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A.Lina says there are lot of traffic jams in big Cities.

1.There are many kinds of vehicles, cars, big buses,minibuses,truck, bicycle, motorcycle,and
2. There are not many carts now.

B. Benny describe the vehicles on the road.

1.There are different kinds of public transportation: Buses, trains,ojeks,and angkots.
2. There are some traditional transportation: becaks, bentors,andongs or delmans.

C. Siti says the are not save now.

1.there are many who cross the road,but there are many people who drives very fast.
2. There is little care, so there is very much worry on our roads.

D. Udin talks about there are pollution in the roads.

1. There are very view star in the sky there.
2. There are a lot more stars in small villages.

E. Dayu talks about water.

1. There are not many trees any more.
2. There is too much water during the rainy season and clear water during the dry season.


Ada tempat di hatimu

There's a place in your heart

Dan aku tahu itu cinta

And I know that it is love

Dan tempat ini bisa jadi jauh

And this place could be much

Lebih cerah dari besok

Brighter than tomorrow

Dan jika Anda benar-benar mencoba

And if you really try

Anda akan merasa tidak perlu menangis

You'll find there's no need to cry

Di tempat ini Anda akan merasakan

In this place you'll feel

Tidak ada sakit hati atau kesedihan

There's no hurt or sorrow

Ada cara untuk mencapainya

There are ways to get there

Jika Anda cukup peduli untuk hidup

If you care enough for the living

Beri sedikit ruang

Make a little space

Buat tempat yang lebih baik

Make a better place
Menyembuhkan dunia
Heal the world

Jadikan itu tempat yang lebih baik

Make it a better place

Untukmu dan untukku

For you and for me

Dan seluruh umat manusia

And the entire human race

Ada orang yang sekarat

There are people dying

Jika Anda cukup peduli untuk hidup

If you care enough for the living

Jadikan itu tempat yang lebih baik

Make it a better place

Untukmu dan untukku

For you and for me
Jika Anda ingin tahu mengapa
If you want to know why

Ada cinta yang tidak bisa berbohong

There's love that cannot lie

Cinta itu kuat

Love is strong

Itu hanya peduli pada pemberian yang menyenangkan

It only cares of joyful giving

Jika kita mencoba, kita akan lihat

If we try we shall see

Dalam kebahagiaan ini kita tidak bisa merasakan

In this bliss we cannot feel

Takut ketakutan
Fear of dread

Kami berhenti hidup dan mulai hidup

We stop existing and start living
Itu selalu terasa
The it feels that always

Cinta sudah cukup untuk kita tumbuh

Love's enough for us growing

Jadi buatlah dunia yang lebih baik

So make a better world

Buat tempat yang lebih baik

Make a better place
Menyembuhkan dunia
Heal the world

Jadikan itu tempat yang lebih baik

Make it a better place

Untukmu dan untukku

For you and for me

Dan seluruh umat manusia

And the entire human race

Ada orang yang sekarat

There are people dying

Jika Anda cukup peduli untuk hidup

If you care enough for the living

Buatlah tempat yang lebih baik untuk Anda dan saya

Make a better place for you and for me
Dan mimpi tempat kita dilahirkan
And the dream we were conceived in

Akan menampakkan wajah gembira

Will reveal a joyful face

Dan dunia yang pernah kita percayai

And the world we once believed in

Akan bersinar lagi dalam kasih karunia

Will shine again in grace

Lalu mengapa kita terus mencekik hidup

Then why do we keep strangling life

Luka bumi ini, salibkan jiwanya

Wound this earth, crucify its soul

Meskipun terlihat jelas

Though it's plain to see

Dunia ini surgawi

This world is heavenly

Jadilah cahaya tuhan

Be god's glow
Kita bisa terbang sangat tinggi
We could fly so high

Biarlah roh kita tidak pernah mati

Let our spirits never die

Dalam hatiku aku merasa kalian semua adalah saudara laki-lakiku

In my heart I feel you are all my brothers

Ciptakan dunia tanpa rasa takut

Create a world with no fear

Bersama-sama kami menangis bahagia

Together we cry happy tears

Lihatlah bangsa-bangsa mengubah pedang mereka menjadi mata bajak

See the nations turn their swords into plowshares
Kami benar-benar bisa sampai di sana
We could really get there

Jika Anda cukup peduli untuk hidup

If you cared enough for the living

Beri sedikit ruang

Make a little space

Untuk membuat tempat yang lebih baik

To make a better place
Menyembuhkan dunia
Heal the world

Jadikan itu tempat yang lebih baik

Make it a better place

Untukmu dan untukku

For you and for me

Dan seluruh umat manusia

And the entire human race

Ada orang yang sekarat

There are people dying

Jika Anda cukup peduli untuk hidup

If you care enough for the living

Buatlah tempat yang lebih baik untuk Anda dan saya

Make a better place for you and for me
Ada orang yang sekarat
There are people dying

Jika Anda cukup peduli untuk hidup

If you care enough for the living

Buatlah tempat yang lebih baik untuk Anda dan saya

Make a better place for you and for me
Anda dan untuk saya
You and for me



Safina Najwa Cinta M.

28(VIII B)

1.6 balls on the page

•How many Balls are on the page?
•There are six Balls on the page

2.10 planes at the airport

•How many planes are there at the airport?
• There are ten planes at the airport

3. 12 cats at home
•How many cats are in the house?
•There are twelve in the house

4. 17 truck on the road

•How many truck on the road?
•There are seventeen trucks on the road.

5. 45 frog in the pond.

•How many frog in the pond?
•There are 45 frog in the pond.

A.Land transportation
2. Becaks
3. Andongs/wagon
4. buses.
5. Train

B. Water transportation
2. Jetski
3. Submarine

C. Air transportation
2. Helicopter
3. Air balon

Safina Najwa Cinta M (28)

Simple present tense adalah tenses yang digunakan ketika suatu kejadian sedang
berlangsung saat ini atau kejadian yang berlangsung berulang kali (kebiasaan). Tenses ini
merupakan tenses yang paling sering digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Untuk membentuk kalimat tense ini, biasanya digunakan kata kerja bentuk dasar atau Verb
1. Kecuali untuk kata ganti orang ketiga, menggunakan Verb 1 + s/es. Seperti yang
ditunjukkan di bawah ini.

Subject: *I / You / They / We

*She / He / It
The Rest of the Sentence:
*to the school by bus:
Go to the school by bus.
*to the school by bus:
Goes to the school by bus.

Bentuk spelling kata kerja pada orang ketiga (She, He, It), tergantung dari akhiran kata kerja
(verb) tersebut.

1.Untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran -O, -CH, -SH, -X, atau -Z, tambahkan -ES.
go – goes
catch – catches
wash – washes
kiss – kisses
box – boxes
fix – fixes
2.Untuk kata kerja (Verb) yang berakhiran konsonan + Y, hilangkan Y, dan tambahkan -IES.
carry – carries
study – studies
worry – worries
marry – marries

3.Sedangkan, untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran vokal + Y, cukup tambahkan -S.
play – plays
say – says
enjoy – enjoys

-Contoh Kalimat
Berikut ini adalah contoh kalimat yang bisa kita gunakan.

1.Untuk menunjukkan kejadian berulang yang berlangsung saat ini.

~I take the motorcycle to the office
~The train to Bekasi leaves every hour.
~George sleeps seven hours every night during the week.

2. Untuk menunjukkan suatu fakta.

~-The President of Indonesia is Joko Widodo.
~A snake has no legs.
~Indonesia has thirty-four provinces, from Sabang to Merauke.

3.Untuk menunjukkan suatu kebiasaan (habit).

~Doni gets up early at 5 o’clock every day.
~John takes a bath twice a day.
~Every year on Lebaran, most people travel to their hometown.

Macam – macam Kalimat Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense Affirmative.

Untuk membentuk kalimat affirmative, rumusnya adalah:

S + Verb (1) / Verb dasar / to be (is, am, are) + O

Contoh simple present tense affirmative :

Susi Pudjiastuti is the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

She reads Harry Potter books every day.
They watch new movies every Sunday.
Simple Present Tense Negative.

Untuk membentuk kalimat simple present tense negative, biasanya menggunakan tambahan
don’t atau doesn’t sebelum kata kerja, kecuali To Be dan Modal, rumusnya adalah:
S + Don’t / Doesn’t + Verb (1) + O

Jika kata kerja / verb nya berupa To Be, maka rumusnya menjadi:
S + (is, am, are) + not + O

Contoh simple present tense negative:

Susi Pudjiastuti is not the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

She doesn’t read Harry Potter books every day.
They don’t watch new movies every Sunday.
Perhatikan, untuk subjek bentuk ketiga (she, he it), setelah kata don’t atau doesn’t, bentuk
verb tidak ditambahkan s/es.


Safina Najwa Cinta M.


1.Mr. John visits Zaenab

=> WHO visited Zaenab?

2. Aldo visited AHAS

=> WHOM invited Ahas?

3. The teacher explain THE LESSON.

=> WHAT does the teacher explained?

4. I stay AT HOME.
=> WHERE do you live?

5. The pilot flies the airplane every week.

=> WHEN the pilot please the airplane?

6. Mr Brown plays tennis THREE TIMES a week.

=> How often does Mr Brown play tennis?

7. We come here at SIX A.M

=> What Time do you come here?

8. Anton goes to Surabaya For money.

=> WHY anton went to surabaya.
Because he earns money.

9. Fatimah come here ON A MOTOR CYCLE.

=> HOW does Fatimah come hare?

10. Ali and any drive THEIR OWN CARS

=> WHAT does ali and Ani were driving?


Safina Najwa Cinta M (28)


1. What time does Helmi wake up every morning?

Answer: He wake up at 03.30 in the morning.

2. How to heal me and her father go to the Mosque every morning?

Answer: He want to the Mosque for dawn prayer with her father on a motorbike.

3. Does Hilmi sweep the house every morning?

Answer: yes, He Does.

4. When did Hilmi take a bath.

Answer: after he swept the floor of the house and yard.

5. What did Hilmi do after breakfast?

Answer: he went go to the school.

6. How did Hilmi go to school?

Answer: he went to school on he's bike at 6:15 A.M and at 11:45 A.M he returned from

7. What was Hilmi doing at 11:45 A.M?

Answer: came back from school. He ate lunch. After that he prayed at noon. Finally, he took
a nap in his bedroom.

8. What did Hilmi do when his first arrived at home?

Answer: his having lunch.

9. Does Hilmi pray during the day at school?

Answer: No,He doesn't.

10. Where did Hilmi take a nap?

Answer: he took a nap on his bedroom.


Safina Najwa Cinta M.

28(VIII B)
1.Mr Sunaryo is BUILDING THE HOUSE now
>= What is doing Mr. Sunaryo now?

2. Tantowy is drinking COFFEE.

>= What are Tantowy drinking.

3. The boys are sleeping IN THE BEDROOM at present.

>= What are the boy doing at present ?

4. MR. RAHMAN is explaining the lesson to his pupils.

>= Who is Explaining the lesson?

5. Fahmi is selling gouts in the market NOW.

>= When is Fahmi selling gouts on the market?

6. Kristin is giving ME a present.

>=Who Kristin is giving at present.

7. The girl are COOKING VEGETABLES now.

>=What are the girls doing now?

8. We are planting PADIIES.

>= What are you planting?

9. JOKOWI is making a speech.

>= Who is making a speech?

10. The girl is calling THE BOY.

>= Who is the girl calling.


1. Where did the author go every Week?
>The author visit my grandmother in Surabaya every week.

2. With whom the author visit thier grandmother?

> With the author brother visiting thier grandmother.

3. Do they go there by car?

> No, they went by bus.

4. What do they do in the morning?


> In the morning they take A walk for about 2 km. Then, they return home and halp to cook
rice and vegetables.

5. Why are they so happy?

> They are very happy because they can have breakfast together.

1. What lesson did students learn in class today?
>Today they are studying mathematics.

2. Are they doing math assignments there?

>Yes,they are doing.

3. The word "HIM" in the text refers?

>Mr. Fajri.

4. Find the synonym of the file work in the text!

1. Very hard=Very firm
2. Table=List
3. Studying=Lesson
4. Quick=Assertive.

Safina Najwa Cinta M
28(VIII B)

1. Hadi is 175cm
Huda is 160cm

>So, Hadi is taller than Huda

>Huda is shorter than Hadi

2. Ali always studies every night.

Ani sometimes studies.
> Ali is more diligent than Ani
> Ani is more lazy than Ali.

3. The box is 50 kilogrammes.

The stone is 70 kilogrammes.
> The box is lighter than the stone.
> The stone is heavier than the box.

4. Yuliana is beautiful
her grandmother is ugly
> Yuliana is more beautiful than her grandmother
Her grandmother is uglier than Yuliana

5. The bike is Rp. 1000.000

The motorcycle is Rp. 15000.000
>The bike is cheaper than the motorcycle
>The motorcycle is more expensive than the bike.

Ahad got 95.
Aldo Vero 58.
>Ahas score is Smarter Aldo score.
> Aldo score is more stupid Ahas score.


Semester genap


Class: 8-ABCD
Subject: ENGLISH
Time: 120 minutes

Bears have thick fur coats to protect them from the cold. Most of them live on the
nothern parts of the world. They are large and powerful. They have a good sense of smell.
Some of them eat meat, and some of them eat honey. In winter, some bears find a snug
place to hibernate.

From number 1 to 10 are taken in the text.

1. Bears have thick fur coats to protect THEM from the cold.
The word THEM refers to....
A. Bear
B. Bears
C. Meat
D. Honey

Answer: B. Bears

2. Where do most of Bears live ?

A. In Southern parts of the world
B. In Western parts of the world
C. In Eastern parts of the world
D. In the Northern parts of the

Answer:A. In Southern parts of the world

3. What do the bears use the

thick fur coats for?
A. To protect THEM from the
B. To protect them from enemy
C. To protect them from the heat
D. To protect them from the ants

Answer: A. To protect THEM for the cold.

4. The antonymy of THICK is...

A. Fat
B. Big
C. Small
D. Thin

Answer: D. Thin

5. What are the size of bears'

A. Large and weak

B. Small and powerful

C. Big and small
D. Powerful and large
Answer: D. Powerful and large

6. Do the bears have a bad sense

of the smell?
A. Yes, it does
B. No, it doesn't
C. Yes, they do
D. No, they do not
Answer: D. No,they do not.

7. According to the text, Bears

usually eat.....
A. Meat and honey.
B. Rice and corn
C. Vegetables
D. Ants and grass
Answer: A. Meat and honey

8. The synonymy of the WORLD

is ...........
A. Place
B. Sky
C. Universe
D. Planet
Answer: C. Universe

9. Do some bears find a snug

place to hibernate in Winter?
A. Yes, They do
B. No, they do not
C. Yes, it does
D. No, it doesn't
Answer: C. Yes,it does.

10. The synonymy of "powerful"

is ..............
A. Weak
B. Strong
C. Ugly
D. Fine
Answer: B. Strong

11. Mr Ahmad feeds THE

ANIMALS every day.
=> The good question for the

sentence above is......

A. Where does Mr Ahmad feed
animals every day?
B. What does Mr Ahmad feed
every day?
C. What is Mr Ahmad doing?
D. What did Mr Ahmad do?

Answer: B. What does Mr Ahmad feed

every day?

12. Mrs Siska cooks some rice

=> Which one is the best
A. What does Mrs Siska cook
some rice?
B. Where does Mrs Siska cook
some rice?
C. When does Mrs Siska cook
some rice in the kitchen?
D. Why does Mrs Siska cook rice
in the kitchen?
Answer: B. Where does Mrs Siska cook
some rice?

13. They wash the animals

=> The best question for the
sentence above is......
A. When do they wash the
B. When are they washing the
C. When did they wash the
D. When does they wash the
Answer: A. When do they wash the


to the library.
A. What is Ani doing?
B. What does Ani do?
C. What did Ani do?
D. What do Ani do?

15. Retno is finishing the math

=> The Negative Sentence of the
sentence above is.......
A. Retno does not finish the
math homework.
B. Retno did not finish the math
C. Retno is not finishing the
math homework.
D. Retno will not finish the math

16. Adi is 40 kilogrammes

Tenty is 70 kilogrammes
A. Tenty is THINNER than Adi
B. Tenty is FATTER than Adi
C. Adi is FATTER than Tenty
D. Adi is TALLER than Tenty

17. Tony sometimes studies

Totok often studies
A. Tony is MORE deligent than
B. Tony is Lazier than Totok
C. Totok is Lazier than Tony
D. Totok is smaller than Tony

18. Sosro has 20 Cars

Marto has 7 Cars
A. Sosro is poorer than Marto
B. Marto is richer than Sosro
C. Sosro is richer than Marto
D. Marto is wealthier than Sosro

19. Betty's bike is good

Bento's bike is bad
A. Betty's bike is gooder than
B. Bento's bike is better than
C. Betty's bike is better than
D. Betty's bike is uglier than


20. Indonesia is ........than Brunai

A. Smaller
B. Larger
C. Less
D. Fewer

21. X: Hello, Fred. How are you?

Y: Hello. I am fine.
X: Where does your uncle
live? Bali.
A. Living
B. Lived
C. Lives
D. Live

22. You and I......the students of

A. Is
B. Am

C. Are
D. Was

23. A: Here is money for you.

B: .................
A: You are welcome.
A. Thank you
B. I see
C. See you later
D. Good bye

24. Romo went to Jakarta

=> The Interrogative sentence
for the sentence is .......
A. Does Romo go to Jakarta?
B. Do Romo go to Jakarta?
C. Did Romo go to Jakarta?
D. Is Romo going to Jakarta?

25. I am speaking Germany.

=> The Interrogative sentence
Apakah Anda suka mengunjunginya Anda suka mengunjunginya for the sentence above
A. Are you speaking Germany?
B. Am I speaking English?

C. Is he speaking Germany?
D. Are you speaking English?

26. Aku ingin berbicara Bahasa

=> The English language of the
sentence above is............
A. I will speak English
B. I want to speak English
C. I am speaking English
D. I speak English

27. like to visit him?

A. Does
B. Are
C. Do
D. Were

28. Mr Brown does not ...........

to come here.
A. Want
B. Wants
C. Wanted
D. Wanting

29. ........Mr Bill like to practise

football every week?
A. Did
B. Does
C. Do
D. Is

30. Miss Erna usually.................

at 12.30 P.M
A. has breakfast
B. has dinner
C. has lunch
D. has supper

31. Edo Akbar is ill.

He .................a docter.
A. will go
B. will see
C. will watch
D. will become

32. My the

ricefield now.

A. work
B. works
C. worked
D. is working

33. Mr Umar ................his father

twice a week.
A. visits
B. visit
C. visited
D. is visiting

34. My grandmother ................

any money yesterday.
A. do not give
B. does not give
C. did not give
D. is not giving

35. Hadi flew a kite last week,

but Huda .............a kite.
A. do not fly
B. does not fly
C. did not fly
D. not flew

36. Anton is clever, but his

brother is ..........
A. smart
B. stupid
C. late
D. early

37. Ahas is deligent, ......Divaq is

A. and
B. but
C. or
D. if

38. The teacher enters the

classroom....... says, "Good
morning, students"
A. but
B. if
C. or
D. and

39. Rudy is a boy, a duck is.......

and tobacco is a plant.
A. a human
B. a plant
C. an animal
D. a flower

40. It has legs, but it cannot walk

. What is it?
A. Snake
B. Snack
C. Man
D. Chai

No & Class: 28/VIII B

1 A. Rosid is the youngest of all

2 D. Dita never studies her Lesson
3 C. Tommy is thinner than togo
4 A. Yana's shoes are the most expensive of all
5 C. Aldo's mark is the best of all
6 D. The answer A,B and C are TRUE.
7 C. The pig is smaller than the cow
8 D. Mr Sulaiman is the wealthiest of all
9 A. Zainab it's fewer Apple than zafira
10 D. Gono is the cleverest of all

1.B In her Aunt's house
2. D Giraffe
3. A Enjoyed
4. A Lion
5. C Yes, she was
6.D Am
7. A Do not
8. C Did not want to play
9. C Was
10. B Past tanse
11. B Prasent tanse
12. C Did
13. A Do
14. A Now
15. D Ware
16. D Does not prayed
17. B What
18. B Teach

19. A Forget
20. B Very smart

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