Canada, Heineken's Brewery of Can- ada and a host of other munition makers and NASA contractors directed by the Defense In- dustrial Security Command (Deféise Industrial Security Command). ‘The gambling syndicate and Mafia contacting agents who handled the transactions with Per- mindex were ex-president rio Socarras of Hav- ana, Miami and Houston, Clifford Jones of Las _ ‘Vegas, Morris “Mo” Dalitz of Las Vegss, De- ‘woit, Cleveland and Havana, former head of the Cleveland mob and close friend of Hunt, Hoover and Roy Cohn, L. J. McWillie of Las Vegas, a gambling partner with Cliff Jones, Bobby Baker of Washington, D.C., Ed Levinson of Las Vegas, Benny Seigelbaum of Miami, Henry Crown of Chicago, associate of the Mafia, Patrick Hoy of the controlling clique in General Dynamics and Joc Bonanno of Lionel Corporation of New York. (Ibid). It should be pointed out here that John Connal- 1y, Paul Raigorodsky, and Jean De Menil were close friends and business associates. They were members of an exclusive club in Northem Jamaica, The name of the club was “Tryal,” located on Montego Bay. Bill Stephenson, for- mer head of British Intelligence in the US., started the club in 1946. Connally, De Menil and Raigorodsky owned and still own palatal re- treats within the tightly guarded Tryall com- pound. L.M. Bloomfield met with the three on ‘humerous occasions at Tryall in Jamaica (IX, 3 and 4; New Orleans District Attorney Records). Among Connally's assigned duties was the keeping of Texas police agencies in lin after the murder. John Connally was an active participant in the assassination plans, but he was one of the agents whose over-all knowledge was limited by the “need to know” basis. ‘Ond of the banks through which the American backers channeled funds to Permindex was As- taldo Vaduz in Miami, Florida. As @ matter of fact, the Miami bank was owned and controlled by the Permindex financiers and board mem- bers. The European banks handling the accounts were De Famaco Vaduz, Liechtenstein, Crédit ‘Bank of Geneva, Switzedand (Crédit Bank and ‘Crédit Suisse are one and tic same), Banca Nazionale del Lavoro of Italy, De Famaco As- talde Vaduz, Switzerland and Seligman Bank of Basel, Switzerland, The attomey for the transac- tion through the Miami bank was Alex Carison, Double-Chek's Miami Springs manager. (Basel ‘Switzesiand Publication A-Z, August, 1961; Canadian Le Devoir Publication, March, 1967; Rome Paesa Sera Publication, March, April 1967, also 1959 thru 1969 files; I! Gornia of Milan, Italy, 1967-1968 files; 11 Tempe, Rome, 1967-1968 files; New Orleans District Attomey Records; Swiss Intelligence, JF. Kennedy Files). ‘Alex Carlson turned the entire CIA Double- ‘Chek organization and personnel over to Divi- sion Five of the FBI to work for Permindex in executing the assassination thus causing many astute observers to mistakenly believe the CIA carried out the affair. LM. Bloomfield, « lawyer of Montreal, Can- ada and 2 long time ficad and confidant of J. ‘Edgar Hoover, has boca Hoover's contract su- ppervisor of Division Five since his days in the ‘OSS (OSS) before World War I. Bloomfield ‘held one-half of the shares in Permindex andwas in total command of its operation in Enrope and ‘Africa as well as the North and South American continents. He was the coordinator of all ac- tivities responsible only to Hoover and Johnson in camying out the plans for John Kennedy's assassination. (Ibid). Bloomafield ordered Penmindex’s Ferenc Nagy and George Mandel, alias Giorgio Mantello, 0 the United States in 1962 where they helped to Supervise the plans. Mandl was assigned to the Los Angeles, California area. Ferenc Nagy, for- mer premicr of Hungary in 1946 and 1947, seatledin Dallas, Texas, where he contacted HLL. Hun Igor Voshinin, George Bouhe, Pex Greg- The Torbltt Document «11 ory of Fore Worth, Paul Raigorodsky and other members of the Solidarists and took command of actual planning inthe Southwest. should be Pointed out that although the White Russians were dominant in the Solidarist, it contained East Europeans, Jewish and Onhodox Chris tans and even Arabic nationals whose countries had been taken over by Communists. (Ibid) ‘Nagy in Dallas over the months before Novean- ber 22, 1963, worked with Carlos Pri Socarras and Alex Carlson in Miami, Clay Shaw in New Orleans, Jean De Menil in Houston, Clifford Jones and LJ. MeWillic in Las Vegas, Bobby Baker and Fred Korth in Washington, D.C., Alt bert Osbome, alias JH. Bowen, of Laredo Texas and Mexico, Roy Colin in New York City, and others all under the direction of L.M. Bloomfield Jn making the plans and preparadons. (id), Albert Osbome, the missionary supervsot of the professional assassins, met Nagy in Laredo, ‘Texas a short time before the November date, The details ofthe movementof the professionals were worked out and Osbome then traveled 19 Montreal where he conferred with his dire boss for over 20 years, LM. Blooaafcld. (Ibid; XV, 74 et seq), (On November 22nd, Osbome and about ten of his riflemen were living at 3126 Harlendale in sk Cliff, a section of Dallas. Three of his professionals were at Tammie 's house in Fort Worth and Leon Oswald, alias William Sey- mour, had been at the Oak Cliff address about four weeks. Before dark on Noveaber 23, 1963, Osborne, Seymour, Gonzales nd the ther rifle: men were out of Dallas. Ubid) ‘This is the nomenclature of the assassination team. That is the way John F. Kennedy met his Geath in Dallas. ‘At the top was Johnson, Hoover, Bloomfield, Nagy, De Menil, Prio, Jenkins, Hunt, Baker, Jones, MeWillie, Von Braun, Cokn, Korth, Con nally and Murchison. LM. Bloomaficld was in overall charge respon- sible oaly to Hoover and Johason. visory and working assignments under Blooa- field and the first group were Walter Doraberger, ‘exenazi general, Guy Bannister, Alben Osbome General Joha B. Medaris, Robert MeKeows, Igor Voshinin, George Bout, Peter Gregory, Maurice Gatlin, Sergio Arcacha Smith, Le Hy” vey Oswald, William Seymour, David Fenic, Gonzales, Manuel Garcia Gonzales, Layion ‘Manns, Gordon Novel, Walter Sheridan, Wil. liam Dalzell, Paul Raigorodsky, Joc Bonanno, Dimieri Royster of American Council of Chris” tian Churches, Alex Carison, George Mandel, Brock Wall, Clay Shaw, Joe Cody, Jake Keslofz, Mike McLaney, Ruth’ and Mike Paine, Igo: Vagonov, Jack Bowen, Mike Ryan, Tammie ‘True, Max Chey, Patrick Hoy, David Hoy, James Powell, and 2 number of others with limited assignments informed only enough to cary out the assignments with dispatch, ‘There were others involved also, but the pub- lished evidence up 10 1969 is such that it would be unfair to name them. Substantially the same management under Bloomfield of Montreal and J. Edgar Hoover planned and carried out the execution of Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy. Albert Os~ ‘bome had his riflemen in Memphis and one of his professionals fred the faa shotat King. Ray was used as Oswald had earlier been used. The book, The Srange Case of James Earl Ray, reveals that Ray was a persistent visitor to the Intemational Trade Mart in New Orleans just rior to the killing and thatthe real assassin of King catered the naval base near Memphis, Ten- nessee, where Division Five maintzins a head quarters, only minutes after King’s assassina- tion. He was in the white Mustang involved in the mysterious chase described on police radio ‘immediately after the Killing. ‘On Angust 14, 1969, JamesEarl Ray confirmed that Division Five of the FBI was used in the slaying of Martin Luther King,Jr. He stated that ‘De. King was killed by federal agents and that they used him tobe a fall guy. (Associated Press Dispatch, August 14, 1969, St Louis).

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