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Liquid culture

Liquid culture is a women's e commerce brand idea which focuses on solving the billion-dollar
industries problem of having a marketplace for relevant and stylish, comfortable and affordable outdoor
women's clothing. This brand brings women together to say that we are all equals, man and women and
the question that supports the brand image is why women should have to wear corse and unappealing
men's clothing. Liquid culture uses a third-party resource for the manufacturing and shipping process of
the company while Liquid Culture focuses on designs and marketing primarily as orders are processed
and payments are collected. The women's clothing market has expanded to a billion-dollar industry
where many companies strive exclusively selling their own branded clothes, or others Aswell.

As of right now Liquid Culture has not paired with any sister organizations and is not being sold
exclusively in stores. The ecommerce site. The marketing keys are amplified by word of mouth and other
social media marketing techniques Aswell as having influential women or women driven accounts
support the company. The competition for the outdoor women's clothing Liquid Culture offers includes
companies such as Patagonia, Columbia, REI, L.L.Bean, while also competing against
women specific companies. Co-owners of Liquid Culture have fifteen years' experience in women's
outdoor clothing and garments which proves projections from the startup of 2020 – 2022 which with
correct and substantial initial funding will have Liquid Culture viewing net profits from year 1.
Projections show that revenue generated is higher than expenses for the first three business/calendar
years. Funding includes one hundred and thirty thousand dollars from each cofounder alongside a two
hundred-thousand-dollar loan. This financing is made up of $58.5k for startup purposes and $401.5k in
cash reserves.

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