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Makayla Boone
EBA Honors English 10
Mrs. Jenkins
26 Feb 2021

The Role of Characterization in Ayn Rand’s Anthem

Imagine a society where everyone is the exact same. No

trendsetters, no new ideas, and no way to differentiate yourself from

others. This novel is based around Equality, a boy who was always

mistreated for his differences. He lives in a dystopian society that allows

little to no individuality amongst one another. They are strict rules

followers who are firm believers that no man is better than the other.

Equality fights against these beliefs and along the way falls in love with

a peasant girl that encourages him to be different and to love. In Ayn

Rand’s novella, Anthem, she uses the characterization of her protagonist,

Equality, who is both divergent and strong-willed, in order to convey the

idea that when one expresses their individuality, they can show people it
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is alright to be different. It allows you to separate yourself from others

and you can bring new actions, concepts, and perspectives into the


Equality is a divergent and strong-willed individual. He faced

many hardships throughout the novel. Growing up he was shamed for

his many transgressions, for he is six feet tall and “this is a burden.”

(18). He was also a fast learner, he hated being at the Home of students

because “It was not that learning was too hard...It was that learning was

too easy” (21). He was constantly shamed and abused, but he never

conformed to his society’s expectations. Since he was so strong-willed,

he never let his society stop him from achieving real happiness and

freedom. He even managed to find love and construct strong friendships

that would last and have huge effects on him.

Equality uses his individuality to illuminate the idea that being

different is ok. Since he was different from everyone else, he was always

shamed and put down. This did not stop him from being himself. He was

always interested in working with and trying to advance technology. He

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wanted to show the council of scholars the glass box he found, hoping

they would accept him and allow him to share his find with the rest of

his society. The council was not pleased with him and demanded he be

killed. Equality did not stand for this and chose to exile himself into the

uncharted forest. After being there for a while, he was joined by his

girlfriend and they decided to start their own society. This would allow

others to be as they pleased. He found old books from the

Unmentionable Times with so much interesting information. In these

books he discovers the word “I” and learns the true meaning and use of

it. Afterwards he states, “I understood why the best in me had been my

sins and my transgressions; and why I had never felt guilt in my sins.”

(98). He realized he must share his findings with the Golden One and

they both end up changing their names. The Golden One, who is now

named Gaea, became pregnant and Equality was set on the fact that “he

will be raised to say the word “I” and bear the pride of it...He will be

taught reverence for his own spirit.”(100). Equality wants his new

community to strive and prove that one man's transgressions are

another’s innocence.
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The characterization in Anthem, specifically from the character

Equality, proves that expressing your individuality can benefit society in

many ways such as being able to separate yourself from others and

bringing new actions, concepts, and perspectives into the world. Ayn

Rand uses Equality to push the boundaries in his society and to

encourage overcoming all self loathe by discovering their true identity.

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