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How to create a

study space?
So today let us learn about
some tips to personalize
your study space
Group studies, libraries, and classrooms don’t
always work. Most students require a personal
space for studying because a personal space gives a
personalized environment that helps the students
in studying better. Concentrating on a silent space
like a library, too, is quite difficult. That’s where a
personal space to study becomes so important.
Look for natural light – That study lamp is for
the evening tonight studying schedule. For
daytime, look for natural light in your room. Try
getting your desk near the window to get plenty of
natural light from dawn to dark.
Get aboard – Get a whiteboard with a marker and
a duster. Hang the board somewhere on the wall,
and use it for mapping the concepts you’re
studying. This method will really help a lot in
catching the concepts quickly since you’ll be
writing it while mapping and then reading it from
the map.
Don’t confine to desk – Don’t think of your desk
and chair as the only place suitable for studying.
You can walk around the room with the book in
your hand while studying (which is how I
personally study), and maybe after some time, lay
on the ground and try understanding your
concepts (as occasionally laying down instantly
boosts creativity)
Break – The one that needs not be explained,
since a lot of us sometimes spend an hour or two
in the name of taking a break. So don’t exaggerate
it. Take short breaks after some time. Especially
move out of the room while taking a break, so
when you go back to your room, your mind will be
clear that it’s study time again.
Create the environment – After you’ve set-up
everything and made up your study space, you
need to create an environment that’ll help you in
studying. Believe me, the environment plays an
important role in supporting any particular task,
and for studying, it should be a clean, silent, and
personalized environment since home studies are
about self-learning.
So that’s all how you can get your own
personalized study space to improve your
performance. In the end, I would like to mention
that group-studying of course, must be
experienced and done once in a while to enjoy. But
for actual studying, do it on your own (in your
room or a dedicated corner), because that is the
most effective and efficient way.
Thank You

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