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Contents Abbreviations 4 | General instructions 5 Patterns Cardigan and jacket in pink 6 White matinee jacket, slippers and granny-square blanket 8 Green and white top, bootees and ribbon trimmed blanket 11 Yellow jacket and bib 14 Blue and yellow waistcoats 16 Feeder and romper in white andred 18 Yellow and white cross-over cardigan and pants 20 Red, yellow, white and blue sweater and beret 22 Yellow dress 24 White and blue sweater and bootees 26 Yellow, blue and white sweater, pants, bootees and hat 28 Yellow matinee jacket and slippers with cover for carry-cot or pram 31 White dungarees, sweater, bootees and beret 34 Clown sweater and pants 36 White embroidered sweater and bootees 38 Abbreviations beg con clott ch el cont crab st crossed tr de de 2 tog dec dtr fin foll gp(s) htr inc k k2tog itr Ip(s) Ns Pp patt pen rem rep tnd RS begin(ning) cast on cast off chain cluster continue crab stitch crossed treble double crochet decrease over 2 double crochet decrease double treble finish(ing) following group(s) half treble increase knit knit 2 together long treble loop{s) needles purl pattern popcorn remain(ing) repeat round right side shell slip stitch spaces(s) stitch(es) spike 2(3) treble treble treble 2 together wrong side yarn forward to make 1 stitch yarn over hook General Instructions Pattern stitches ‘crab st: Dc worked from lett to right. crossedtr: Miss 1 de, 1 trintonext de, 1 tr back into missed de. de2 tog: (Insert hookin next st and draw Ip) twice, yoh and draw through all 3 Ips on hook. Itr: Yoh, insert hook into ch sp 2 rows down, draw up Ip to height of row and complete in usual way. en: 4 (or5) trinto next trorch sp, remove ip from hook, in- ert hook into front of 1st tr, pick up dropped Ip and draw through. tr2 tog: Work as cluster (keeping last Ip of each ston hook, yoh, pull through all Ips on hook). ‘53 tr (spike 3 tr): Yoh, insert hook into same st into which ‘st tr of previous 3 tr block was worked, yoh, draw Ip through and up so as not to crush 3 tr block, (yoh, draw through 2 Ips) twice. 8 2 tr: Yoh, insert hook into same st into which 1st tr of previous 2 tr block was worked, yoh, draw Ip through and up so as not to crush 2 tr block, (yoh, draw through 2 Ips) twice. Left handed workers Follow instructions as given, but read right to left, and left toright. Where stitch diagrams occur, use a mirror and fol- low the reversed reflection of the diagram. Sizes Instructions in every pattern are given in size order, with larger sizes in brackets. One figure only refers to all sizes. Yarns All garments featured in this book have been made in yarns which are readily available. No specific brand names are used. It is important to make a tension check before beginning. Tension The word ‘‘tension” in crochet, as in knitting, refers to the number of stitches and rows worked to each square cm of fabric. This measurement is a result of the combination of @ particular weight and type of yarn and a suitable hook size, and can be varied by altering the yarn and/or hook used. It is possible for instance, to work the same pattern in a variety of yarns and hook sizes and achieve entirely different results. Example: Yellow matinee jacket on p. 32. Important: It is essential to make sure of the correct ten- sion before you make any item contained in this book. The stated tension is the only kay to the correct size of a gar- ment and the utmost care must be taken to match it exact- ly. Proceed as follows: Make a sample about 15 cm wide, using yarn and hook size recommended in the pattern, and crochet a sample of the pattern stitch. Then, using a ruler, measure across 10 cm and mark this area with pins. Carefully count the number of sts between the pins. If this ‘comesto a greater number than quoted in the pattern, you are working too tightly; make another sample, trying a larg- er hook. Alternatively if you have fewer stitches in your 10cm sample than quoted in the pattern, you should try working with a smaller hook. Keep on making sample pieces until you achieve the correct tension. Cardigan and jacket in pink Cardigan Materials 2(3) x 50 g pink 3-ply baby yarn 2.50 mm and 3.00 mm crochet hooks 5 buttons, Measurements: Length to shoulder - 24(26)cm; sleeve length — 17(19)cm To fit: 0-3(8-6) months Tension: 24 sts and 11 rows = 10cm over patt, using 3.00 mm hook ‘Main part (back and fronts in one) Using 3.00 mm hook, make 107(123) ch. 1st row: 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each ch. 2nd row: 3ch, miss 1st de, (1 trinto each of next 3 de, miss nextdc and work s 3trover it instead) to last dc, 1 trinto last dc. rd row: 3 ch, beg in 2nd tr work: (1 tr into each of next 3 tr, miss next st and work 3 tr over it instead) to end, 1 tr into 3rd of 3 ch. Rep 3rd row 9(10) times. Right front ‘Ast row:, work patt rep 5(6) times, miss next st, 1 trinto each of next 2 sts, miss next st and work s 2 tr over it in- stead, miss 1 st, 1 tr into next st, turn; leave rem sts. Cont in patt (working one s 2 tr in every row at armhole edge), until 17(19) rows from beg have been worked, end- ing at armhole edge. Shape neck Next row: 3 ch, 1 trinto each of next2sts, miss nextst, and work s 2 tr over it instead, (miss next st, 1 tr into each of next 3 sts and work s 3 tr over il instead) 3(4) times, miss 1st, 1 trinto next st, turn. Next row: Ss across to Sth tr, work in patt to end of row. Next row: 3 ch, 1 trinto each of next 2 tr, miss next st and work s 2 tr over it instead, (miss next st, 1 tr into each of next 3 tr and work s 3 tr over it instead) once (twice), miss 1 st, 1 tr into last tr, turn. ‘Work left front section to match; reverse all shapings. Back Work as fronts, working one s 2 tr at each end of row. Cont until back measures same as fronts. Fasten off Sleeves Using 2.50 mm hook, make 31(36) ch. st row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 dc into each ch to end, 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 deinto each de to endof row. Rep last row 7(9) times. Next row: * 1 dc in next st; (2 de in next st) twice **; rep from * to ** 9(10) times more; 2nd size only: 1 dcinnextst, 2de in last st [= 50(68) do}. Work 2 rows in patt, change to 300 mm hook and work straight in patt until sleeve meas ures 17(19) cm from beg. Fasten off To make up Stitch shoulder seams. Join sleeve seams and set in sleeves. Using 2.50 mm hook, work 10 rows de along lower ‘edge and 4 rows along neck edge; for front bands work 4rows de and make 5 buttonholes evenly during 3rd owin right front band. Sew on buttons. Jacket Materials 2x 50g pink 3-ply baby yarn 2.50 mm and 3.00 mm crochet hooks 2 buttons 2 flower motifs Measurements: Length to shoulder — 24(26)cm To fit: 0-3(3-6) months Tension: 20 sts and 15 rows = 10cm over patt, using 3.00 mm hook Worked in one piece beg at neck edge. Using 3.00 mm hook, make 63 ch. ‘Ist row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each ch (= 62 do). 2nd row: 3ch = 1st tr, working 1st crossed tr over 2nd and 3rd de in every tr row, work 5 crosseditr = 10 sts, 5tr into next de, work 4 crossed tr = 8 sts, 5 tr into next de, work 10 crossed tr = 20 sts, 5 tr into next de, work 4 crossed tr = sts, 5trintonext de, work 5 crossedtr = 10sts, 1 trinto last de. 3rd and every alternate row: 1 ch, 1 de into each tr and 1 dein 3rd of 3 ch. 4th row: 3 ch, beg in 2nd de work 6 crossed tr, 5 tr intonext de, work 6 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 12 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 6 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 6 crossed tr, 1 tr into last de. 6th row:, begin 2nd de work 7 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 8 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 14 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 8 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 7 crossed tr, 1 tr into last de. Cont inc in this way until 14(16) rows have been worked from beg [= 174(190) sts] Divide main part from sleeves Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of first 26(28) sts, miss next 36(40} sts (1st sleeve), 1 de into each of next 50(54) sts, miss next 36(40) sts (second sleeve), 1 dc into each of rem 26(28) sts [= 102(110) sts}. Cont in patt until 34(36) rows have been worked from beg Fasten off. Sleeves With WS facing join yarnto ‘st st, 1 ch, 1 de into each of the 36(40) rem sts. Work 4 rows in patt, working last row with ‘smaller hook; 2nd size only: work 2 rows dc. Fasten off. ‘To make up With 2.50 mm hook work 1 rnd de around jacket, then work 1 rnd crab st; make a 4 ch Ip at top of right front edge for buttonhole. Sew button to each side at top. Sew on motifs. White matinee jacket, slippers and granny-square blanket Jacket Materials 2.x 50 g white S-ply baby yarn 3.00 mm crochet hook 4 buttons 2 flower motifs 11m ribbon Measurements: Length to shoulder - 28 cm; sleeve length - 13cm To fit: 3-9 months Tension: 19 sts and 17 rows 3.00 mm hook 10 cmover yoke patt, using Beg at neck edge Make 60 ch. 1st row: 1 tr into 4th ch from hook, 1 tr into each of next @ch, Strinto next ch, 1 rinto each of next8ch, 5trinto next ch, 1 trinto each of next 18 ch, 5 tr into next ch, 1 tr into each of next 8 ch, § tr into next ch, 1 tr into each of rem 10 ch. 2nd and every alternate row: 1 ch, ss into st tr, 1 trinto next tr, (ss into next tr, 1 trinto next tr) to end, placing last tr into 3rd ch at end. 3rd row: 3 ch, beg in 2nd st work 1 tr into each of next 11 sts, 5 trinto next st, 1 trinto each of next 12 sts, 5 trinto next st, 1 trinto each of next 22 sts, 5trinto next st, 1 trinto each of next 12 sts, §trinto next st, 1 tr into each of rem 12 sts. Sth row: 3 ch, 1 trinto each of next 13 sts, 5 trinto next st 1 tr into each of next 16 sts, 5 tr into next st, 1 tr into each of next 26 sts, 5tr into next st, 1 tr into each of next 16 sts, 5 trinto next st, 1 trinto each of rem 14 sts. Cont in patt; inc as before during every alternate row until 15 rows have been worked (= 186 tr, counting first 3 ch as ist tr). Divide main part from sleeves Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 27 tr, miss 40 tr (1st sleeve), 1 dcinto each of next 52 tr, miss 40 tr (2nd sleeve), 1 de into each of next 25 tr, miss 1 tr, 1 de into last tr 105 dc). Next row: 3ch = ist tr, 1 treach into 2nd and 3rd de, (miss 11de, 7 tr into next de, miss 1 de, 1 tr into each of next 3 de) 17 times. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each tr, 1 de into 3rd ch. Next row: 3 ch, 1 tr each into 2nd and 3rd de, (miss 3 dc, 7 tr into next de, miss 3 de, 1 tr into each of next 3 do) 17 times. Rep last 2 rows 9 times. Last row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of next 6 tr, (3 dc into next de, 1 dc into each of next 9 tr) 16 times, 3 dc into next de, 1 de into each of rem 5 tr, 1 de into 3rd ch. Fasten off Sleeves With WS facing, join yarn to 1st free tr. ‘st row: Same as 2nd row of main part (= 40 sts). 2nd row: 3 ch, 1 tr into 2nd and each foll st to end. Rep last 2 rows 6 times. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each tr to end of row, ending with dc into 3rd ch. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of first 4 do, (miss 1 do, 1 de into each of next 3 do) to end. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of first 3 de, (miss 1 de, 1 de into each of next 3 de) to end. Work 2 rows straight. Fasten off. To make up Work 2 rows de along neck edge. Work 3 rows dc along left front edge. Work along right frontto match and make 4 but- tonholes, evenly spaced, during 2nd row along yoke. Stitch sleeve seams. Sew on buttons. Thread ribbon through Ist row below sleeves and sew motifs to fronts. Slippers Materials 1x 50 g pink 3-ply baby yarn 2.50 mm crochet hook 2small buttons To fit: -6 months (for larger size use larger hook) Sole ‘Same as sole for yellow slippers, p. 32. Top With RS facing, join in yarn 9 sts before the 4 de at back of sole, Ast rnd:, 1 tr into front Ip of each de to end of rnd, end- ing with ss into 3rd of 3 ch 2nd md: Ss between next 2tr, 3ch, 1 trinto same spasss, (2:trinto sp between foll 2nd and 3rd tr) to end, ss into Srd of 3 ch (= 23 tr pairs). “PUL L PUB @ Pus | “y Pu L ‘pul L ‘OD Pua | ‘@ PULL :Sny) SiNojo9 BuIsN ‘YeUUeW BUIeS U! SPU AIO g 410M, “yo uaisey “pus Jo Baq 1e Yo PAE UI Ss ‘PUR 0} S}94OBIG U! SUOONASUL 2HOM ‘O1OW SOU E ,, 0} , WO day :,, YO | 40UI09 OWL 41 € PUR UD Z 4 € Jo dB ‘ds Yo seUJ09 yxoU 04 (YO | ‘d} YO L 1x@u OW! 4} g) . ‘YO | ‘ds ewes OWI y Z ‘YO E YexURIG Jo $1309 usemjeq ds yo | & O} Wek UIOP “y :pud ISL 6u6p3, ‘seuenbs 2x9 Jo e)6uejDe1 & oyu! wey) BulUol ‘sexenbs e10w OY exeW. “exenbs ys), yarew 0} aj9jdwog ‘azenbs puz jo Jaus09 ul ds yo z ewes WU! 43 € "yo | ‘exeNbs 5}, 40 1UI00 Ye ds YO Zz OWU!OP | “YO L ‘azenbs puz jo sousoo ul ds yo z 3xaU OUUI J} ‘YO | ‘ezenbs 181 40 ds Yo | 1Se] OW! 9p | ‘YO | ‘ezeNbs puz Jo ds yo 4 YOU O1U! 4} € “YO | ‘exENS YS] JO ds YO | yx@U OWL! OP | ‘yo | ‘evenbs puz jo ds yo | 1reu OUI 2g "Yo |. ‘ezeNbs 1S}. Jods yo 1 ixau OU! Op | ‘Yo | ‘erenbs puz jo ds yo z ewes: HULA € “YO | ‘@seNbS IS) Jo 441400 BuIPUodse1i09 CVU! OP 1 "yo | YaUsod Ul ds Yo z O1UI 41 E7;SMO})0} Se eJeNbS YS} 0} UIO! "PUL Yip UI 4eWU09 pug 01 dn 10M ‘azenbs 3S} Se OWES 10M ‘arenbs puoses “yo SJO pig UI ss "yo SIsuy Se ds sues OWI Z ‘BUD .. Or, ‘Woy 410m pure aoimy , WOH dau ds yxoU OWE PUR YORE NE ‘YO S “YO KOU OJU! SS °C PUL UI “YO S JO pig UI Ss ‘YD g ISI SB ds OWES OUI NZ ‘OUO ‘+= 02 , WOM JOM pure 201M) , WOH, del ‘ds yxeU OWI} E PU yo Z 1 ¢ 30 dB ‘,, 41 ¢ ssjus ‘Yo | ‘ds you OU) 11g “NE SSI “yo |. ‘ds ewes OUI IE ‘YO S “YO IxOU OU! Sg “O ;pU PIE “yog jo “pus jo Gaq ye yo ¢ se ds ewes ow! 4) z ‘sis € SSIW peur “yo | ‘eoum) , wou des ‘ds xou owl (‘yo z ‘NH e) ‘HE SSI “Yo L , ‘ds eules o1U1 4) € "YD g ‘YO IxEU QIU! Sg * pug ‘Yo § JO Pi € UI SS “BUL OWI 4} Z ‘SOUR E (uo 2 ‘Buy oyu 43 ¢) “(yo z pue 4} | Se yUNOD) Yo g “y :pUaISL “Bull B WHO} 0} YO ISI O1UI SS “YO ¥ ENE “y sNO|OD euenbs 3Su4 wo X 6 = azenbs yoe3 :uoysual (spus Bui6pe ue sesenbs g jo SMOJ 4 =) WO pZ x 99 :sjUeWaINSeOW yOoy JeyDOI WH OO'Y apue 9 ‘a 'v ‘SiNQ|0d payejes u! yee WeA BuNUy eiqnop 6 Os x | SELOIEW yoyuelg “uor!s0d oyu! UoYNg MES 40) Se oures dens axew ‘Op y IXOU JO YORE OYUI OP | ‘OP | SSIW ‘OP Z IXBU JO YDS OU! OP | ‘OP | SSIW ‘DP bz HOM smo} JO} Se PUL UNS UI desIs eSiEneJ ‘YoJEW 0} JeddIIs PUZ 110M, “9[0S punose Op pul | 110M “YO uaIse,s OP 9} Was JO YOR OUI OP L “YO ZL KOU Jo yoke OWL! 9p | “HOOY WOH Yo UI OL! OP | ‘desis BUISOIO 40} UO ZL @Y2W ‘OP 1Z ISAy JO YORE OWU! OP | ‘YO | :PUA NAS “OP 381 OU! SS “A E IXEU JO YORE O}U! 9p | ‘B01 Z op ‘A Z }x9U Jo YoRE oUUl 9p | ‘BOI ZOP "A EZ IXU Jo yoee OU! 9p | ‘ss se aoeid ewes O1U!OP | ‘YO | :PUL AY “Woe IO Pig Olu! ss ‘ss se ds ewes ojU! 4 | bz IXOU Jaye ds OUI AZ ‘sown 6 (4.2 xu s0ye ds ul Go) Z 4) ‘sown ZL (4b Z IxOU seye ds ul 43 2) ‘yo € 'n puz pue ISL UeeMmieq Sg :pus PIE Green and white top, bootees and ribbon trimmed blanket Top Materials 22) x 50 g green and 1 x 50 g white 3-ply baby yarn 2:50 mm and 300 mm crochet hooks 2 buttons 1m ribbon Measurements: Length to shoulder sleeve length - 17(18) cm To fit: 3-6(6-9) months 28(30) cm; Tension: 23 sts and 16 rows = 10cm over patt, using 3.00 mm hook Front Using 3.00 mm hook and green, make 47(53) ch. ‘1st row: 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, (3 ch, miss 2ch, 1 de into next ch) to end [= 18(17) Ips} 2nd row: 3 ch, 3 tr into each Ip; 1 tr into last de. ‘rd row: 1 ch, 1 dc into 1st tt, (9 ch, 1 de into next sp be- tween 3 tr gps) to last 3 tr, 3 ch, 1 de into 3rd of 3 ch. 4th row:, 3 tr info each Ip; 1 tr into last de. Rep last 2 rows 10(11) times. Front opening Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into tst tr, (3 ch, 1 dc into next sp be- tween 3 tr gps) 7(8) times, turn and leave rem sts. Next row: 3 ch, 3 trinto each Ip; 1 tr into last de. Rep last 2 rows 3(4) times. Shape neck Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc into 1st tr, (3 ch, 1 dc into next sp be- tween 3 tr gps) 4(5) times, turn. Next row: Same as Ath row. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into 1st tr, (3 ch, 1 de into next sp be- ‘tween 3 tr gps) 3(4) times, turn. Next row: Same as 4th row. Rep last 2 rows once more. Fasten off. Now work left front opening: With WS facing, join in yarn between tst and 2nd gp of 3 tral centre, leaving centre gp ‘of 3 tr unworked, Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into same sp, (3 ch, 1 deinto next sp between 3 tr gps) 7(8) times. Next row: 3 ch, 3 tr into each Ip; 1 tr into last de. Rep last two rows 3(4) times. Fasten off, turn. Shape neck Miss 3 gps of 3 tr, join yarn to next sp between 3 tr gps. Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc into same sp, (3 ch, 1 de into next sp. between 3 tr gps) 4(5) times, turn. Next row: 3 ch, 3 tr into each Ip, 1 trinto last de. Next row: Ss across 1 gp of 3tr, 1 ch, 1 dc into sp before nextgp, (3ch, 1 dcintonext sp between Strgps) 2(3) times, 3h, 1 de into 3rd of 3 ch. ch, 3tr into each Ip, 1 trinto last de. ch, 1 de into tst tr, (3 ch, 1 de into next sp be- tween 3 tr gps) 2(3) times, 3 ch, 1 de into rd of 3 ch. Next row: 3ch, (3trinto each |p) 2(4) times, 1 trinto last dc. Do not fasten off, make 26 ch, ss into top of last trot right front. Fasten off. Back With WS facing, join yarn to top of 1st tr of last row of right ch, 1 de into 1st tr, (3 ch, 1 deinto next sp be- tween 3 tr gps) 2(3) times, 3 ch, 1 dc into last tr before centre ch, (3 ch, miss 2 ch, 4 de into next ch) 8 times,, miss 2 ch, 1 de into 1st tf, (@ch, 1 de into next sp between 3 tr gps) 2(3) times, 3 ch, 1 dc into 3rd ch [= 15(17) |ps}. Next row: As 4th row. Next row: As 3rd row. Rep last two rows 18(20) times. Fasten off. Edging around back and fronts Join white to 8th tr row at side of work (right side of back), ‘tstend: With RS facing work thus: 3 ch, 2tr into same row, (@Btrinto each tr row to last tr row before comer, 5tr into last row, 4tr into 1st ch Ip of lower edge, 3tr into each foll ch Ip tolastip before corner, 41r into last ip, 5tr into 1sttr row up side edge) twice, 3 tr in each rem tr row, 8s into 3rd ch at beg of md. Fasten off 2nd rnd: Using green, join in yarn between 3 tr gps, 1 ch, 1 de into same sp, * (3 ch, 1 dc into next sp between 3 tr gps) tothe 3tr round next comer, (3ch, 1 dcin sp after next 311) 3 times “*; rep from * to ** right around. Fasten off 3rd rnd: Join white to a ip,, 2 tr into same Ip, 3 into each Ip to end, working 4 tr into each of 3 Ips at corners. Fasten off. ‘4th md: Using green, work as 2nd rnd, but work 4 Ips of 3cch along the 12 comer tr. Fasten off Sth md: Using white, work as 3rd rnd, working 4 tr into 2 Ips round corners. Fasten off. Sleeves Place a marker 9(10) gps of 3 tr down from shoulder on each side and work sleeve on these 1820) centre gps, With WS facing join yarn in and cont as follows: ‘Ist row: 1 ch, 1 dc into sp between gps, (3 ch, 1 dc intonext ‘8p between 3 tr gps) 18(20) times. 2nd row: Same as 4th row of front. ‘3rd row: Same as 3rd row of front. Rep last 2 rows 10(11) times, when working last row use 2.50 mm hook. Next row: With 2.50 mm hook, work 2 tr into each Ip. Next row: As 3rd row, but work 2 ch instead of 3 ch. Next row: Work 2 tr into each Ip. Rep last 2 rows once. Fasten off. To make up Stitch side and underarm seams, leaving §cm open at lower edge on either side. Work 2 rnds de around neck and front opening. Buttonhole loop: Using white and 2.50 mm hook, make 7 ch, ss into 1st ch, make 11 ch, ss into 7th ch from hook, work 12.dc into 1st ring, 1 de into each of next 4 ch between tings and 12 de into 2nd ring. Fasten off. Sew Ip into posi- tion, 2 rows down fram neck edge and on one side only, ‘Sew on button. Thread ribbon through row below sleeves. Bootees Materials 1x50 g green 3-ply baby yarn 2.50 mm crochet hook 80cm ribbon 40cm lace To fit: 3-6 months (for larger size use larger hook) Make 37 ch. 1st row: 1 tr into 5th ch from hook, (1 ch, miss 1 ch, 1 trinto ext ch) to end (= 17 Ips). 2nd row: Work 2 dc into each Ip (= 34 dc). Fasten off, turn. Instep Miss 12 de, join in yarn. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 10 de, turn, Work 10 rows straight. Fasten off Join yam to end of 2nd row. Next row: 1 ch, 1 dcinto each of next 12 de, work 9 de row ends of instep, 1 de into each of next 10 instep sts, work 9 de along row ends at other side of instep, 1 dc into each of next 12 de (= 52 de), Work 4 rows straight. Next row: 1 ch, miss 1st do, 1 de into each of next 20 de, miss 1 de, 1 dc into each of next 8 do, miss 1 do, 1 de into each of next 19 de, miss 1 do, 1 dc into last de. Next row: 1 ch, miss 1 dc, 1 dcinto each of next 19 dc, miss 11de, 1 de into each of next 6 de, miss 1 do, 1 dc into each of next 18 de, miss 1 do, 1 de into last de. Next row: 1 ch, miss 1 de, 1 dc into each of next 18 dc, miss, 1 de into each of next 4 do, miss 1 de, 1 de into each of next 17 de, miss 1 de, 1 dc into last dc. Next row: 1 ch, miss 1 dc, 1 dcinto each of next 17 dc, miss 11de, 1 de into each of next 2 de, miss 1 de, 1 de into each of next 16 de, miss 1 de, 1 de into last de. Next row: 1 ch, miss 1 do, 1 dcinto each of next 16 de, miss 11de, de 2 tog, 1 dc into each of next 15 de, miss 1 de, 1 de into last de. Fasten off. Join yarn to top edge of bootee. Next row: 3ch, Strinto 1st/p, (1 dcinto nextp, 4 trinto next Ip) to end; fasten off. ‘Sew underfoot and back seams. Thread ribbon through holes. Make 2nd bootee to match Blanket Material 1x50g4-ply yarn each in selected colours A, B,C, DandE 4.00 mm crochet hook % 35 m ribbon, 50m wide Measurements: 76 x 70cm, excluding border Tension: 18 sts and 14 rows = 10cm over patt, using 4.00 mm hook Make 139 ch with A. 1st row: 1 tr into 4th ch from hook, 1 tr into each of next 2ch, (1 ch, miss 1 ch, 1 tr into each of next 3 ch) to last ch, 1 trin last ch. 2nd row: A. 3 ch, 1 tr each into 2nd, 3rd and 4th tr, (1 ch, 1 trinto each of next 3 tr) to turning ch, 1 tr in 3rd ch. Now, working in stripe sequence of 2 rows each in B, C, D, E and A, cont in pat: 3rd row: 3 ch, 1 tr into 2nd tr, (1 ch, miss 1 tr, 1 tr into next tr, 1 Itr in next ch sp 2 rows down, 1 tr into next tr) to last 2tr, 1 ch, miss 1 tr, 1 trinto last tr, 1 tr into top of turning ch. 4th row: 3 ch, 1 tr into 2nd tr, (1 ch, 1 tr each in next tr, the Ite and folltr = 37) to last tr 1 ch, 1 tr in last tr 1 tr in top of turning ch. Sth row: 3 ch, 1 tr into 2nd tr, (1 Itr in next ch sp 2 rows down, 1 tr into next tr, 1 ch, miss 1 tr, 1 tr into next tr) to last ch sp, 1 Itrin last ch sp 2 rows down, 1 trinto nexttt, 1 trin top of turning ch. 6th row: As 2nd row. Rep last 4 rows until blanket meas- ures 70 om from beg. Fasten off. To make up Fold ribbon in halt and pin over edges of blanket, make mitered corners and stitch. Yellow jacket and bib Jacket Materials 3x 50 g yellow 3-ply baby yarn ‘Oddments of white yarn 300 mm crochet hook 3 buttons. 1 flower motif Measurements: Length to shoulder sleeve length - 17(19)om To fit: 6-9(9-12) months 28(30) cm; Tension: 20 sts and 13 rows = 10cm over patt, using 300mm hook Beg at neck edge, make 38 ch. 1st row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each ch to end of row. 2nd row: 3 ch (= Isttr), 1 trinto 1st de, (miss 1 de, 2trinto next do) to end (= 38 tr). rd row: (= ‘sttr), 2tr between first 2tr,3 tr between next 2tr, 2trbetween next 2tr, (3 tr between next2 tr) twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 9 times, (3 tr between next 2 tr) twice, 2 tr between next 2 tr, (3 tr between next 2 tr) twice (= 46 tr). 4th row:, 1 trbetween tstand 2nd tr, 2trbetween 2nd and 3rd tr, * into next gp of 3 tr work 2 tr between 1st and 2nd tr,2tr between 2nd and 3rd tr *, 2 tr between next 2 tr; rep from * to * twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 9 times; rep from * to * twice, 2 tr between next 2 tr; rep from * to * twice. Sth row: 3 ch, 2 tr between first 2 tr, (3 tr between next 2tr) twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 3 times, (3 tr between next 2 tr) twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 11 times, (3 tr between next 2 tr) twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 3 times, (3 tr be- tween next 2 tr) 3 times (= 64 te). Fasten off. 6th row: Make 4 ch, 2 tr between tst and 2nd tr, 2 tr be- tween 2nd and 3rd tr, * into next gp of 3 tr work (2 tr be- tween Ist and 2nd tr, 2 tr between 2nd and 3rd tr) *; rep from * to * once more, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 3 times; rep from * to * twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 11 times; rep from * to * twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 3 times; rep from * to * 3 times, 7 ch, tum (= 74 tr). 7th row: 1 trinto 4th ch from hook, miss 1 ch, 2r into next ch, miss 1 ch, (2tr between next2tr) 3 times, (3 trbetween ext 2 tr) twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 5 times, (3 tr be- tween next 2 tr) twice, (2tr between next 2 tr) 13 times, (3 tr between next 2 tr) twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 5 times, (8 tr between next 2 tr) twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 3times, miss 1 ch, 2tr into next ch, miss 1 ch, 2 trinto last ch(= 90th). th row: Cont in patt by working 2 tr between 2 tr and into each gp of 3 tr inc by working 2 tr between fst and 2nd tr and 2 tr between 2nd and 3rd tr (= 98 tr). 9th row: 3 ch, 1 tr between 1st and 2nd tr, (2 tr between next 2 tr) § times, (3 tr between next 2 tr) twice, (2 tr be- tween next 2 tr)7 times, (3 tr between next 2 tr) twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 15 times, (3 tr between next 2 tr) twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 7 times, (3 tr between next 2 tr) twice, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 6 times (= 106 tr). 10th row: Same as 8th row (= 114 tr). Cont patt and inc for raglan as before until 15(17) rows have been worked [= 154(170) tr, Divide main part from sleeves Next row: 3 ch, 1 tr between 1st and 2nd tr, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 89) times, * into next gp of 3 tr work 2 tr between 1st and 2nd tr, 2 tr between 2nd and 3rd tr *, § ch, miss 32(36) tr (1st sleeve); rep from * to * once, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 21(23) times; rep from * to * once, 5 ch, miss 32(36) tr (2nd sleeve); rep from * to * once, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 9(10) times. Next row: 3 ch, 1 tr between ‘st and 2nd tr, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 10(11) times, (miss 1 ch, 2 tr into next ch) twice, miss 1 ch, (2 r between next 2 tr) 25(27) times, (miss 1 ch, 2 tr into next ch) twice, miss 1 ch, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 4(12) times [= 102(110) tr] Next row: 3 ch, 1 tr between 1st and 2nd tr, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 50(54) times. Rep last row 15(17) times. Fasten off. Sleeves Do not attach yam, make, now work over the 32(36) unworked tr as follows: ‘1st row: Into gp of 3 tr work 2 tr between Ist and 2nd tr, 2 tr between 2nd and 3rd tr, 2 tr between next 2 tr) 13(15) times. Into last gp of 3 tr work 2 tr between ist and 2nd tr, 2 tr between last 2 tr, 5 ch, turn. 2nd row: 1 tr into 4th ch from hook, (2 tr between next 2 tr) 17(19) times, miss 1 ch, 2 trinto next ch [= 38(42}tr) 3rd row: 3 ch, 1 tr between tst and 2nd tr, (2 tr between next 2 tr) to end. Rep last row 13(15) times, at the same end of next and every foll Sth row. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each trto end. Work 6 more rows in dc. ime dec 1 trateach Collar and front bands Make 53 ch. 1st row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each ch to end of row. Work 10 more de rows. 12th row: 1 de into each of first 6 de, turn Work 4 more de rows over 6 de. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of first 2 de,, miss 2 dc, 1 dc into each of rem 2 de (= buttonhole). Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of first 2 do, 2 de into 2 ch, 1.d¢ into each of rem 2 de. Work 14 rows in patt, then make 2nd buttonhole. Work 14 rows in patt, then make 3rd buttonhole Work straight until band fits down front to lower edge. Now work left band over last 6 de to match right band, omitting buttonholes. ‘To make up Pin centre of collar to centre back and along neck edge to. front points and stitch into position. Pin bands to front edges and stitch into position. Now work 7 de rows along lower edge of jacket. Sew on buttons. Stitch sleeve seams Using white, work 1 row in crab st around jacket and sleeves. Bib Materials 1 x 50.g white no. 5 crochet yarn 2.50 mm crochet hook 50.em ribbon 1 button 1 flower motif Make 22 ch. + ‘1st row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each of next 10 ch, 3 de into next ch, 1 de into each of next 10 ch. 2nd row: 1 ch, miss tst do, 1 de into each of next 10 de, 3.dc into next de, 1 de into each of rem 11 de. 3rd to 19th row: 1 ch, miss 1st de, 1 de in each de to 2nd of the 3 de in centre, 3 dc in this centre st, 1 dc in each foll dc. There are 19 de at either side of the 3 centre de in last row. Fasten off. Border Make 27 ch, beg at starting ch work 18 de up row ends, 1 de into each of next 20 de, 3 de into centre do, 1 de into each of next 20 de, work 18 de down row ends, make 28 ch. Next row: 1 dcinto 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each of next Sch, 3dc into next ch, 1 deinto each of rem, 1 deinto each of next 17 de, 3 dc into next de, 1 de into each of next 21 de, 3.dc into centre de, 1 de into each of next 21 de, 3 de into next do, 1 de into each of next 17 de, 1 de into each of next 20 ch, 3 de into next ch, 1 de int> each of rem 6 ch Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 7 do, 3 de into next de, 1 de into each de to last 8 de, into next de, 1 de into each of rem 7 de. Next row: (Holes for ribbon) 4 ch, miss 1 de, 1 trinto next de, (1 ch, miss 1 de, 1 tr into next de) along sts of last row; at each of the 5 inc points work (1 tr, 1 ch) into 3 successive de. (Last Ip = buttonhole.) Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into 1st ch sp, (4 tr into next ch sp, 1/de into next ch sp) to end. Fasten off To make up ‘Sew on button. Thread ribbon through holes and secure ends. Stitch on motif. Blue and yellow waistcoats Blue waistcoat Materials 1(2) x 50 g blue 4-ply yarn ‘Oddments of white yarn 3.00 mm and 4.00 mm crochet hooks 1 pair 3,25 mm knitting needles 4 buttons. Measurements: Length to shoulder — 24(26; 27; 28) cm To fit: 0-3(3-6; 6-9; 9-12) months Tension: 17 de and 22 rows = 10 cm, using 4.00 mm hook. Back (use blue) Make 43(47; 51; 55) ch 1st row: 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each ch 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each de. Rep 2nd row 21(23; 25; 27) times. Shape armholes Next row: Dec 2 de at each end of row. Next row: As 2nd row. Next row: Dec 1 de at each end of row. Next row: As 2nd row. Rep last 2 rows once [34(38; 42; 46) sts rem]. Work 16(18; 20; 22) rows straight ‘Shape neck Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of next 8(9; 10; 11) de, turn. Work 3 rows straight. Fasten off. Miss 18(20; 22; 24) centre sts, join in yarn and complete 2nd side to match. Right front Make 22(24; 26; 28) ch with blue. 1st row: 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each ch until rem, using white work 1 de into each of last 4 ch. 2nd row: White, 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 4 de, change to blue, 1 de into each de to end of row. Work 21(23; 25; 27) more dc rows, using same colour for sts (2. 4 de in white along front edge). Shape armhole and V-neck Next row: White, 1 ch, 1 dcinto each of next 4 de, change to blue, miss 1 de, 1 de into each de until 2 de rem, turn Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each de to end, using white for last 4 de. Next row: White, 1 dc into each of next 4 de, blue, miss, 1 de into each de to last de, turn, Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each de to end, using white for last 4 de. Rep last 2 rows once. Next row: White, 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 4 de, blue, miss 1 do, 1 dc into each de to end. Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each de, using white for last 4 dc. Rep last 2 rows until 8(9; 10; 11) de rem. Work straight until ‘work measures same as for back (count rows). Fasten off. Left front Work as right front; reverse white border and all shapings. To make up Stitch shoulder seams. Using Ns, pick up and k60(62; 64; 66) sts evenly along armhole edges and work 4rows KI, pt rib. Cloff. Stitch side seams. Using 300 mm hook, work 4(5; 6; 6) rows de along lower edge of waistcoat. Using 300mm hook, work 3 rows dc along front and neck edges, making 4 evenly spaced buttonholes about 35cm apart on left side during 2nd row. Sew on buttons. Work surface ss over white panels, using blue (see diagram of white embroi- dered sweater on p. 40) Yellow waistcoat Materials 2(2) x 50g yellow 4-ply bouclé yarn 3.00 mm and 4.00 mm crochet hooks 1 pair 3,25 mm knitting needles 4 buttons 1 motit Measurements: Length to shoulder — 24(26)cm To fit: 6-9(9-12) months Tension: 16 sts and 20 rows = 10 cm, using 4.00 mm hook Main part (worked in one to underarm) Using 4.00 mm hook, make 81(91) ch. ‘1st row: 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each foll ch. 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each dc to end. Rep last row until work measures 10(11) cm from beg. Left front Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of first 18(20) de, turn and leave rem sts. Next row: Same as 2nd row. Next row: Dec 1 dc at each end of row. Next row: Same as 2nd row. Rep last 2 rows once. Dec 1 de at beg of next and every alternate row until 8 de rem. Cont over rem sts until work measures 22(24)cm from beg. Fasten off. Back Return to rem sts, miss 4 de, join in yarn. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 36(42) de, turn and leave rem sts. Next row: Same as 2nd row. Next row: Dec 1 dc at each end of row. Rep last 2 rows once. Cont over rem 32(38) sts until work measures 22(24) cm from beg, fasten off. Right front Return to rem sts, miss 4 de, join in yarn and complete to match left front, reversing shapings. To make up Welt: Clon 120(124) sts and work 4m k1, pt rib. Cloff, stitch cast off edge to lower edge of gilet. Stitch shoulder seams. Using 3.00 mm hook, work 2 mds de around armholes. Work 3 rows de along front edges and back of neck, mak- ing 4 buttonholes evenly spaced along right front edge during 2nd row. Sew on buttons. Feeder and romper in white and red Feeder Materials 1x 50g white no. 5 crochet yarn Odaments of red crochet yarn 2.50 mm crochet hook 1 button 1 motif Measurements: 19 cm wide and 32cm long Tension: 20 sts and 20 rows = 10cm over pat, using 2.50 mm hook Make 5 ch, using white. ‘1st row: 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 htr into next ch, 1 de into next ch, 1 htr into last ch, make § ch. 2nd to 6th row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 htr into next ch, 1 de into next ch, 1 htr into last ch, (1 dc into next htr, 1 hr into next de) to end, make 5 ch. 7th row: As 2nd row but make 7 ch. 8th row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 htr into next ch, (1 de into next ch, 1 htr into next ch) twice, (1 de into next htr, 1 htr into next de) to end *, make 7 ch. Sth row: As 8th row to *, turn (= 40 sts). 10th to 45th row: 1 ch, 1 de into htr, 1 htr into next de, (1 de into next htr, 1 htr into next do) to end. Shape neck Next row: Patt into each of next 18 sts, turn. Keeping patt correct, working htr over de and de over htr, dec 1 st at neck edge in every row until 12 sts rem, work 3 rows straight, ending at side edge. Next row: Patt into each of first 4 sts, turn. Next row: Patt to end. Next row: Patt into each of first 6 sts, turn Next row: Patt to end. Next row: Patt into each of first 8 sts, turn. Work 3 rows straight ending at side edge. Dec 1 st at side edge in every row until 8 sts rem, work 3 rows straight. Fasten off. Miss 4 centre sts, join in yarn and work 2nd side to match, reversing shaping To make up Work 1 rd de with white around feeder. Change to redand work 1 row crab st into each de of last rnd; join rnd with ss and fasten off. Make 4 ch Ip at top (buttonhole). Sew on button and motif. Romper Materials 2(8) x 50 g white (W) 3-ply baby yarn 1(1) x 50 g red (R) 4-ply baby yarn 300 mm crochet hook 1 pair 3,25 mm knitting needles 6 buttons. : Measurements: Length to shoulder ~ 35(37) cm To fit: 6-9(9-12) months Tension: 20 sts and 23 rows = 10cm over patt, using 3.00 mm hook Back Using 3.00 mm hook, make 17(19) ch with W. ‘1st row: 1 dinto 2nd ch from hook, 1 htr intonextch, (1 de into next ch, 1 htr into next ch) to end. 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 dc into 1st ht, 1 htr into next de, (1 de into next htr, 1 tr into next de) to end. 3rd row: 5 ch, 1 from hook, 1 htrintonextch, into next ch, 1 htr into last ch, (1 de into next htr, 1 htr into next de) to end, Rep last row 9 times. 13th row: (2nd size only), 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 htr into next ch, (1 de into next htr, 1 htr into next de) to end. ‘14th row: (2nd size only) Same as 13th row. Rep 2nd row until work measures 23(25)cm from beg [= 56(62) sts}. Shape armholes Next row: Dec 2 sts at each end of row. Next row: Same as 2nd row. Rep last 2 rows twice. Cont straight until work measures 33,5(35,5) cm from beg [44(60) sts rem}. Shape neck Next row: Patt into each of first 12 sts, turn. Next row: Same as 2nd row. Next row: Patt into each of first 10 sts, turn. Next row: Same as 2nd row. Next row: Patt into each of first 8 sts, turn. Next row: Same as 2nd row. Fasten off. Miss 20(26) centre sts, join in yarn and complete left side of neck to match, reversing shaping. Front Work as for back until work measures 8(10) cm from beg. Front opening Next row: Patt over next 28(31) sts, turn. Cont straight keeping patt correct until work measures 23(25) cm from beg, fin at side edge. Shape armholes Dec 2 sts at beg of next row and foll 2 alternate rows. Work straight until work measures 31,5(33,5) cm from beg. Shape neck Next row: Patt into each of first 14 sts, turn. Next row: Same as 2nd row. Next row: Patt into each of first 10 sts, turn. Next row: Same as 2nd row. Next row: Patt into each of first 8 sts, turn. Work straight until work measures same as back. Com- plete left side of front opening tomatch, reversing shaping. To make up Sew shoulder seams. With RS facing, using 3.00 mm hook and W, work 70 de evenly along armhole edges. Fasten off. With RS facing and using Ns and R, pick up and knit 1 st from each of the 70 dc. Work 4 rows in ki, pt rib lott. Stitch side seams, work along shaped leg edges in same manner. Neckband: With RS facing, using W and 300mm hook ‘work 80 de evenly along neck edge. Using Ns and R, pick up and kt from each of the 80 de and work 4 rows kt, pt rib, Clot. With RS facing, using 300 mm and W, work 66 de up right front edge. With RS facing, using Ns and R, pick up and kt from each of the 66 sts, work 4 rows kt, pt rib. C/otf Work left band to match, making 6 buttonholes evenly spaced in 3rd row. Stitch crutch seam. Sew on buttons. Yellow and white cross-over cardigan and pants Cardigan Materials 2x 50 g yellow and 1 x 50g white 3-ply baby yarn 2.50 mm and 3.00 mm crochet hooks 6 buttons Measurements: Length to shoulder — sleeve length - 20cm To fit: 9-12 months 280m; Tension: 18 sts and 20 rows = 10cm over pat, using 300mm hook Note: Keep patt correct when shaping, working dc over htr and htr over de. When rows end with do, commence next row with 2 ch, to count as 1st htr. Back Using 300 mm hook and yellow, make 59 ch. ‘tet row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 htrintonext ch, (1de into next ch, 1 htr into next ch) to end. 2nd to 47th row: 1 ch, 1 dc into 1st htr, 1 htr into next de, (1 de into next htr, 1 htr into next de) to end. Fasten off. Left front Using 3.00 mm hook and yellow, make 35 ch. Work as back Until 9 rows have been worked from beg. 10th row: Keeping pat correct dec 1 st at end of row. 11th row: Patt to end. Rep last 2 rows until 16 sts rem, work 2 rows straight. Fasten off. Right front Work first 2 rows as for left front. 3rd row: (Buttonhole row) Patt over first 8 sts, 2 ch, miss 2 sts, patt to end of row. 4th row: Work in patt, working 1 de and 1 htr into 2 ch Ip. Work 5 rows in patt. 10th row: 1 ch, miss 1st st, work over next 7 sts and make 2nd buttonhole same as 1st, patt to end. {ith row: As 4th row. Keeping patt correct dec 1 st at beg of next and every foll alternate row until 16 sts rem. Work 2 rows straight and fasten off Sleeves Using 2.50 mm hook and white, make 35 ch and work 5 rows in patt as for back. ‘Change to 300 mm hook. Next row: Patt and inc 1 st each end of row. Next 5 rows: Patt to end. Change to yellow. Next row: Patt and inc 1 st gach end of row. Next 5 rows: Patt toend. «_ Rep last 6 rows until there are 44 sts. Cont straight until work measures 20 cm from beg; fasten off. To make up . Stitch shoulder seams. Stitch side seams, leaving 12cm ‘open at top for armholes. Join sleeve seams and set in sleeves. Welt Using2.50 mm hook and white, work 9 rows de along lower ‘edge of cardigan; during 7th row make 1 buttonhole in line with buttonholes on right front. Front and neckband Using 2.50 mm hook and white, work 5 rows in de along front and back neck edges. In 4th row make 3 buttonholes on right front opposite the 2 buttonholes in right front and the buttonhole in welt. Sew on buttons. Pants Materials 2(8) x 50 g yellow 3-ply baby yarn 00mm crochet hook 1 pair 2,50 mm knitting needles 1 mribbon Measurements: Length - 39(42)cm To fit: 6-9(9-12) months Tension: 20 sts and 20 rows 3.00 mm hook Right leg Start at bottom; make 49(53) ch. ‘Ast row: 1 dcinto 2nd ch from hook, 1 htr into nextch, (1 de into next ch, 1 htr into next ch) to end. 2nd and each foll row: 1 ch, 1 dcinto ist htr, 1 htr intonext dec, (1 de into next htr, 1 htr into next de) to end. Cont straight until there are 5(4) rows, then inc 1 st each 10.¢m over patt, using end of next and every foll 5th row as follows: Work 2 sts (either 1 de and 1 htror 1 htrand t de, whichever is needed tocont patt correctly) in 1st as well as last st of row; cont in- creasing until there are 60(66) sts Cont straight until there are 35(38) rows from beg Shape for crutch Next row: Ss along 2 sts, 1 ch, patt to last 2 sts, 1 ch, tum. Next 2 rows: Patt and dec 1 st each end of row (52(58) sts rem]. Keeping patt correct work straight until work measures 36(39) cm from beg. Fasten off ‘Work left leg to match To make up Stitch inner leg seams; stitch front and back seams. Welt Clon 150(160) sts, work 5 rows KI, pt rib, beg 1st row with pt 6th row: k1, pt, k1, yf, k 2 tog, (pt, k1, yf, k 2 tog) to last 1(3) sts, rib 1(3) Rib 6 more rows. Cloff. Join row ends to form ring. Stitch Clot edge to top of pants. Thread ribbon through holes. Cutts Clon 60(64) sts, work 6 cm kt, pt rib. C/off. Join row ends. Stitch cioff edges to lower leg edges, Red, yellow, white and blue sweater and beret Sweater Materials 1(1) x 50 g 4-ply yarn each in selected colours A,B,C and D 300 mm and 4.00 mm crochet hooks 1 pair 3,25 mm knitting needles 1 set double-pointed 3,25 mm knitting needles 2 buttons Measurements: Length to shoulder — sleeve length - 18(20)cm To fit: 6-9(9-12) months 26(28) cm; Tension: 17 sts and 18 rows = 10cm over patt, using 400 mm hook Front Using 4.00 mm hook and C, make 47(51) ch. ‘1st row: 1 dcinto 2nd ch from hook, 1 htr into next de, (1 de into next ch, 1 htr into next ch) to end. 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 de into 1st htr, 1 htrinto next de, (1d into next ht, 1 htr into next de) to end. Rep 2nd row 7(9) times. Change to B. Rep 2nd row 4 times. Change to A. Rep 2nd row 4 times. Next row: Patt with A along first 18(20) sts, change to D and patt along rem 26(30) ss. Next row: Patt 28(30) sts with D, patt rem 18(20) sts with A. Rep last 2 rows until work measures 20(22)cm, fin at Acdge. Shape neck Patt first 16(18) sts with A, turn. Next row: As 2nd row. Next row: Work in patt into each of first 14(16) sts, tum and leave rem sts. Next row: As 2nd row. Work straight until work measures 24(26) cm from beg. Fasten off. Miss next 14 centre sts, join in D and complete tomatch ‘st side, reversing shaping . Back ‘Work as for front until 17(19) rows have been worked from beg. Next row: Change to D, patt along first 28(30) sts with D, change to A and pat rem 18(20) sts with A. Next row: Patt 18(20) sts with A, patt rem 28(30) sts with D. Rep last 2 rows until work measures 17(19) cm from beg, fin at D edge. Divide for neck opening Patt first 23(25) sts with D, turn; leave rem sts. Next row:, (1 dc into next htr, 1 htrinto next dc) to end. Next row: As 2ndrow. Rep last 2 rows until work méasures 21(23) cm from beg, lin at side edge. Shape neck Next row: Patt 14(16) sts, turn. Cont straight until work measures 24(26) cm from beg, fasten off. Return to rem sts. Complete 2nd side to match, using same colour for same ‘sts, and reverse shaping. Sleeves Using 4.00 mm hook and C, make 35(39) ch. ‘Work same as for front until 5 rows have been worked. Next row: Patt and inc 1 st each end of row, keeping patt correct. Change to D. Next 5 rows: Patt to end. Next row: Patt and inc 1 st each end of row. Rep last 6 rows until there are 42(46) sts. 2nd size only: Patt 2 straight rows after last inc row. Both sizes: Next 2 rows: Patt with 6, Next 2 rows: Patt with C. Fasten off. Cutts (make 2) Clon 36(38) sts, using Ns and C, work 3(4) cm, kt, pt rib, cloff. Stitch cloff edge to lower edge of sleeve. Join shoul- der seams. Neckband Con 82(84) sts, using Ns and A, work 7 rows rib as for culls; clott. Pin neckband to neck edge and stitch. Using 300 mm hook, work 2 rows de along division edges at back, make 2 buttonholes eveniy up left side during 1st row. To make up Join side seams, leaving 11,5(12,5) cm open at top for arm- holes. Join sleeve seams and set in sleeves. Using 3.00 mm hook and C, work 6(8) mds de along lower edge of sweater. Sew on buttons. Beret Materials 11x 50 g white 4-ply baby yarn ‘Oddments of yellow yarn 4.00 mm crochet hook To fit: 0-6(6-12) months Tension: 16 sts and 20 rows = 10cm over de, using 4.00 mm hook Make 5 ch, ss into 1st ch to form ring 1st rnd: 3 ch = fst tr, 17 tr into ring, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 18th). 2nd rnd: = Ist tr, 1 tr into base of the 3 ch, 2 tr into each tr, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 36 tr), 3rd end: 3 ch, 1 trinto next tr,2 trinto next tr (1 trinto each of next 2 tr, 2 tr into next tr) 11 times, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 4810), 4th md: 3 ch, 1 tr into each of next 2 tr, 2 tr into next tr, (1 trinto each of next 3 tr 2 tr into next tr) 11 times, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 6017) Sth md: 3 ch, 1 tr into each of next 3 tr, 2 tr into next tr, (1 trinto each of next 4 tr,2 tr into next tr) 11 times, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 72h). 6th rnd: 3 ch, 1 tr into each of next 4 tr, 2 tr into next tr, (1 trinto each of next 5 tr, 2 tr into next tr) 11 times, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 84 tr) 7th rnd: 3 ch, 1 tr into each of next 5 tr, 2 tr into next tr, (1 trinto each of next 6 tr 2 tr into next t) 11 times, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 96 tr). Next md: (2nd size only) 3 ch, 1 tr into each of next 6 tr, 2trinto next tr, (1 tr into each of next 7 tr, 2 tr into next tr) 11 times, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 108 tr). Next rnd: (2nd size only), 1 trinto each of next 6 tr, dec over next 2 tr by drawing last Ips of tr tog, (1 trinto each of next 7 tr, dec over next 2 tr) 11 times, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 96 tr), Next rnd: (Both sizes) 3 ch, 1 tr nto each of next 5 tr, dec over next 2 tr, (1 trinto each of next 6 tr, dec over next 2 tr) 411 times, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 84 tr) Next rnd: 3 ch, 1 trinto each of next 4tr, dec over next 2 tr, (1 trinto each of next 5 tr, dec over next 2tr) 11 times, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 721), Next rnd: 3 ch, 1 trinto each of next 3tr, dec over next 2 tr, (1 trinto each of next 4 tr, dec over next2 tr) 11 times, ssinto 3rd of 3 ch (= 60 tr) Next md: (ist size only) ch, 1 trinto each of next 2tr, dec over next 2tr, (1 trinto each of next 3 tr, dec over next 2 tr) 11 times, ss into 3rd of 3 ch (= 48 tr) 2nd size only) 3 ch, 1 trinto each tr to end, {Both sizes) 1 ch, 1 dc into each sttoend, ss into 1st de. Fasten off, To make up Make a pompon.using 1 strand each white and yellow. Sew to beret Yellow dress Materials '3(4) x 50 g yellow no. 5 crochet yarn 3.00 mm and 2.50 mm crochet hooks 3 buttons 1m ribbon 1 flower motif Measurements: Length to shoulder - 30(35).cm To fit: 0-3(3-6) months Tension: 24 sts and 18 rows = 10 cmover crossed st pat, using 2.50 mm hook Worked in one piece beg at neck edge. With 2.50 mm hook make 83 ch. 1st row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each ch (= 82 dc) 2nd row: 3ch = tsttr, working 1st crossed tr over 2nd and 3rd de in every tr row, work 6 crossed tr = 12 sts, 5 tr into next de, work 6 crossed tr = 12:sts, 5 tr into next de, work 14 crossed tr = 28 sts, 5 tr into next do, work 6 crossed tr = 12sts, 5 tr into next do, work 6 crossed tr = 12sts, 1 tr into last de. 3rd and every alternate row: 1 ch, 1 de into each tr and 1 de into 3rd ch, 4th row: 3 ch, work 7 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 8 crossed tr, § tr into next de, work 16 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 8 crossed tr, 5 trinto next de, work 7 crossed tr, 1 tr into last do. 6th row: 3 ch, work 8 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 40 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 18 crossed tr, §tr into next de, work 10 crossedtr, 5 trinto next dc, work 8 crossed tr, 1 tr into last de. ath row: 3 ch, work 9 crossed tr, 5 tr into next de, work 12 crossed tr, § tr into next dc, work 20 crossed tr, § tr into next de, work 12 crossed t, 5 tr into next de, work 9 crossed tr, 1 trinto last de. Cont inc in this way until there are 12(13) crossed tr on fronts after 14th(16th) row [= 194(210) single sts] Divide main part from sleeves Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of next 28(30) tr, miss 40(44) tr(tst sleeve), 1 de into each of next 58(62) tr, miss 40(44) tr (2nd sleeve), 1 de into each of next 26(30) tr, ss into 1st dc at beg of row, turn. ‘Skirt With RS facing, using 3.00 mm hook, work as follows: Ast rnd: = Isttr miss 2 dc, gp of 1 and 1 tr into next de, (miss 1 de, 1 tr into next de, miss 1 dc, gp of 1 tr 2chand 1 trinto next dc) 47(51) times, miss last 2.dc, ssinto rd ch at beg of md. 2nd rnd: Ss into ch sp of 1st gp, 5 ch, 3 tr into same ch sp, * work a knot st around stem of next single tr as follows: (yoh, insert hook in sp between last gp and single tr and draw Ip around single tr) 3times = 7 Ipson hook, yoh and draw through Ips on hook, (yoh and draw through 2 Ipson hook) twice; gp of 3 and 3 trinto ch sp of next gp **; rep from * to ** to last single tr, work knot st around last tr, 2trinto same spas the 5 ch at beg of md, ss into 3rd of the 5ch. Rep last rnd working knot st around knot sts of previous rnd, until work measures 29(34) em from beg. Last rnd: Ss into 2 ch sp, 3 ch, 4 tr into same sp, (1 tr into each of next 3tr, 1 de into knot st, 1 trinto each of next 3 tr, 5 tr into 2 ch sp of gp); fin with dc into last knot st, 1 trinto each of last 3 tr, ss into 3rd of 3 ch. Fasten off. Sleeves Using 2.50 mm hook, make 3 ch, return to rem sleeve sts and work 1 de into each of the 40(44) tr, make 5 ch. Next row: 1 tr into Sth ch from hook, 1 tr into 4th ch, work crossed tr across row, 1 trinto 2nd ch, 1 tr back into tst ch, 1 tr into last ch. Work §(7) more rows in patt. Fin row: 6 ch, ss into 3rd ch from hook, miss 1 do, 1 tr into next de, (3 ch, ss into 3rd ch from hook, miss 1 de, 1 tr into next de) to end; fasten off. To make up With 2.50 mm hook work 1 row of de along neck edge and work fin row as for sleeves. Work 3 rows of dc along edges of back opening; make 3 evenly spaced buttonholes dur- ing 2nd row at right hand edge. Join sleeve seams. Sew on buttons. Thread ribbon through 1st rnd of skirt. White and blue sweater and bootees Sweater Materials 2x 50g biue 3-ply baby yarn (A) 1x50 g white 3-ply baby yarn (B) 3.00 mm crochet hook 1 pair 2,75 mm knitting needles 1 set 2,75 mm double-pointed knitting needles 1 flower motif Measurements: Length to shoulder - 30cm; sleeve length — 19cm To fit: 9-12 months Tension: 20 sts and 23 rows = 10cm over patt Worked in one piece, beg at lower edge of front Using A, make 57 ch. ‘Ast row: 1 dcinto 2nd ch from hook, 1 htrinto next ch, (1. de into next ch, 1 htr into next de) to end. 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 dc into ist htr, 1 htr into next de, (1 de into next htr, 1 htr into next dc) to end Rep last row 19 times. Keep patt correct and work as fol- lows: 22nd and 23rd rows: B 4 sts, A 48 sts, B 4 sts. 24th and 25th rows: B 5 sts, A 46 sts, B 5 sts. 26th and 27th rows: B 6 sts, A 44 sts, B 6 sts. Start sleeves 28th row: Using B, make 9ch, 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 hr into next ch, (1 de into next ch, 1 htr into next ch) Stimes, B6 sts, A 44 sts, B 6 sis. Cont in patt, inc 8 sts by working 9 ch at beg of next and foll 6 rows (32 new sts at each side). Keep working 44 centre sts with A. 36th to 39th row: B 38 sts, A 44 sts, B 38 sts. 40th and 41st rows: B 38 sts, A 10 sts, B 24 sts, A 10 sts, 8.38 sts. 42nd and 43rd rows: B 38 sts, A 8 sts, B 28 sts, A8 sts, B 38 sts, 44th and 45th rows: B 38 sts, A 6 sts, B 32 sts, A6 sts, B38 sts. ‘Shape neck 46th row: B 38 sts, A 6 sts, B 10 sts, turn and leave rem sts. 10 sts, A 6 sts, B 38 sts. 38 sts, A 6 sts, B 8 sts. 49th row: B 8 sts, A 6 sts, B 38 sts. 50th row: B 38 sts, A 6 sts, B 6 sts. Sist row: B 6 sis, A6 sts, B38 sts. 52nd row: B 38 sts, A6 sts, B 4 sts. 53rd row: B 4 sts, A6 sts, B38 sts. Rep last 2 rows 3 times. Mark 54th row and fasten off. Return to rem sts. Miss 12 centre sts, join in B. Next row: As 47th row, Next row: As 46th row. Next row: As 49th row. Next row: As 48th row. Next row: As Stst row. Next row: As 50th row. Next row: As 53rd row. Next row: As 52nd row. Rep last 2 rows 3 times. Make 24 ch, ss into 1st of last row of Ist side. Fasten off, turn and cont patt over all sts, in- cluding ch between sections. Work 36th and 36th rows once, then rep 36th row 4 times. Keep patt correct and shape sleeves by dec 8 sts at end of next 8 rows (= 56 sts) Next row: 8 6 sts, A 44 sts, B 6 sts. Rep last row once. Next row: B 5 sts, A 46 sts, B 5 sts. Rep last row once. Next row: B 4 sts, A 48 sts, B 4 sts. Rep last row once. Using A, work 21 rows in patt. Fasten off. To make up Welt (make 2) Clon 70 sts, work 3. cm kt, pt rib. C/of. Stitch c/off edge to lower edge of sweater. Cutts (make 2) Work as welt, but cion 46 sts. Stitch cloff edge to lower edge of sleeves. Neckband With RS facing and using double pointed needles and 8, pick up and k90 sts around neck edge and work 7rnds kt, pt rib. Cloff loosely. Stitch side and sleeve seams. Work surface ch with A around. Change colour lines for a waist- coat effect. Bootees Materials 1x50. blue 3-ply baby yarn 2.50 mm crochet hook 2 small buttons To fit: 3-6 months (for larger size use larger hook) Sole Make 5 ch. 1st row: 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 deinto each of next 3ch(= 4do) 2nd row: Inc 1 dc at each end of row (= 6 de). 3rd row: 1 ch, 1 de into each de. 4th row: Same as 2nd row (= 8 do). Work straight until 20 rows have been worked from beg. 21st row: Dec 1 de at each end of row (= 6 dc). Work 20 de down row ends, 4 de across back (= starting edge), 20 de up row ends and 1 de into each de of 21st row (= 50 de); ss in 1st de. Fasten off Top Make 6 dc, 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into next ch, ‘3c into next ch, 1 de into each of next 2 ch. 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next, into next de, 1 dc into each of next 3 de. Cont to inc by working 3 de into centre st in every row until there are 23 sts. (Do not fasten off.) Sides Work 8 de down row ends, work 13 rows straight across these 8 sts, Fasten off. Work along row ends at other side to match; stitch back seam. Pin centre front to centre of sole, and centre back to centre of back of sole. Join in yarn at back of heel and work a row of de working through both thicknesses, Make 8 ch, ssinto 6th ch trom hook = button- hole Ip, 1 de into each of next, work 1 row of de along top of bootee, missing 2 sts at either side of de centre of front, turn. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each de, work 2 de over button- hole Ip: fasten off. Make 2nd bootee to match, reverse buttonhole Ip as fol- lows: Beg 2 sts to lett of front centre st work de along top edge to 2 sts before centre front, 5 ch, 1 trinto 3rd ch from hook, turn, 2 dcinto ch sp at end, 1 de into each of the 2 ch between Ip and de, 1 de into each rem de. Fasten off. Sew on buttons. Yellow, blue and white sweater, pants, bootees and hat Sweater Materials 2x 50 g white (A), 1 x 50g blue (B) and 1 x 50 g yellow (C) ply baby yarn 3.00 mm crochet hook 1 pair 2,75 mm knitting needles 1 set 2,75 mm double-pointed knitting needles Measurements: Length to shoulder - sleeve length ~ 16(18)cm To fit: 0-3(3-6) months 24(26) cm; Tension: 20 sts and 22 rows = 10cm over patt, using 3.00 mm hook Front (worked sideways) Using A, make 47(49) ch. Base row: Using A, work 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 htr into next de, (1 de into next ch, 1 htr into next ch) to end 46(48) sts} Patt row: Using A, work 1 ch, 1 dcinto ‘sthtr, 1 htrinto next de, (1 de into next htr, 1 htr into next de) to end. Rep pat row 5) times. Work stripe patt. ‘1st row: Patt 3(4) sts with A, (patt 8 sts with B, patt 8 sts with A) twice, patt 8 sts with B and last 3(4) sts with A. 2nd to 6th row: Patt with A. 7th row: Patt 11(12) sts with A, (patt 8 sts with B, patt 8 sts with A) twice, patt rem 3(4) sts with A. ‘8th row: Patt with A. Shape neck 9th row: A patt 42(44) sts, turn. 10th row: Patt to end with A. ‘ith row: A patt 38(40) sts, turn. 12th row: Patt to end with A. 13th row: Patt 3(4) sts with A, (patt 8 sts with B, patt 8 sts with A) twice, patt rem 3(4) sts with A. Patt more rows with ‘A, change to C, patt 10(12) rows, change to A, patt 4 rows. Next row: A same as 13th row. Patt 2 more rows with A, thus ending at neck edge. Next row: A5 ch, 1 dcinto 2nd ch from hook, 1 htrinto next cch, 1 de into next ch, 1 hr into last ch, patt to end. Next row: Patt with A. Next row: A5 ch, 1 dcinto 2nd ch from hook, 1 htr into next ch, 1 de into next ch, 1 htr into last ch, patt to end. Next row: Same as 7th row. Next 5 rows: Patt with A. Next row: Same as 1st row of stripe patt Patt 5(7) more rows with A. Fasten off. Back (worked sideways using A throughout) Work to match front to beg of neck shaping [= 13(15) rows in all ; ‘Shape neck (use colours as for front) Next row: Patt 42(44) sts, turn. Patt 26(28) more rows, end- ing at neck edge. Next row: 5 ch, 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 htr into next ch, 1 de into next ch, 1 htr into last ch, patt to end. Patt 12(14) more rows; fasten off. Sleeves Using A, make 35(39) ch and work first 4 rows as described for front [= 34(38) sts}. Work stripe pat. ‘Ast row: Patt 5(7) sts with A, 8 sts with B, 8 sts with A, 8 sts with B and 5(7) sts with A. 2nd row: Patt with A and inc 1 st each end of row (keep pat correct while shaping). 3rd to 6th row: Patt with A. 7th row: Patt 14(16) sts with A, 8 sts with B and rem sts with A 8th to 12th row: Same as 2nd to 6th row. 43th row: Patt 7(9) sts with A, 8 sts with B, 8sts with A, Bsts with B and rem sts with A. 14th to 18th row: Same as 2nd to 6th row. 19th row: Patt 16(18) sts with A, 8 sts with B and rem sts with A. 20th to 24th row: Same as 2nd to 6th row. 25th row: Patt 9(11) sts with A, 6 sts with B, 8 sts with A, 8 sts with B and rem sts with A 26th to 30th row: Same as 2nd to 6th row [= 44(48) sts} 31st row: Patt 18(20) sts with A, & sts with B and rem sts with A. st size: Fasten off. 2nd size: Patt 4 more rows with A and fasten off. Welt (make 2 with 8) Clon 66(70)sts, work (4) cm ki, pt rib, clotf. Stitch cloft edge to lower edge of sweater. Cuffs (make 2 with B) Clon 38(42) sts, work 3(4) cm rib as on welt. Stitch clotf edge to clon edge of sleeves. Stitch shoulder seams. Neckband (use C) With RS facing work 96(100) de around neck. With RS fac- ing and using double pointed Ns, pick up and k each de. Work 7 rnds k1, p1 rib, c/off loosely. To make up Join side seams, leaving 10,5(11,5) cm open at top for arm- holes. Join sleeve seams and set in sleeves. Pants See pattern for pants on p. 20. Bootees Materials 1x 50 g each yellow (A), white (B) and blue (C) 3-ply baby yarn 300 mm crochet hook To fit: 0-3 months (for larger size, use larger hook) Front part Using C, make 7 ch. ‘st row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 dc into each ch toend. 2ndto 34th row: 1 ch, 1 dcinto each of the 6 dc. Fasten off. Using B and with RS facing, join yarn to lower point at side. ‘st row: 1 ch, * 1 dc into each of first 3 rows, (miss 1 row, 1 dciinto each of next 3 rows) 7 times, miss 1 row, 1 de into each of rem 2 rows 26 dc), 1 de into each dc of 34th row, work as described from * to ** down row ends (= 58 dc). Work 3 rows straight. Fasten off. Back of heel Using B and with RS facing, miss 19 de, join in yarn, ‘st row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of next 20 de, turn. Work 3 rows straight. Fasten off. Fold up front of bootee to back of heel. Start at toe edge and stitch side seam, at end stitch row ends of last 3 rows of back of heel to row ends of last 3 rows of front of bootee. Stitch 2nd side to match. Top With RS facing make holes for ribbon: Join A to last st of strip worked with C. 1st md: 1 ch, 1 de into same place, (3 ch, 1 de into top ‘edge) 10 times evenly around edge, ending with 2Ips over C strip, ss in 1st de. 2nd row: 1 ch, 3 de into each of next 8 Ips, turn (leave 2 front Ips unworked) (= 32 de). ch, 1 de into each of next 32 de. Rep 4th and Sth rows once (=: 96 de). Make a cord with B and thread through holes. Hat Materials 1.x 50 g white S-ply baby yarn ‘Oddments of blue and yellow yarn 3.00 mm crochet hook To fit: 0-6(6-12) months Tension: 20 sts and 13 rows = 10cm over patt, using 3.00 mm hook Make 74(78) ch. ‘1st row: 1 trinto 4th ch from hook, (miss 1 ch, 2tr into next ch) to end. 2nd row: 3 ch, 1 tr between first 2tr, (2 tr between the tr of next tr pair) to last tr, 2 tr between last tr and 3 ch. Rep last row 18(20) times. Next row: 3 ch, miss first 2 tr, (1 tr between tr of next pair) toend. Next row: 3 ch, (tr 2 tog) to end. Fasten off. To make up Thread yarn through sts of last row, pull tog and fasten off securely. Stitch back seam. Make pompon and stitch to top. Yellow matinee jacket and slippers with cover for carry-cot or pram Jacket Materials Ast size 2x 50 g yellow S-ply baby yarn 2.50 mm and 300 mm crochet hooks 2nd size 2x50 yollow 4-ply baby yarn 300mm and 4,00 mm crochet hooks Both sizes 3 small buttons 1 mlace Measurements: Length to shoulder — sleeve length - 14(16)om To fit: 3-ply yar - 0-3 months 4-ply yarn — 3-6 months 28(31) cm; Tension: 21 sts and 11 rows = 10cm over patt, using 3.00 mm hook and 3-ply yarn Beg at neck edge Using 300(4.00) mm hook, make 61 ch. ‘st row: 1 deinto 2nd ch from hook. 2dc into next ch, (1 de into next ch, 2 de into next ch) to end (= 90 dc). 2nd row: = 1st tr, beg in 2nd de work 1 tr into each of next 2 dc, leaving last Ip of each tron hook, yoh, draw through all 3 ips on hook = 1st cluster, (, 1 trin each ‘of next 3 de, leaving last ip of each tron hook, yoh and draw through all 4 Ips on hook = cl) toend, 3rd row: 4 ch, 1 de into first 4 ch Ip, (4 ch, 1 de into next 4.chip) to last cf, 2 ch, 1 de into top of last cl. 4th row: 3 ch, 2 tr into 1st ip, 3 tr into each foll Ip. Sth row: 3ch = isttr, 1 trinto 2nd tr, 2 tr into next ty (1 tr into each of next 2 tr, 2 tr into next tr) 10 end, working last 2tr into 3rd ch (= 120 tr). 6th row: Same as 2nd row, working cl overtr instead af de. 7th row: Same as 3rd row. 8th row: Same as 4th row. Sth row: 3ch = 1sttr, 1 treach into 2nd and 3rd tf, 2 tr into. next tr, (1 tr into each of next 3 tr, 2 tr into next tr) to end, working last 2 trinto 3rd ch (= 150 tr). 40th row: Same as 6th row. ‘Tith row: Same as 3rd row (= 50 Ips). Divide main part from sleeves 12th row: 3 ch, 2tr into tst Ip, (3 tr into next Ip) 6 times, miss 11 Ips (1st sleeve), (3 tr into next Ip) 14 times, miss 11 Ips (2nd sleeve), (3 tr into next Ip) 7 times (= 84 tr). 43th row: = {sttr, 1 tr each into 2nd to 6th tr, (2 tr into next tr, 1 tr into each of next 4 tr) 14 times, 2 tr into next tr, 1tr into each of last 6 tr, 1 tr into 3rd ch (= 99 tr), ‘ath row: Same as 6th row. 15th row: Same as 3rd row. 6th row: Same as 4th row. ‘Mth row: 3 ch = ist 1 treach into 2nd to 7thtr, (2 tr into next tr, 1 tr into each of next 5 tr) 14 times, 2 tr into next tr, 4 tr into each rem tr, 1 tr into 3rd ch (= 114 tr) 18th row; Same as 6th row. 19th row: Same as 3rd row. 20th row: Same as 4th row, 2ist row: Same as 17th row but work 6 instead of § tr be- tween inc (= 129 tr). 22nd row: Same as 6th row. 23rd row: Same as 3rd row. 24th row: Same as 4th row. ‘25th row: Same as 17h row but work 7 instead of 5 tr be- tween inc (= 144 tr) 26th row: Same as 6th row. 27th row: Same as 3rd row. - ‘28th row: Same as 4th row. Fasten off. Sleeves. With RS facing, join yarn to edge next to 1st free Ip. ‘Astrow: 3ch, 2 trinto baseof the 3ch, 3trinto eachot next 11 Ips, 3 tr into sp next to last Ip (= 39 tr), 2nd row: 3 ch, 1 tr into each tr. Cont in patt until 13 rows have been worked, ending with 4th patt row. Change to 2.50(300)mm hook and work cuts. 14th row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 2 sts, (miss 1 st, 1 de into each of next 2 sts) to end, 1 de into 3rd ch, Work 4 rows de. Fasten off. To make up With 2.50(3.00) mm hook and RS facing, join yarn to top corner of left front. Work 50 de evenly down front edge. Work 3 more dc rows and fasten off. Work right front band in same manner; during 2nd row make 3 buttonholes, evenly spaced and level with ch Ip rows of yoke. Stitch sleeve seams. Sew on buttons, Pin lace to yoke and stitch. Slippers Materials 1x 50g yellow 3-ply baby yarn 250mm crochet hook 2 small buttons 2 flower motifs To fit: 0-3 months (for larger size use larger hook) Sole Make 5 ch. ‘Ist row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 dc into each of next 3ch(= 4do). 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of the 4 de. rd row: Inc 1 de at each end of row (= 6 de). 4th row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of the 6 de, th row: Inc 1 de at each end of row (= 8 dc). Work straight until 18 rows have been worked from beg. ‘9th row: Dec 1 de at each end of row (= 6 dc). Work 18 de down row ends, 4 de along starting edge = back of sole, 18 de up row ends and 6 de across front (= 46 do). Fasten off. Back With RS facing, join in yarn @ sts before the 4 sts at back of sole, ‘st row: 1 ch, 1 de into front ip of each of next 20 de, thus fin in 8th st after the 4 centre sts, turn. 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 20 de (work in both 'ps). ‘rd row: Dec 1 de at each end of row. Ath row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of rem 18 de. Sth row: Dec 1 dc at each end of row. 6th row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of rem 16 de. 7th row: 1 ch, 1 de into each do, make 17 ch for closing strap, 1 de into Sth ch from hook, 1 de into each of rem 12 ch, 1 ss into edge. Fasten off. Front ‘1st row: With RS facing, miss next 2-dc of sole, join yarn into next dc, 1 ch, 1 dc into front Ip of each of next 22 de, turn, leaving last 2 de of sole free. 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of the 22 de. ‘rd row: Dec 1 dc at each end of row. ‘4th and 5th rows: 1 ch, 1 de into each of the 20 do. th row: 1 ch, (de 2 tog) 10 times (= 10 de). Tih to 10th row: Dec 1 de at each end of row (= 2 de). Tith row: 3 ch, 2 tr into last de. Fasten off Thread strap under 2nd tr, Sew button in position. Work 1 row de into free back Ips around edge of sole. Make se- cond slipper to match, reverse strap by working 7th row of back thus: 17 ch, 1 dc into Sth ch from hook, 1 de in each rem ch, 1 de in each de, Fasten off Cover for carry-cot or pram Materials 4x 50g yellow double knitting yarn for carry-cot cover and 6 x 50 g for pram cover 300 mm and 5.00 mm crochet hooks 2m ribbon Lining fabric Measurements: Carry-cot cover - pram cover ~ 65 x 48cm 50 x 42cm; ‘Tension: 15 sts and 18 rows = 10cm With 500 mm hook make 52(62) ch. st row: 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de inte each ch. 2nd ch, 1 de into each de. Rep last row once. ‘th row: (WS row) 1 ch, 1 dc into each of next 6 de, (10 ch, ‘1 dc into base of 6th dc) 3 times = triple Ip, * 1 dc intoeach of next 10 dc, (10 ch, 1 dc into base of 10th dc) 3 times; rep from *, ending with 1 de into each of rem § de Sth row: (Hold Ips down at front of work) 1 ch, 1 de into each of next § do, 1 de into 6th de of 2nd last row in centre of 2nd ch Ip, (1 deinto each of next 9 de, 1 dc into de of 2nd last row in centre of 2nd Ip) to last Sdc, 1 dcinto each of rem 5Sde 6th row: Same as 2nd row. ‘7th row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of next 2 dc, (insert hook through ist Ip, 1 de in next de, 1 de into each of next 5 cc, miss centre |p, insert hook through 3rd Ip, 1 de in next de, 1 dcintoeach of next3.dc) tq end, fin tast repwith 2 instead of 3 de. . 8th row: Same as 2nd row. ‘9th row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 5 de, (inserting hook through centre Ip work a 5tr pen into next de, 1 dc intoeach of next 9 dc) to last 6 do, inserting hook through centre Ip work a 5 tr pen in next de, 1 dc into each rem oc 10th to 13th row: Same as 2nd row. 14th row: WS facing, 1 ch, 1 dc into 1st de, 1 de in each of next 10 do, * (10 ch, 1 de into base of 10th de) 3times; rep from * enc with 1 de into each of last 10 de. 15th row: Hold Ips down at front of work, 1 dc into each of ext 10 de, (1 dc into de of 2nd last row in centre of Ips as in Sth row, 1 de into each of next 9 dc) to last de, 1 de into rem dc. 46th row: Same as 2nd row. ‘17th row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of next 7 dc, work instruc- tions in brackets as in 7th row to last 4 de, 1 de into each rem de. ‘18th row: Same as 2nd row. 19th row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 10 de, work instruc- tions in brackets as in 9th row to last st. 1 dc in last de. 20th to 23rd row: Same as 2nd row. Rep 4th to 23rd row 2(3) times, then work 4th to 13th row once. Fasten off. Edging Ist rnd: With RS facing and using 3.00 mm hook, join yarn to side of work: work de evenly right around, working 3. dc into each corner; end with ss into 1st de. 2nd nd:, 1 trinto each dc; work 3 tr into corner deand end with ss into 3rd of 3. ch. ‘3rdrnd: 5.00 mm hook, 4 ch, miss 1 tr, 1 tr into nexttr, (1h, miss 1 tr, 1 tr into next tr) to last tr, 1 ch, ss into 3rd of 4th rnd: 3.00 mm hook, 3 ch, 3 tr into next ch sp, 1 de into next ch sp, (4 trinto next ch sp, 1 dc into next ch sp) to end. Ss into 3rd of 3 ch. Fasten off. To make up Cut lining 1 cm larger than blanket, pin lining to blanket and stitch. Thread ribbon through holes and make a bow. White dungarees, sweater, bootees and beret Dungarees Materials 2(8) x 50 g white 3-ply baby yarn ‘Oddments of yellow yarn 350 mm and 2.50 mm crochet hooks 2 buttons ‘11 mrribbon Measurements: Length to shoulder - 56(58) cm To fit: 6-9(9-12) months Tension: 20 sts and 27 rows = 10. cm, using 350 mm hook Right leg Beg at lower edge make 37(41) ch with 350 mm hook. 1st row: 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each ch to end [= 36(40) de}. 2nd and every foll row: 1 ch, 1 de into each do. Work 3 more rows. Inc 1 dc at each end of next and every foll 6th row until there are 52(58) dc. Work straight until work measures 21,5(23) om from beg, Next row: Dec 1 dc at each end of row. Work 4 rows straight. Next row: Dec 1 dc at each end of row. Work straight until work measures 40,5(44) cm from beg. Next row: (Holes for ribbon) 4 ch, miss 1 de, 1 trinto next de, (1 ch, miss 1 de, 1 tr into next dc) to end. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into 1sttr, 2dc into each ch sp, ending with 1 de into 3rd of 4 ch [= 48(64) sts]. Fasten off; place mark between 24th(27th) and next st = centre. Work lett leg to match, reverse shapings. Stitch inner leg ‘seams. Stitch seam at front and back. Top back section With RS facing and using 350mm hook, join in yarn at mark to right of back seam. ‘1st row: 1 ch, 1 de into each st to mark at left of seam; dec to obtain 44(48) sts in this row; turn. Work 2 rows straight. Next row: Dec 2 dc at each end of row. Work 2 rows straight. Rep last 3 rows twice more [32(36) sts rem]. Work straight Until yoke measures 7(8)cm. ‘Shape neck Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 13(14) de, tum. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each de. Next row: Work de and dec 1 3t at neck edge. Rep last 2 rows until 8 dc remain. Work straight until yoke measures 14(15)cm. Next row: (Buttonholes) 1 ch, 1 de into each of first 3 do, 2 ch, miss 2 de, 1 de into each of rem 3 de, Next row: 1 ch, 1 dcinto each of first 3 de, 2de into 2 ch Ip, 1 de into each of rem 3 de, fasten oft. Miss 6(8) de in centre, join in yarn and complete to match Ast side. Front ‘Work same as for back section, omit buttonholes. To make up Using 2.50 mm hook and white, work 1 rnd dc around top. Using yellow, work 1 row crab st around yoke and lower edge of legs. Thread ribbon through holes. Sew buttons opposite buttonholes on front yoke 1 cm from end. Sweater See pattem for sweater on p. 28. Bootees See pattem for bootees on p.26. Beret See pattern for beret on p. 23. Clown sweater and pants Sweater Materials 3x 50g white 4-ply yarn Oddments blue, yellow and dark pink 4-ply yarn 3.00 mm crochet hook 1 pair 3,25 mm knitting needles 1 set 3,25 mm double-pointed knitting needles Black and red embroidery yarn 2 buttons ‘50 om white lace for ruffle Measurements: Length to sleeve length - 18cm To fit: 9-12 months shoulder - 270m; Tension: 21 sts and 25 rows = 10cm over de, using 300 mm hook Back panel Make 31 ch. 1st row: 1 dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 dc into each foll ch (= 30 dc). 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 de into each de. Rep last row until 42 rows have been worked from beg. Divide for neck opening ‘Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 15 de, turn. ‘Work straight until 56 rows have been worked from beg. ‘Shape neck Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of first 6 de, turn, Next row: Same as 2nd row. Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of first 4 de, turn. Next row: Same as 2nd row. Fasten off doin in yarn and complete other side to match, reversing neck shaping. Front panel ‘Work as back panel until 24 rows have been worked from beg, then work hat as per diagram, using blue. Cont work- ing dc with white until there are 46 rows from beg. Shape neck Next row: 1 ch, 1 ‘each of next 9 de, turn. Next row: Same as 2nd row. Dec 1 de at neck edge in next and every foll alternate row Until 4 de remain, Work straight until 60 rows have been worked from beg; fasten off 36 Miss 12 centre sts, join in yarn and complete other side to match. Side panel and sleeve (worked sideways) Stitch shoulder seams. With RS facing, join yarn to lower point of centre panel. Work along row ends of front-and back panels. ‘Ist row: 1 ch, 1 de into 1st row, (miss next row, 1 de into each af next 3 rows) to last 3 rows, miss 1 row, 1 di each of last 2 rows (= 90 de). 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 de into tst de, 1 htr into next de, (1 de into next de, 1 htr into next de) to end. 3rd to 17th row: 1 ch, 1 dc into ist htr, 1 htr into next de, (1 de into next htr, 1 htr into next de) to end. Fasten off, turn. Sleeve Miss 22 sts, join in yarn. 1st row: 1 ch, patt along next 46 sts, turn and leave rem 22 sts. Work 7 rows in patt, keeping patt correct by working htr cover de, and de over htr. Dec 1 de at each end of next and ‘every foll Bth row until 40 sts rem. Cont straight until 30 rows have been worked for sleeve. Fasten off Work 2nd side panel and sleeve to match Welt (make 2) Cion 66 sts, work k1, pt rib. Clotf. Stitch cloff edge to lower edge of sweater. Cutt (make 2) Clon 36 sts, work rib as for welt. Stitch cloff edge to lower edge of sleeves. Neckband With RS facing work 80 de around neck and fasten off. With RS facing, using double pointed Ns, pick up and k each de. Work 7 mds k1, pt rib. C/otf loosely. ‘To make up Using double yarn, embroider eyes, nose and mouth in cross st as per diagram. Cut yellow yarn into 6 cm strands and knot in hair, foll diagram: Fold each strand in haf, in- sert hook through st, pick up folding Ip and draw through, pick up both yarn ends on hook and draw through Ip; tight- en knot. Make pompon, using dark pink, and stitch to top of hat. Stitch gathered lace round lower part of face. Stitch side and sleeve seams. Work 2 rows de along back open- ing, work 2 buttonholes evenly along righthand side. Sew ‘on buttons. ~ black x - red Pants See pattern for pants on p. 20. White embroidered sweater and bootees Sweater Materials 2x 50 g white 3-ply baby yarn 2.50 mm and 3.00 mm crochet hooks 1 pair 2,75 mm knitting needles Light brown, light green, lilac, blue and pink embroidery yarn 1 button Measurements: Length to shoulder - sleeve length — 17(18)cm To fit: 6-9(9-12) months 27128) 0 Tension: 20 sts and 27 rows = 10cm over dc, using 300mm hook Front panel Using 3.00 mm hook, make 31 ch. 1st row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, 1 de into each ch toend. 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 de into each de to end. Rep 2nd row 53(57) times. ‘Shape neck Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 8 do, turn Next row: As 2nd row. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 6 do, turn. Next row: As 2nd row. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 4 de, turn. ‘Work 3(5) rows straight. Fasten off. Miss 14 centre sts, join in yarn and complete to match 1st side, reversing shaping, Back panel Work as front panel until 49(51) rows have been worked from beg. Divide for back opening Next row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of next 15 de, turn. Work 7(9) rows straight. Shape neck Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 6 de, turn. Next row: 1 ch, 6 de. Next row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 4 de, turn. Work 3(5) rows straight over rem 4 do. Work 2nd side to match, reversing shaping. Side panel Join shoulder seams (= last4 sts of sections). With RS fac- join yarn to point at side of centre panel. 1st row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of next 8(4) rows, (miss 1 row, 1 deinto each of next 4 rows) 22(26) times; rep from * end- ing with miss 1 row, 1 dc into each of rem 7(3) rows 103(111) de]. : 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 de into 1st dé’miss 1 de, 3 trinto next do, (miss 1 de, 1 dc into next de, miss 1 de, 3 tr into next dc) to last 4 sts, miss 1 de, 1 dcintonext dc, miss 1 de, 2trintolast de. 3rd to 12th(14th) row: 1 ch, 1 dc into 2nd tr, (3 tr into next de, 1 dc into 2nd of next 3 tr) to last de, 2 tr into last de. Fasten off, turn. Sleeve Miss 6(7) tr gps, join in yarn at beg of next tr gp. st row: 1 ch, 1 dc into 2nd tr of gp, 3 tr into next de, (1 de into 2nd of next 3 tr, 3 tr into next de) 13 times, turn and leave rem sts. Work 3rd patt row 6 times. (") Next row: Ss across to 1st de, 3 ch, 1 tr into same de, (1 de into 2nd of next 3 tr, 3 tr into next dc) to last 2 tr, turn. Next row: 3 ch, 1 tr into 1st de, (1 de into 2nd of next 3 tr, 3 tr into next dc) to last tr, miss tr, 1 de into 3rd ch. Rep last row 6 times. Next row: As row marked (*). Keep patt correct and work straight until sleeve measures 14(16) cm. Fasten off. Work 2nd side panel with sleeve to match. Cuffs (make 2) Clon 36(40) sts, work 3(4) cm k1, pt rib, cloff. Stitch cloff edge to row ends of sleeves. Welt (make 2) Clon 74(80) sts and work same as for cuffs. Stitch cloff ‘edge to lower edge of sweater. To make up Using 2.50 mm hook, work 2 mds de around neck and back opening. Make 1 buttonhole at top. Sew on button. Stitch side and sleeve seams. Foll diagram, work surface crochet as follows: Beg at lower ‘edge with yarn at back of work. Insert hook from front into space between 2 sts, yoh and draw a Ip, insert hook into next sp between 2 sts, yoh and draw through fabric as well as through Ip on hook. Cont in this way to form the surface design. Foll diagram, make rose-buds (worked in French knots) as follows: Wind yarn around needle 8 times. Embroider 6 buds up each side ~ 2 pink, 2 lilac and 2 blue, Embroider 2 light green leaves between each bud, using daisy st. Foll diagram, make surface pen as follows: Using 75 em white yarn, in centre of each cable with RS facing pull both ends of yarn around centre st to back of work, now pull 1 ‘end until 5 cm rem and tie a knot. Pull longer end to front of work. Insert hook around centre st, make 3 ch and com- plete 4 tr pen (see pattern stitches, p. 5). Fasten off. Darn loose ends. Ast row Surface crochet X — white, work these sts first O = white, work these sts second + — white, work these sts third = light brown @ — rose-buds (French knots) A= surface pen Bootees Materials: 11x 50 g white no. 5 crochet yarn 2.50 mm crochet hook ‘80cm ribbon 2 flower motits To fit: 3-6 months (for larger size use larger hook) Foot ‘Make 33 ch. ‘1st row: 1 de into 2nd ch from hook, * 2 de into next ch, 1 de into each of next 12 ch, 2 de into next ch *, 1 de into ‘each of next 2 ch, work from * to *, 1 de into last ch 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 dc into 1st de, * 2 dc into next de, 1 de into ‘each of next 14 de, 2 dc into next de *, 1 deinto each of next 2de, 2dc into next de; work from * to * once, 1 de into next de, turn, 3rd row: Same as 2nd row, working 16 de between inc. 4th row: Same as 2nd row, working 18 de between inc. Sth row: Same as 2nd row, working 20 de between inc (= 52 do). 6th row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each dc to end, turn. Rep 6th row 5 times. Shape instep 1st row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each of next 20 de, (insert hook into next dc and draw Ip through) twice, yoh and draw through 3 Ips on hook, turn. 2nd row: 1 ch, 1 dc into each{of next 9 de, (insert hook into next de and draw Ip through) twice, yoh and draw through 3 Ips on hook, turn. Rep 2nd row 12 times. 15th row: As 2nd row, but do not turn, work 1 de into each dc to end of row. 16th row: 1 ch, 1 de into each of next 22 de, (insert hook into next de and draw Ip through) twice, yoh and draw through all 3 Ips on hook (do not turn), 1 de into each de to last 2 de, miss 1 de, 1 de into last do, turn (36 de rem). Make holes for ribbon 17th row: 3 ch, miss 1 do, 1 htr into next de, (miss 1 dc,, 1 htr into next do) to end, turn. 48th row: 1 ch, 1 de into 1st htr, (1 de into next ch sp, 1 de into next htr) to end, 1 dein 2nd ch at end of row (= 35 dc). 19th row: 3 ch, 1 tr into tst do, (miss 1 de, 2 trinto next de) toend. 20th row: 3 ch, 1 tr between first 2 tr, (2 tr in sp after next 2 tr) to end, thus working between sts of tr pairs. Rep 20th row once. 22nd row: 1 ch, 1 de into 1st tr, 2 ch, 1 de into next tr, (gp of 1 de 2ch and 1 de in sp after next 2) to end. Fasten off. Make 2nd bootee to match. To make up ‘Stitch underfoot and heel seams. Thread ribbon through holes. “This book offers thirty exclusive designs for jackets, tops, jerseys, blankets, bibs, pants and bootees. The yarns used are readily available. The patterns, which are in different sizes, can be combined to make charming outfits. Each outfit is illustrated with a photograph in full colour.

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