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i ~ (©) RON MALHOTRA Ss Ss ie COMMUNICATION Ly Pe if y yy y o a ges aa Ce ea eee ee SC Tee Rae Lele TT The iC a Ld yy Hello, | am glad that you decided to purchase your very own copy of this exclusive template, which explains 3 Strategies For Effective Communication. | believethat whatever you want in life you can have, as long as you master the art of effective communication with everyone around you. It doesn’t matter if you are an entrepreneur, freelancer, a working professional, a student, a coach, or a consultant... What matters most is whether you are able to connect, persuade, negotiate, influence and impact people, to make a positive change in their life... and in your own life as well. Before we deep dive into this template, to further help you become a powerful communicator.... | want you to know that every great leader in the world, past and present, including Martin Luther King Jr, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, and many more, mastered the skill of World Class Communication. If you are ready, let’s get started now... LHOTRA INTERNATIONAL PTY. LTD. MOST OF OUR COMMUNICATION HAPPENS SUBCONSCIOUSLY Sr By now, you must have heard about the conscious mind and subconscious mind.... right? Tae Une: lke ia aC) ETN aUL Lee uel MC RTs Am el MUL Le whereas the subconscious mind is where your feelings reside. When you over rely on words and logic alone, you fail to understand that beneath the surface you and your words are being evaluated, measured and judged subconsciously. PVs tela Rel Uae dn eer me(OR TolMol re Well think about this. How many times have you been ina situation where you meant to say something but you were misunderstood because it was interpreted as something else. @ Gon aa aaa Let me break this down for you to understand it more clearly... When we communicate with others, our communication is first received by the other persan’s subconscious invisible filters. If we are not aware of these filters, our message may not be interpreted by others in a way we want. There are 3 invisible subconscious filters which affects how people perceive your message. Let's understand each of them. Corr Oo) 01 BELIEFS Beliefs are the filters through which aperson sees or understands. 3 Invisible Unconscious 03 Filters 02 SELF - CONCEPT VALUES. Self-concept Values are basically basically means all about what is how a person most important. sees themself... BELIEFS Beliefs are the filters through which a person sees or understands the world. You probably know that perception influences reality. That your world is not made of what you see, but what you believe. Basically, beliefs are deeply formed opinions. So, if you are communicating something to a person whose beliefs are not aligned with what youare saying, they will not understand itina way you want them to understand, because their beliefs will restrict their ability to really comprehend your thoughts. VALUES Values are basically all about what is most important to a person. It is essential to know the values of the person with whom you are having the conversation with. Why? Because people listen more when we say something about something that they place high value on. When we don't know the other person's highest values, no matter what we communicate, they won't value it and they will not take any action. Remember, people tend to focus their time and attention on what ranks highest on their values list, while giving less time to things they perceive to be of less value. When we don’t understand another person's values, no matter what we communicate, it will not be taken seriously and will likely eventually be ignored by them. SELF - CONCEPT Self-concept basically means haw a person sees themself. It also implies how you see yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. It is about how you feel about yourself. If you're speaking to someone who has a poor self-concept, it won't matter what you say to them because their sub-conscious mind will override the new concept you had explained. For example, if you give someone a compliment “You are looking great” and instead of saying “Thank you’, they say to you "No, you are looking better than me”. What does it tell you? It could mean that they don't see themselves as worthy of appreciation. Hence, understanding a person’s self-concept could help us tailor our message so that it is received in a way that we want it to be received. Remember, we apply these 3 filters unconsciously whenever we are engaging in any type of communication with anyone. Insightful? If yes, let’s keep going... Remember to stay super focused, as it is very important! Now, how can you communicate with people whose subconscious filters are not in alignment with yours? You need to understand that these filters are unconscious and the language of the subconscious mind is EMOTIONAL. When we use logic more than emotions, our message will either be rejected by the person, or it will have a temporary effect on them. What | just explained above is a very powerful concept and | recommend you read it again to REALLY understand it... Here are a few tips which will help you use emotions more than logic in your communication, which will enable you to get your point across more accurately. Corr echinacea Cab ire eer a Sete Neer ins Se Tae Cg Peete eigen eer ~ Always try to understand ieeret sane ed thought and the thought eRe ue communicating? Re eure ee Sac uCer eu hatics ee ets PU cruel Peta ts ice ----__-------"4 Communicate in an Penney Pee eye ~ Use facial expressions that Cie rola nL Lg Se LT Saeed your head slightly Baru Aedes aa) understand PECL Ul allel Cart ects Tt tere eeu) —— 2 — ALTER YOUR COMMUNICATION STYLE TO CATER TO THE PERSON YOU ARE SPEAKING WITH Fe What do! mean? Let me explain... When you communicate with people, they want to feel that you understand them and you are genuinely interested in them. Why? Have a think about if you are on the receiving end, right? When someone speaks with you, do you think they should care about you and hear you, before they speak to you about their own agenda? Think of a time when someone was speaking to you without even caring or knowing what you really want. Or maybe think of a time when you got irritated because you didn't feel that the person speaking to you was thinking about you at all, while they were communicating? N d en aan Now the question is, how do you show them that you are genuinely concerned about them? One of the ways is that we need to ask more questions to the person with whom we are speaking. It is important to ask questions so we understand their perspective and change our communication style accordingly. Every human being is different and every situation can be different. Sometimes you may not be aware of another person's emotional state. Asking the right questions is one of the recommended ways to understand them so you can frame your conversations with them to achieve the maximum output. Gon aa aaa Imagine if you don't ask questions and your conversation turns into an argument, simply because you didn’t understand their emotional state or situation. Imagine what could happen if you are not able to adapt your communication style based on another person's situation? Outcomes of such conversations may vary depending on how critical the conversation is. However, one thing is for sure, they will not give due importance to what you are saying and your communication will go in vain. Another way to show concern for another person is to not become too self-conscious. Let me help you understand this with an example, because it is extremely important and one of the most common aspects, especially when you talk to a group of people. Have you seen presenters / speakers who are not able to connect with their audience? You can clearly see from the presenter’s / speaker's face, and you can tell that their entire focus is on their content and not on their audience. Corr They are in their head and all they are thinkingis.... = Howam! looking? ~ Am speaking fluently? = Am adding enough value? ~ Did | forget something? In this process, they forget to focus on the listener and instead their overall focus is on themselves. It immediately disconnects with the listener, because the listener feels they are not valued enough and they are not given the respect they deserve. Can you relate to this? It is also important to understand that we always communicate through: » Auraand Energy = Body Language and Tonality = Words Gon aa aaa Let's understand this concept with one more example, as | really want you to understand this. Imagine you are explaining a concept to someone. You are in the flaw and you are thinking that the other person is listening to you. Once you have finished speaking, you ask them a question. When they respond to you, you realise that they completely ignored what you have said and their response to your question is not at all related to what you were telling them. It is guaranteed that you will not feel valued enough and you willimmediately disconnect with the person. Right? That is the moment you know that the person is too self-conscious and they are not focusing on what you are saying. Their entire focus is on themselves and this behavior doesn’t lead to effective communication. Now, here are a few tips you can consider to alter your communication and become an effective communicator. Corr Communicate in the other person's preferred communication style. Use both visual and auditory tools to make your communication effective. Test and observe if they respond better when you use statistics and facts and / or stories. Observe their body language to see if it is stern or soft. Show deliberate respect for their point of view by doing the following: + Ask a question starting with"May |. * Thank them for sharing their perspective, + Ask for their permission if you want to make a direct point. Ask questions that revolve around their experiences and concerns to relate to what you are saying. Ce icon a eats Demonstrate signs of empathy when appropriate. Don't over think. Ask questions like: + How do you feel? + How do you feel about that? + Are you comfortable with this? +Is there anything on your mind | should know? Check your understanding by asking the following questions: *Do you mean that. + Are you saying......? Ask if they are open to hearing another perspective. Remember, real power is in DEEP communication, which only happens when you are not self-conscious and when you are genuinely interested in the other person. Gon aa aaa ALWAYS COMMUNICATE TO HAVE A WIN - WIN OUTCOME Fe Now, it may look simple when we read this, but the question is how do we implement it in real life? Before | explain the implementation of this statement, let me share why it is important to always communicate in a way that creates a win-win outcome. Well, you would agree that nobody wants to lose anything in life. Everyone has some fear(s) and one of these major fears is losing something which we place a high value on. Right? Imagine you are speaking with somebody and you perceive that you are going to be worse off at the end of the conversation, would you really be interested in continuing the conversation or you would find ways to end the conversation as quickly as you can? If you are like me, you would not be interested in continuing the conversation, because you knowitis not going to do anything good for you or them. Similarly, it is important to ensure that you have a win-win attitude when it comes to the outcome of conversations, so that each person equally contributes to the discussion, Would you be excited if | shared 3 important aspects to enable you to have a conversation that shows an attitude of having a win-win outcome? Yes? By the way, just so you know, | personally use these strategies every day in my communication and let me assure you they are very effective, provided they are applied in the right context and with the right intent. OULU et LET'S GET STARTED AND LET ME EXPLAIN THESE 3 IMPORTANT ASPECTS 0 1 IDENTIFY THE INTENT OF YOUR COMMUNICATION When you are starting a conversation, firstly think

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