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Mini Plan - Learning Opportunity Sheet

Observation Notes:
After a nap time, children were sitting in the cubby area. Maryam came and sat me, she used her hand and touched
my arm “Can you read the book for me please?” she asked. The observer looked at her smiled and said “Sure!”.
Then, she went to grab the book in the bookshelf. The observer sat down and started reading the book for children.
While turning the page which has the bumble bee picture. Children pointed to the picture and said “ooohh, bumble
bee”. The observer said “Yes, that’s right. It’s a bumble bee”. Maryam asked “Where does it live?”; Reynna said
“Maybe it’s living in the tree”; Maryam said “No, it lives in the nest”; Ariyah said “It lives in the house. I saw it at
home”. After that, the children pretended to make the bumble bee sound “buzzz”. Reynna looked at the observer and
asked “What does the bumble bee look like?”. The observer said “That’s a good question. What does it look like?”.
Vincent said “It has wings to fly”. Child A said “Legs”.
The children seemed curious about where the bumble bee lives. They also had a conversation about it and
suggested different ideas such as tree, nest, home etc.

Name of Learning Opportunity based on the cue:

Explore where does the bumble bee live?

Name: Beehive stamping for kids
- Paper
- Bubble wrap
- Paint
- Glue
- Picture of beehive
Observe and converse about the picture of the beehive and provide children with orange, brown and black paint
along with bubble wrap and glue so children can make their own unique beehive
ECE Teacher’s Feedback:

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