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Problems statement

(Charland & Leroux, 2011) Major software companies, such as Apple and Google, are disturbing the
relatively safe and established engagement actors of the mobile application business. (Charland &
Leroux, 2011)These newcomers have caused significant structural changes in the market by imposing
and enforcing their own rules for the future of mobile application developments(Holzer & Ondrus, 2011)

The article discusses the advantages and drawbacks of programming mobile device applications (apps)
using open source (Charland & Leroux, 2011)

Charland, A., & Leroux, B. (2011). mobile application Development : Web vs . native. Communications of
the ACM, 54, 0–5.

Holzer, A., & Ondrus, J. (2011). Mobile application market: A developer’s perspective. Telematics and
Informatics, 28(1), 22–31.

Rikala, J., Hiltunen, L., & Vesisenaho, M. (2014). Teachers’ attitudes, competencies, and readiness to
adopt mobile learning approaches. 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings,

(Rikala, Hiltunen, & Vesisenaho, 2014)

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