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Submitted by: Hafiz Midrar Ahmad

Submitted to: Sir Faheem Khan
Subject: Public Administration in Pakistan
Department of Political Science, University of Peshawar
Q1. Explain the organization of federal and provincial governments in Pakistan

. The organization structure of the Federal and Provincial Government in Pakistan is governed by the
provisions in Provisional Constitution Order 1981 read with the Constitution of 1973 which was
preceded by the Interim Constitution of 1972, the Constitution of 1962. the Constitution Of 1 956 and
the Provisional Act of 1947. In a federal set up the Federation and provinces are independent of each
other in control. The division Of powers legislative, executive, judicial, administrative and financial
between the Federation and provinces is virtually complete. Matters of national importance such as
defense. foreign affairs, custom and tariffs, posts, telegraph and telecommunications etc are assigned to
the Federation while the matters of local or provincial interest such as education, health, sanitation.
local administration. agriculture, industry etc are related to the provinces affairs. Under Constitution of
1956 there were three lists, while in Constitution of 1962 there was only one. In Constitution of 1973
there are two lists i.e. the Federal and Concurrent list and the residue powers have been assigned to the

Organization or Federal Administration:

Under the constitution the executive authority of Federation stretches out to all issue in regard of which
parliament has the privilege to make laws and confers on authorities subordinate to the Federal
Government. The Federal Government likewise may direct the distribution and transaction of its
business,and for the Convenient transaction Of that business. it delegate any of its capacities to officials
or authorities subordinate to it.The ministries and divisions are governed by a set of rules known as
"Rules of Business-1973" framed by the Cabinet Division in the exercise of powers conferred by Articles
90 and 99 of the Constitution of 1973. These Rules Of Business read with the secretariat Instructions
issued under Rule S (15) Of "Rule of Business define the functions of ministries. ministers and secretaries
and also the methodology of conducting the administrative and other business Of the Federal
Government. The "Rules Of Business" also regulate the entire working of Federal Secretariat.Any change
in the Rules of Business" is approved by the President on the advice of Prime Minister.


Central Secretariat: For the proper functioning of Federal Government and administering the subjects
falling within the jurisdiction of federation, there are ministries. divisions, attached departments,
subordinate offices, autonomous and semi autonomous bodies. Which are following below


A Ministry is a Division or group of divisions established into a Ministry or it might contain at least one
divisions for the conduct of business of federal government in a predetermined shpere as declared by
the Government. The primary function of the ministries are 10 frame policies to guarantee their
implementation. every ministry is going by a bureau serve and a secretary incharge of the organization
of the Ministry. The administrative heads of some ministries are designed as secretary general. The
minister incharge is responsible for intiation of a policy and to keep the Prime-Minister informed fall
important cases disposed by his Ministry without referring to him.

Division is self contained administrative unit to conduct business of Federal govt like a Ministry. It also
performs functions like Ministry to formulate policies and ensure their execution. A division is headed by
Minister for State and Secretary or additional Secretary as an administrative head. At present, there are
55 Divisions which e Cabinet, Culture and Sports, Environment and Urban Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Iabour,
Local Government and Rural Development, Man power and Overseas Pakistanis, inorities Affairs,
population Welfare, Agriculture Research. Aviation, Commerce, defense production, economic affairs
Establishment, Finance. Food Agriculture. Health, Industries. Information and Broadcasting. Interior,
Affairs and Northern Areas. Livestock, Management Services, control, petroleum and Natural Resources,
Planning and Development. Production, Railways, Revenue, science and Technology. states and Frontier
Regions, Water and Power and works, Environment, Investment, Human Rights and Women Division.

3. Attached Department:

A division may have one or more attached departments. An attached department in the Federal
Government is a department having a direct relation with Ministry or Division. The attached
departments provide assistance to Ministry or Division in framing the government policies and in certain
cases, are also responsible for their execution. These are under the control of Ministry or Division.

4 . Subordinate Offices:

Certain Ministries or Divisions have a number of autonomous, semi-autonomous bodies and statutory
corporations under their administrative control. These bodies represent the trend of decentralization of
administrative control for arriving at speedy decisions and do a useful job in several spheres of national
development. The main sectors, under which these bodies are working are finance, communication.
transportation, education, banking, commerce, trade and Industry. These bodies are engaged in actual
business or developmental operations. These bodies are generally corporate entities operating within
the framework approved by the government, in matters of internal administration and financial control.
there are divisions like Secretariat at federal level Which are:

 President Secretariat.
 Senate Secretariat.
 Election Commission Secretariat.
 Federal Ombudsmen's Secretariat.
 Prime Minister's Secretariat.
 National Assembly Secretariat.

Prime Minister:
At the top of the hierarchy of Federal Government is Prime Minister, who has Authority and
responsibility for the transaction of business. He is assisted by the Federal Cabinet for running the whole
show. No important policy decision is to be taken without The consent of Prime Minister.
Federal Cabinet:
A Federal Minister or Minister for State is to assist the Prime Minister in the Formulation of public
policy. A Minister in charge of a Ministry or Division is also to Keep the Prime Minister informed of
important cases disposed of without referring him. He also conducts the business relating to his Ministry
or Division in the Parliament. He is The political chief of his ministry or division selected on political
basis and works as a Link between the administration and legislature

A Secretary in-charge of Ministry or Division is a senior civil servant, and Administrative head of his
ministry or division. He has to assist his Minister or Minister Or minister for state in policy formulation
keep the minister generally informed of the working of the minister or division, submit proposal to the
prime minister through minister in the form of concise and self contained memoranda called summaries.
Deputy Secretary:
A division is divided into wings and a wing is further divided to into sections. And an administrator of a
group of sections is called Deputy Secretary. He disposes all Those matters. Which were either assigned
to him by the “Rules of Business” or by Joint Secretary/Additional Secretary/Secretary. He sends his
proposals to the higher hierar Without skipping any level for final decision. Some time he works as
channel Communication upward and downward without having the authority of decision .
Section Officer:
Section Officer is in charge of a section. He is an officer at the lowest c of the Secretariat. He disposes of
the daily affairs of his section or duties assigned By his superior He puts up his proposals along with the
facts of the case, in the file and sends it to the deputy secretary for approval or onward transmission to
joint secretary/ Additional secretary/secretary. He controls the officials of his section i.e assistant clerks
record keepr steno-typist etc.


Regarding the organizational structure of a provincial government in Pakistan, it Is essential to know the
functions assigned to a province under the constitution. There is No separate provincial list in the
Constitution of 1973 like the previous ones. Nonetheless Some of the more important subjects with , the
provinces include “public order, Administration of justice, policy, prisons, and, land improvement,
colonization, “land- Revenue, compulsory acquisition, agriculture, local government, animal husbandry,
water Supplies, irrigation and canals, drainage and embankment’s, education, theaters, cinemas, Sports,
entertainments and amusements, public health and sanitation, hospitals and Spenserian, roads and bridges,
vehicles, industries, forests and wildlife, fisheries, Ovincial public service, waqfs and mosques,
orphanages and poor homes, stamp duity Texas On lands and building and on mineral rights, professions,
tolls etc.”
Smile work procedures of a Provincial government in Pakistan are in many ways similar to those at
center. There are provincial Secretariat, attached offices subordinate offices and public corporations. The
working of these organization are similar as that of federal organization with some modiftions and
adjustment .
Chief Minister:
At the apex of the province is Chief Minister, whose chief staff officer is the Chief Secretary. He is
elected by the respective Provincial Assembly For five years. He is Political head of his province. He
controls the working of departments of the province And maintains law and order. He is head of cabinet
and controller of his ministers’.
Chief Secretary:
He is the senior civil servant and is the official head of the provincial secretariat And as such is
empowered to call for any case or information from any department, or Attached office. He coordinates
the activities of all departinents in order to enable himself To control effectively. All cases submitted to
Chief Minister by any secretary or other Authorised officer are routed back through the Chief Secretary.
He is generally Responsible for all matters affecting public. He is secretary to the cabinet and responsible
For the compliance of cabinet’s decisions, Prime Minister and Chief Minister’s directives He is also
chairman Of the Secretaries Committee which Functions simnar to those of the Secretaries Committee at
center. There are many departinents in the Provincial Secretariat and each department, is a self-contained
administrative unit in the Secretariat Responsible for conduct of business of government in a distinct and
specified sphere of Activity. Each department handles the business assigned to it under the “Provincial
Rules Of. The Business” and in the manner laid down in the “Rules of Business”, which are Framed
under the Article of 139 of the Constitution of 1973. A Minister is in-charge of each department; who is
responsible for advising the Chief-Minister on policy formulation, and keeping him informed about the
working of His department. He is political head of the department and answerable to the Chief Minister .
Territorial Division:
Each province is territorially divided in to districts, which are again sub-divided In sub-division or
tehsilis. Senior civil servants are put in-charge of these territorial areas. District Coordination Officer
(DCO);: Districts are under the control of DCOs who are responsible for peace and order, Collection of
revenue, developmental programme coordination and common welfare of The people of the respective
Tehsil Municipal Officer (TMO):
TMO are in-charge of sub-division or tehsil. He plays the role in his tehsil just Like a DCO, who play, in
Public participation in the affairs of the government is secured through institution As Provincial
Assembly at provincial level, the District Council at district or cuiy Level, the Tehsil Council at Tehsil/
Town level and Union Council at Ge/ Ward level. The members of these councils are elected directly by
the peop of four years. These councils have been assigned the authority and responsibility Of
development work, within their respective jurisdiction.
Q2. Accountability and control are the essential aspects of Public Administration in
Democratic government. Explain, also suggest means of strengthening the system of
administrative accountability in Pakistan.

Accountability is essential to the development of Pakistan

1. Introduction
2. Understanding term accountability
3. Types of Accountability
a. Political Accountability
b. Ethical Accountability
c. Administrative Accountability
d. Economic Accountability
4. Situation of Accountability in Pakistan
5. Role of Accountability in Development of Pakistan
a. Hurdles & Recommendations
6. Conclusion

In ethics and governance, accountability is answerability, blameworthiness, liability, and the expectation
of account-giving. As an aspect of governance, it has been central to discussions related to problems in
the public sector, nonprofit and private (corporate) and individual contexts. In leadership roles,
accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions,
and policies including the administration, governance, and implementation within the scope of the role or
employment position and encompassing the obligation to report, explain and be answerable for resulting
Irrespective of the language, culture or social norms of a specific region, there are certain integral values
that remain unchanged across borders and divides. For instance, nowhere in the world have we ever seen
masses demanding widespread anarchy and disorder; on the contrary, world over people want a functional
system of governance to maintain rule of law in the society. Accordingly, it seems safe to assume that to
see order and stability in the society is something that is inherent to all human beings. It is this integral
need that propels us all to rally behind political leaders, cheer for them during processions and vote for
them during elections – all the time hoping that the leader of our choice will bring prosperity once s/he is
in power. However, our desire to see betterment in the society is not time bound and so it does not cease
to exist upon casting the vote. This desire continues even after a new government is in place, driving us to
scrutinize policies and actions of our governments and leaders. It is this drive for constant improvement in
the environment around us that gives rise to another integral value that people across the world hold dear:
Accountability, by many, is considered the fourth leg of the metaphorical chair of good governance. It
helps the masses to evaluate the effectiveness of public officials and public offices, ensures that they are
performing to their full potential and ensures that at any given point in time there is enough public
pressure on the political leaders to be responsive to the community they are meant to serve.
Accountability appears in various facets while talking about a country;
Political accountability is the accountability of the government, civil servants and politicians to the
public and to legislative bodies such as a congress or a parliament.
Ethical Accountability – Within an organization, the principles and practices of ethical accountability
aim to improve both the internal standard of individual and group conduct as well as external factors,
such as sustainable economic and ecologic strategies.
Administrative accountability – Internal rules and norms as well as some independent commission are
mechanisms to hold civil servants within the administration of government accountable. Within
department or ministry, firstly, behavior is bound by rules and regulations; secondly, civil servants are
subordinates in a hierarchy and accountable to superiors. Nonetheless, there are independent “watchdog”
units to scrutinize and hold departments accountable; legitimacy of these commissions is built upon their
independence, as it avoids any conflicts of interests.
Economic Accountability
In Pakistan there are a number of institutions whose sole or partial purpose is to ensure that the
government and its officials run the affairs of the state as transparently as possible. There are also
specialized institutions where general people can lodge a complaint or register a concern that we might
have regarding the functioning of the government. Most of us here in Pakistan are well aware of the
National Accountability Bureau (NAB). With its offices in all the major cities of the country, NAB is
Pakistan’s apex anti-corruption organization. Any and every Pakistani citizen is eligible to approach NAB
with evidence against guilty government office holders, whether political or bureaucratic. The icing on
the cake for the informer is that if the corrupt official is convicted because of his/her tip, NAB will also
reward him/her!
While NAB is the primary government organization entrusted with the task of ensuring transparency,
other public institutions include Public Accounts Committee, the Judicial Commission, Election
Commission of Pakistan, Ombudsman institutions, the Federal Investigation Agency and various
provincial agencies. For economic governance, there is another set of institutions: the State Bank of
Pakistan, the Competition Commission of Pakistan and the Securities and Exchange Commission of
Pakistan has 12 independent ombudsman institutions representing general and specific mandates at both
federal and provincial levels, such as taxation, workplace harassment, insurance and banking. All of them
are members of the Forum of Pakistan Ombudsman (FPO) – a non-political network, operating for the
advancement of good governance across Pakistan by sharing knowledge, building capacity for
institutional effectiveness and raising awareness about these institutions. The promulgation of the
Ombudsman Institutional Reform Act 2013 gave Ois administrative and financial autonomy, and provides
a strong framework to support effective implementation of Ombudsman’s decisions.
The Federal Ombudsman (FO) has processed about 1.07 million complaints over the course of its 30-year
existence, including some high profile cases (e.g. maladministration causing an outbreak of measles;
extraordinary delays in issuing Machine Readable Passports; and the nonpayment of pensions). Last year,
the FO decided 64,000 cases, of which less than 1% complainants have filed review petitions, and the
implementation rate on decided cases stands at 90%. Though complaints are received from both genders
however, only 11% are from women. Sector-wise, the majority are from Water and Power Development
Authority, Sui-Northern Gas Pipelines Ltd., Pakistan Telecommunications Company Ltd., and Allama
Iqbal Open University.
Apart from government organizations mentioned above, the Parliament itself is one of the most important
structures in the ‘chain of accountability’. The Parliament does not merely form the bridge between
people and the government but its role is also critical because it is also the institution to which many
accountability institutions report. Moreover, a Parliament and its elected representatives are important
vehicles through which citizens and civic groups can also extract enforcement of various laws and
However, there are still significant weaknesses in these institutions. The biggest is low capacity, making
it difficult to implement the new law as the institutions are not being able to meet the performance
standards, lacking necessary human and technological resources to address complaints.
In order to improve the situation of accountability in Pakistan, following steps can be taken:
• Availability of the budget information both at the time of allocation and consistently throughout the
spending process
• Opportunity for local communities to participate in the budgeting process
• Independent and effective oversight and audit institutions
• Assisting government institutions in establishing effective mechanisms for pre-budget consultations to
enhance public participation in the decision-making process.
• Supporting efforts for effective and timely dissemination of the budget information among local
• Supporting transition to output-based budgeting to enhance the efficiency of government spending by
delineating clear targets for improvements in service delivery based on public opinion.
• Continuous monitoring of the expenditure to analyze its impact on service delivery outcomes and on
people’s well-being.
The promise of this future lies in an entire generation standing-up for accountability and holding those in
power responsible for their actions. This is not easy, of course, but it is essential for the survival of our

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