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Are You Capturing the Customer for Life?

Some say that getting the order is the easy part, the
harder part is keeping your customer for life. Are you
doing these things to keep your customer for life?

Do your customers know what is needed to maintain

the warranty?
Providing customers with annual warranty status updates
reinforces the value of service that your organization is providing
to both maintain their warranty and keep their compressor
running at optimum performance. These status updates can be
as simple as calling your customers once a year to inform them
of the procedures that have been done and what’s coming in the
future to maintain their warranty. This will eliminate any
surprises and foster a strong bond with your customer.

Are you ready to support those recently sold compressors?

Buying a new machine is a large investment for your customer. Make sure you maintain this investment by having the
right components available when it comes time for their first oil change. Review your compressor unit sales annually to
determine which parts should be added to stock or if current stock should be increased.

How many of your technicians are hertz Kompressoren factory certified? Do they all carry the
highest level of certification?
Continuing the education of your technicians is key in today’s fast-paced world. Having your technicians trained to the
highest level of factory training will position your organization as the expert and pull many customers in your direction.
Be sure to leverage your factory- certified technicians in your marketing materials as well.

Are you placing your Service Decals contact information on every compressor?
Placing your contact information on the machines you sell, and service is key to staying in close contact with your
customer. In addition, some distributors offer a maintenance log sticker that displays when they performed the last
service. This helps send the message that you are taking care of them on a regular basis.

It makes it easy as the sell when you do these

things, you will have customers for life and
HERTZ is here to support you any way we can.



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