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VOLUME 39, NO. 1, JUNE 2012: 112 - 120

Emotional Stimulation and Development Methods

Early childhood

Wisjnu Martani 1
faculty of Psychology
Gadjah Mada University


Emotion is an important factor for early child life. Children use their emotion to be able to be survive.
One of the factors in early child emotion development is teacher. The technique to stimulate depends on
the teacher understanding to the child development and the stimulation it self. This research was aimed
to investigate how the extent of the teacher understanding was implemented in the stimulation
technique for early children emotional development. The participants were 30 kindergarten teachers.
Data was collected using interviews and opened questionary. Data was analyzed through qualitative
approach. The result shows that teacher understands the children emotional development, but the
stimulation way is based on the manner set and teacher perception.
Keywords: teacher perception, early children, stimulation, emotional development

Period 1 early age is " golden age period ", fear is one of the emotions used to " survival ".
Meaning that it is the golden age for all aspects When the emotion of fear arises in children,
of human development, both physical, the child becomes aware of the environment
emotional and social cognition. One aspect of and creates a cautious attitude in the child. A
development that is important for early smile is an expression of happy emotions, with
childhood is aspects a child's smile that will be able to give a signal
emotions. Summarize opinion to his surroundings about the situation being
Goleman, Izard and Ackerman, Le Doux, experienced and the need for interpersonal
(Hansen & Zambo 2007) emotions are feelings relationships. In short, emotions help children
that are physiologically and psychologically all the time to survive and communicate with
owned by children and are used to respond to the environment. Emotions develop over time,
events that occur around them. Emotion for emotions in early childhood develop from
early childhood is important, because with simple ones to more complex conditions.
emotions children can focus attention, and Emotions develop as a result of interaction with
emotions provide power to the body and the environment. According to Bronfenbreuner
organize thoughts to suit their needs. (Santrock, 2006) there are a number of systems
Furthermore, Hansen and Zambo (2007) that affect children's development, namely
describe examples of the function of emotions microsystems, mesosystems, ecosystems,
in early childhood life, for example: macrosystems and chronosystems. One of the
most powerful and direct influence systems--

1 Correspondence with the author can be made via:



its for child development is the microsystem. be rich in experience. Children not only think
As for what is meant by the micro environment and act from their cognitive side, but also use
by Bronfenbreuneur is an environmental or hone their non-cognitive domains. Thus they
situation that causes children to make direct can develop optimally to become whole
contact and influence each other. The micro humans (horizontally and vertically).
environment has a special role in the
development of children, because in this
micrositem there are elements of parents, Children learn in various ways, including
teachers and also includes the quantity and through imitation, doing something or trying
quality of care. and experiencing (Einon, 2005). The
environment provides something that the child
Children develop through interaction with needs, and the child will take advantage of
the environment. One environment that plays a what the environment has to offer. Adults can
role is parents. However, in the last year the train, explain, and correct children, or show
number of parents, especially working something to children. Therefore what can be
mothers, has increased; At the same time, done is to help children to engage and
groups or institutions that provide education encourage children to try and experience.
outside the home for early childhood have Children have talents or abilities that have
emerged. This condition seems to be tussling been brought from birth, but these talents or
with the need of parents to be able to find abilities will not develop if they do not receive
ways that are deemed appropriate for stimulation from their environment.
children's development. Parents hope that in
Kindergarten (TK) the child will

got stimulation that Early childhood education is a form of

adequate for child development. In a learning stimulation which is basically intervention
environment outside the home or in efforts, namely creating an environment
kindergarten, children will learn and receive around early childhood in order to be able to
stimulation. Melton (in Ben-Arieh, et al, stimulate all aspects of child development.
2009) argues that school is the main Intervention is a number of information that is
environment for the process of child regulated through certain learning for growth,
development, and plays a role in creating development and behavior change. According
activities for children's welfare. But in reality, to Mashar (2007), citing the opinion of Foot et
not all children get optimal development, even al, saying that children who experience
children experience it obstacles or developmental problems will not
develop optimally. The occurrence of problems
developmental delay or developmental in emotional development in early childhood is
problems. influenced by teachers. Mashar's research
Lickona (in Woolfolk, 2006) says that (2007) shows that teachers who have been
variations in situations will result in variations trained to assist children are capable
in behavior. The atmosphere that is built in a
situation that is closer to the actual life, can
lead to the child



well behaved. Research conducted by pay attention to the needs of the child.
Puspitasari (2009) also shows that trained According to Ormrod (2003) teachers tend to
teachers can improve communication skills in require students to obey or obey by showing
early childhood, and in reducing the good behavior in the eyes of the teacher as a
occurrence of developmental problems in result of which the child will be stimulated in a
children. way that is not according to their needs, and in
turn will cause developmental problems.
There has been a paradigm shift in early
childhood development and education. In the
past, the goal of early childhood education was Children thrive in a variety of
academic preparation for formal schooling, so environments. Goldin-Meadow (2008) states
that early childhood education emphasized the that the environment will affect children in
aspects of cognitive and language various ways, among others, it will affect how a
development. At present the paradigm has child develops and learns from the
changed towards the care and development of environment. According to Mönks, Knoers, and
children, which means that it must involve caring Haditono (2004), the quality and quantity of
and education. This paradigm shift results in care for early childhood is related to
how to treat children, including in providing stimulation. The provision of stimulation must
stimulation. be in accordance with the needs of the child,
children who receive excessive or less
stimulation will cause the child to experience
developmental problems. Developmental
Children do not develop automatically, but problems can occur because the stimulator
are influenced by the way the environment does not understand developmental outcomes.
treats them. When children enter a non-formal Santrock (2006) explains that early childhood
“school” environment such as kindergarten, the education has now experienced a paradigm
space and opportunities for interaction will shift. Development achievements
expand. The stimulation provided by the
teacher is one of the most influential. The way
the teacher stimulates children depends on the
teacher's understanding of stimulation and in development
understanding of the child. early childhood is the main. This means that
stimulation is based on knowledge of typical
child development or is related to the
uniqueness of the child, no longer based on
Being a good teacher means that
the point of view of the interests of parents or
someone must be willing and able to recognize
teachers. Therefore, how teachers understand
who their students are. The introduction of
the understanding of stimulation and aspects
children is important, because every child is
of child development is an important matter to
unique (Pearsons & Sardo, 2006). However, the
be researched. The purpose of this study was
fact shows that generally teachers ignore the
to determine the teacher's understanding of
uniqueness of children. For teachers it is easier
how to provide stimulation for early childhood
to provide equal and fair education according
emotional development.
to the concept of the teacher, in other words
the teacher does not



The research questions are as follows 3. Self report. Self report conducted with a
series of open-ended questions, in order to
1. How do teachers understand stimulation? obtain original information from the
research subject.

2. How do teachers understand early childhood

emotional development? Guide to interviews, observations and
3. What is done to stimulate the emotional self report compiled referring to Developmental
development of the child? Appropriateness Practices from
NAEYC or The National Association for the
Education of Young Children ( Puckett & Diffily
2004 and Santrock, 2006).
Research subject Developmental Appropriateness Practices
(DAP) is " green book "Which is designed to help
In this research a number of 30
those who organize programs for early
Kindergarten teachers became the research
childhood, so that the program is structured
subjects. The teacher who was the subject of
according to the needs of the child. There are
the study was female, with various educational
three components, namely the provision of an
backgrounds. There are teachers whose
environment related to the selection of
educational backgrounds are SMA, SPG, and
materials and equipment by considering
Bachelor. The experience of being a
kindergarten teacher is quite varied, at least
emotional development stages of children or
five years of experience and a maximum of 33
curriculum components, mentoring strategies
years. The research subjects were teachers
for early childhood emotional development or
from three kindergartens in the city of
learning strategy components, and planning to
Yogyakarta. They all taught classes, which in
provide various activities so that children
each class consisted of 12 to 25 children.

have experience or
emotional direction / management component.
How to collect data
The three components mean as follows
Data is collected through;
1. Interview. For obtain (1) Components of a curriculum goal
information about the teacher's what is meant is whether the child is given
of stimulation and the opportunity to experience stimulation
emotional development of children., used of all aspects of development both
interviews: individually with the teacher. physical, emotional, cognitive or social or is
Interviews were conducted based on it only focused on providing experience
guide Interview from the cognitive aspect, evaluation of the
that has been compiled. child is carried out based on the
2. Observations were made to obtain data uniqueness of each child or is evaluated
about the behavior and activities of the based on group norms and is required to
subject in the learning process and demonstrate ability as well as the same
stimulation in the classroom. This data skills. This component is used to see the
observation is also used for checking on the teacher's understanding of stimulation
results of interviews and self report.



(2) The components of the learning strategy sar all three components Developmental
include ways the teacher encourages the Appropriateness Practices ( DAP).
creation of active learning and facilitates
an environment that allows children to
Results and Discussion
explore in their environment. This
component can be used to reveal the Based on information provided by
methods used by the teacher to stimulate research subjects through interviews and self
children's emotional development report ( open the questionnaire), the following
results were obtained:
(3) Management component / direction for (1) Teacher's understanding of stimulation
Emotional and social development includes Research subjects said they understood
controlling children's behavior, providing stimulation and stimulation in providing
opportunities to develop emotional and stimulation in schools, conveyed in the
social skills. Through this component it can curriculum objectives by making
be seen the teacher's understanding of preparations for teaching and learning
early childhood emotional development activities on that day or known as SKH, as
well as preparing props to be used on that
day, preparing evaluations for children
Implementation procedure early age.

The research was carried out through the

preparation stage which included determining,
drafting guidelines The results of this study are consistent with
Interview and self report. Subject research conducted by Hsu (2008) in
obtained by visiting several kindergartens in Taiwan, according to Hsu's research that
Yogyakarta and its surroundings. Based on teachers in teaching always comply with
their willingness, 30 kindergarten teachers the rules and policies that have been
were selected. After that outlined. However, as stated by Puckett
carried out the implementation of research and Diffily (2004), and Santrock (2006)
using Interview for teachers have not fully paid attention
collect information about teachers'
understanding of early childhood emotional DAP. In the learning process, the teacher
development achievements, and about how to prepares activities in a very structured
stimulate children. In addition, the filling is also manner and determines more children's
carried out self report to gather information activities. This can be seen from the
about the teacher's understanding of information they provide, that the
emotional stimulation, forms and ways of teacher's function in the learning process
providing stimulation. After the data was as well as the process of providing
collected, analysis was carried out stimulation is as a guide and determinant
of classroom activities, even though they
Data analysis method claim to play a role as a facilitator as well.
This condition is reinforced by data
The method used in this research is
obtained in the field, that many teachers
descriptive qualitative method. The analysis
have more than ten years of experience
was carried out with a phenomenological
approach, observation and self report.
The data collected is identified based on



teaching in kindergarten, so that a harmonious attitude in the group, for

stimulation is interpreted more as example the way to respect the teacher is
habituation, and according to the teacher's to show a bowing motion. Education for
point of view it is not based on " child early childhood in Japan is not only
centered ", And not in accordance with the grounded child centered solely, because
paradigm of early childhood care that this approach in addition to emphasizing
should be adhered to caring and education self-experience and creativity, tends to
develop an individualistic attitude, so that it
no longer oriented only to teaching. The is not in accordance with Japanese culture.
3N's principle is Normal development, Therefore, education for early childhood in
Nature and Needs as well as 3C's namely contextual,Japan uses a combination approach
culture and
competence as a basic principle of child
development (Woodhead, 2005) is not yet Among child centered added with
fully understood and used by teachers. It is role centered or societal centered
possible to see from the side contextual and (Papalia, et al., 2009). It is possible that this
is also the case in Indonesia, because the
culture lead to a different understanding. values and culture in Indonesia are
Papalia, Olds, and Feldman (2002) said that different from those in western countries.
in several western countries and in Indonesians in educating their children
America, the implementation of pre-school cannot escape from the demands of
education for early childhood emphasizes existing values and culture. However, the
more on the approach information in this study was not revealed.

child centered whose philosophy (2) The teacher's understanding of

emphasizes more on social and emotional and emotions of early childhood
development, not only on the preparation
Teachers understand emotions as with
of basic academic skills. Because as stated
other aspects of development, but they do
by Pearson and Degotardi (2009),
not understand that there are uniqueness
education for early childhood is
and variations in children's emotional
characterized by varying values and
development, if a child shows different
practices. According to Papalia et al. (2009),
emotions from other children in the class,
values and culture have a role as the basis
the child is judged as a child who is
for the provision of pre-school education,
experiencing problems. Actually the
further exemplifying that education for
teacher is quite capable of recognizing
early childhood between America and
each child in their class, and it takes the
Japan has the same paradigm, but different
teacher about 2-4 weeks to get to know
cultural values lead to the approach used
each student, and through their
as a basis for children's education. early
observations they recognize the condition
age is different. In Japan the emphasis is
of the student. But they are more on
on societal centered, namely more
cognitive abilities, because data in the field
emphasis on social skills and
shows that children are recognized as
children who are



have a problem if the child does not show is rigidly associated with DAP there will be
behavior or performance like other a discrepancy.
children. The paradigm used by teachers (3) The teacher's efforts to stimulate
tends to be the old paradigm, education emotional development of children
for early childhood emphasizes more on
The research subjects stated that the
the cognitive aspects. Emotional and social
method used to stimulate emotional
aspects are not given enough attention.
development was not specific, and they
Teachers in assessing children are still
used the method as specified in the
based on normative measures, not just
guidelines. They prepare drawing activities
based on them
as a means of expressing children's
is there uniqueness
thoughts and feelings. From the research it
child development (Puckett & Diffily,
is also known that the teacher uses a lot of
2004). This condition is very likely to occur,
objects and games in the form of blocks,
considering that the teachers who are the
story books, tapes / CDs for telling stories
research subjects have various educational
and listening to songs and the reasons put
backgrounds, not all of them have
forward by the teacher, because these
educational backgrounds that are suitable
media can improve children's language
for early childhood, even though their work
skills and reading skills, which in fact, it is a
experience is long enough. From the
form of academic achievement or is more
condition of the educational background of
likely to hone cognitive abilities.
teachers, it can be explained that there is a
possibility that teachers are not sufficiently
equipped, especially regarding a paradigm
shift in early childhood education, or even
though they already know, but have not
fully implemented it in education because
it is to change mindset takes time. This Insufficient involvement of children in
condition is in accordance with the results providing stimulation. Even though
of research conducted in Ghana (Morrison, children learn from the environment not
2004) showing that not all teachers have only by following the teacher's instructions,
received training to become educators for but more based on the experiences they
early childhood, so that the understanding encounter in their daily lives Hsu (2008).
of early childhood emotional development Teachers still have an unsuitable
is not optimal. Apart from that there are understanding of DAP, they still think that
possibilities good children are children who according
to the teacher's instructions, when in class
they are more silent, sit in designated
places and watch and listen to what the
teacher explains (Ormrod, 2003; Puckett &
that teacher has been Diffily, 2004). This can be seen from the
understand about the development of children's activities that are widely used by teachers
emotions, because of understanding of emotions in stimulating children, namely by
and development too related storytelling, telling stories and using
with a cultural background (Lee & Johnson,
2007), so if



card. There are some teachers who use children, so it is possible to develop
drawing or writing activities, but the developmental problems in children. However,
reason for giving these activities is more what must be considered is that this condition
directed so that children can read and is related to the values and culture that
write fluently. This condition indicates that surround it. Because the factors of value and
the purpose of providing more activities is culture are things that determine the
for the development of cognitive aspects educational orientation of children, and
and academic preparation for formal influence the determination of standards of
education. Whereas emotional behavior and ways of educating children.
development in early childhood is
important, because if children's emotions
develop naturally, they can concentrate
more and be able to better absorb
information given to children (Hansen & On the basis of the research results, it is
Zambo, 2007). Hansen and Zambo further necessary to explore further the philosophy
explained, if kindergarten education only that underlies the implementation and
emphasizes academic achievement, the objectives of early childhood education in
emotional aspect will be neglected in the Indonesia. In addition, the use of DAP as green
child's life as well as lose the opportunity to book needs to be adjusted
develop children's emotions. Yet according with Indonesian values and culture and
to Hirsk-Pasek and Golenkiff (Hansen & socialized to early childhood teachers.
Zambo, 2007), emotional development
underlies children's social development
and interpersonal skills. Research
conducted by Malik, Sarwar and Khan
(2010) in Pakistan shows that teachers in Ben-Arieh, A., McDonnell, J. & Schwartz,
providing stimulation are more focused on SA (2009). Safety and home-school
one realm, namely the social sphere, but relations as indicators of children
the emotional realm is not given much wellbeing: whose perspective count ?. Social
attention. Indic Res. 90, 339-349.
Einon, D. (2005). Creative Play for 2-5s.
London: Octopus Publishing Group Ltd.

Hansen, CC & Zambo, D. (2007). Loving

and learning with Wimberly and david.
Fostering emotional development in early
Conclusion childhood education.
Early Childhood Education Journal. 34 (4), 273-278.
Based on the findings in this study, it can
be concluded that teachers' understanding of
how to provide stimulation for emotional Hsu, YC (2008). Taiwanese early child-
development in early childhood is still hood educators professional development.
inadequate, because teachers place more Early Child Development and Care, 178 (3), 259-272.
emphasis on the importance of cognitive
abilities in children, and tend to ignore
emotional development in children.



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233-243. Companies, Inc.
Goldin-Meadow, S. (2008). Theories of Papalia, DE, Olds, SW, & Feldman, RD
Language Acquisition. In MW Haith & JB (2009). Human development 11 Ed.
Benson (eds.), Encyclopedia of Infant and Boston: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Oxford: Elsevier Ltd.
Pearson, E & Degotardi, S. (2009). Edu-
Malik, A. Sarwar, M. & Khan, N. (2010). cation for sustainable development in
Identification of the social development in early childhood education: A global
early childhood in Paskistan. solution to local concerns?. International
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Name : Dian fitrianawati
Nim : 18 0103 0074
Prodi : BKI 6B


Journal Name Journal of psychology
Volume and Pages 39, NO. JUNE 1, 2012: 112-120
Year 2012
Author Wisjnu Martani
Reviewer Dian Fitrianawati
Date 27 April 2021

Background Early childhood is the "golden age period", which means it is a

golden period for all aspects of human development, both
physical, emotional and social cognition. One of the important
aspects of development for early childhood is the emotional
In short, emotions help children all the time to survive and
communicate with the environment. Emotions develop over
time, emotions in early childhood develop from simple ones to
more complex conditions. Emotions develop as a result of
interaction with the environment.
Children develop through interaction with the environment.
One environment that plays a role is parents. However, in the
last year the number of parents, especially working mothers,
has increased; At the same time, a group or institution that
provides education outside the home for early childhood has
emerged. This condition is as if the tit-for-tat with the need for
parents to be able to obtain the methods deemed appropriate
for children's development. Parents hope that in Kindergarten
(TK) children will receive adequate stimulation for their
child's development. In a learning environment outside the
home or in kindergarten, children will learn and receive
stimulation. Melton (in Ben-Arieh, et al, 2009) argues that
school is the main environment for the child's development
process. and play a role in creating activities for child welfare.
But in reality, not all children get optimal development, even
children experience developmental delay or developmental

Research purposes To explore further the philosophy that underlies the

implementation and objectives of early childhood education
in Indonesia. As well as the use of DAP as a green book so
that it is adapted to Indonesian values and culture and
socialized to early childhood teachers.

Research methods The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative

method. The analysis was carried out by using a
phenomenological approach, observation and self-report. The
data collected was identified based on the three components of
Developmental Approachability Practices (DAP).
Literature review
1. Definition
1. Definition Summarizing the opinions of Goleman, Izard and
2. Aspect / dimension / Ackerman, Le Doux, (Hansen & Zambo 2007) emotions are
influencing factors feelings that are physiologically and psychologically owned
by children and are used to respond to events that occur
around them. Emotion for early childhood is important,
because with emotions children can focus attention, and
emotions provide power to the body and organize thoughts to
suit their needs. Furthermore, Hansen and Zambo (2007)
describe examples of the function of emotions in early
childhood life, for example:
fear is one of the emotions used for "survival". When the
emotion of fear arises in children, the child becomes aware of
the environment and creates a cautious attitude in the child. A
smile is an expression of happy emotions, with a child's smile
being able to give a signal to his surroundings about the
situation being experienced and the need for interpersonal
Early childhood education is a form of stimulation which
is basically intervention efforts, namely creating an
environment around early childhood so that it is able to
stimulate all aspects of child development. Intervention is
a number of information that is regulated through certain
learning for growth, development and behavior change.
According to Mashar (2007), citing the opinion of Foot et
al, that children who experience obstacles or problems
with development will not develop optimally. The
occurrence of problems in emotional development in early
childhood is influenced by teachers. Mashar's research
(2007) shows that teachers who have been trained to assist
children, are able to behave well.
2. Aspects / Dimensions / influencing factors
Children thrive in a variety of environments. Goldin-
Meadow (2008) states that the environment will affect
children in various ways, among others, it will affect how
a child develops and learns from the environment.
According to Mönks, Knoers, and Haditono (2004), the
quality and quantity of care for early childhood is related
to providing stimulation. The provision of stimulation
must be in accordance with the needs of the child,
children who receive excessive or less stimulation will
cause the child to experience developmental problems.
Developmental problems can occur because the
stimulator does not understand developmental outcomes.
Santrock (2006) explains that early childhood education
has now experienced a paradigm shift. Developmental
outcomes in early childhood development are the main
ones. This means that stimulation is based on knowledge
of typical child development or is related to the
uniqueness of the child, no longer based on the point of
view of the interests of parents or teachers. Therefore how
the teacher's understanding of the understanding of
stimulation and aspects of child development is an
important thing to research. The purpose of this study was
to determine the teacher's understanding of how to
provide stimulation for early childhood emotional
Children do not develop automatically, but are
influenced by the way the environment treats them. When
children enter a non-formal “school” environment such as
kindergarten, the space and opportunities for interaction
will expand. The stimulation provided by the teacher is
one of the most influential. The way the teacher stimulates
children depends on the teacher's understanding of
stimulation and understanding of the child.

Subject / population /
In this study, a total of 30 kindergarten teachers were the
research subjects. The teacher who was the subject of the study
was female, with various educational backgrounds. There are
teachers whose educational backgrounds are SMA, SPG, and
Bachelor. The experience of being a kindergarten teacher is
quite varied, at least five years of experience and a maximum
of 33 years. The research subjects were teachers from three
kindergartens in the city of Yogyakarta. They all taught
classes, which in each class consisted of 12 to 25 children.

Research steps
Data is collected through;
1. Interview. To obtain information about the teacher's
understanding of the way the child's emotional
stimulation and development is used, interviews are
used: individually with the teacher. Interviews were
conducted based on an interview guide that had been
2. Observations were made to obtain data about the
behavior and activities of the subject in the learning
process and stimulation in class. This data observation
is also used to check the results of interviews and self-
3. Self report. Self reportconducted with a series of open-
ended questions, in order to obtain original information
from the research subject.

The research was carried out through a preparatory stage

which included determination, preparation of interview
guidelines and self-reports. Subjects were obtained by
visiting several kindergartens in Yogyakarta and its
surroundings. Based on their willingness, 30 kindergarten
teachers were selected. After that, the research was carried
out using interviews to gather information about the
teacher's understanding of the achievement of early
childhood emotional development, and about how to
stimulate children. Apart from that, self-reports were also
completed to collect information about teachers'
understanding of emotional stimulation, forms and methods
of stimulation. After the data was collected, analysis was
carried out

Research result Based on the information provided by research subjects

through interviews and self-reports (open questionnaire
filling), the following results were obtained:
1. Teachers' understanding of stimulation Research
subjects said they understood stimulation and
stimulation in providing stimulation in schools,
conveyed in curriculum objectives by making
preparations for teaching and learning activities
on that day, known as SKH, and preparing props
to be used on the day. That is, preparing
evaluations for early childhood.
2. Teachers' understanding of early childhood
emotional development Teachers understand
emotions as well as other aspects of development,
but they do not understand that there are uniqueness
and variations in children's emotional development,
if the child shows different emotions with other
children in the class then the child is rated as a child
who is experiencing problems. In fact, the teacher is
quite capable of recognizing each child in their
class, and it takes the teacher about 2-4 weeks to get
to know each student, and through their observations
they recognize the condition of the student.
3. The teacher's efforts to stimulate children's
emotional developmentThe research subjects stated
that the methods used to stimulate emotional
development were not specific, and they used the
methods as defined in the guidelines. They prepare
drawing activities as a means of expressing children's
thoughts and feelings.
Conclusion Based on the findings in this study, it can be concluded that
the teacher's understanding of how to provide stimulation
for emotional development in early childhood is still
inadequate, because teachers place more emphasis on the
importance of cognitive abilities in children, and tend to
ignore emotional development in children, making it
possible for problems to occur. development in children.
However, what must be considered is that this condition is
related to the values and culture that surround it. Because
the factors of value and culture are the things that determine
the educational orientation for children of age, and
influence the determination of standards of behavior and
ways of educating children.

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