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I. Translate into English.

1. Mangga : 12. Buah asam :

2. Nanas : 13. Bengkuang :
3. Timun : 14. Garam :
4. Pepaya : 15. Lada :
5. Ubi : 16. Manis :
6. Jambu : 17. Asin :
7. Kedondong : 18. Gurih :
8. Salak : 19. Asam :
9. Anggur : 20. Tawar :
10. Gula jawa : 21. Pedas :
11. Stroberi : 22. Segar :

II. Choose the best answer.

1. The grapes tastes bland/ sweet.
2. The pepper tastes sour/ spicy.
3. The pineapple tastes sour/ salty.
4. The mango tastes spicy/ sweet.
5. The brown sugar tastes salty/ sweet.

III.Translate into English.

1. Persegi panjang :
2. Persegi :
3. Segitiga :
4. Lingkaran :
5. Belah ketupat :
6. Trapesium :
7. Jajaran genjang :
8. Segitiga kuning :
9. Lingkaran ungu :
10. Belah ketupat merah:
11. Trapesium coklat :
12. Persegi abu-abu :
13. Jajaran genjang biru:
14. Persegi panjang hijau:
15. Segitiga kuning :
Answer the question.

1. What color is it?

What shape is it?

2. What color is it?

What shape is it?

3. What color is it?

What shape is it?

4. What color is it?

What shape is it?

5. What color is it?

What shape is it?

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