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Legal Environment in Business

Name: Sadiuzzaman sayef Id: 20-43285-1 Sec: A

1. Create an example of counter offer. what is the difference between offer and invitation to offer.
Ans: Suppose Mr. Ranjan wants to buy a pair of shirt. So, he went to the infinity showroom near
his office. He checked all the new collection and choose a pair of shirt. The salesperson told him
that it will cost 2500 Taka. Then Mr. Ranjan propose the cashier to give him some discount and
take 2000 Taka for the pair of shirts. The cashier replied that he can give 200 Taka discount
maximum. Mr. Ranjan agreed and pay 2300 Taka and buy the shirt. Here, the cashier provides
counteroffer by asking 2300 Taka instead of 2000 Taka.
Basically, an offer is a proposal to a make a contract between two parties. On the other hand,
invitation to offer is an invitation to someone make a proposal. It is an action of inviting other
parties to make an offer to form a contract

2. Mr. Akash is a businessman. His wife name is Sushmita. Akash promised to his wife that he will
buy a diamond ring on her birthday. But when birthday came Akash give flowers to his wife.
now, his wife has decided to take legal action. What could be court's decesion on your
perspective? Describe.
Ans: Mr. Akash is a businessman to promised to his wife to buy a diamond ring but bought
flowers to her birthday. For this reason, she wants to take legal action.

As per The Contract Act, The parties must clearly have intended their agreement to be legally

Mr. Akash and her wife didn’t sign any contract of the offer that Mr. Akash had proposed. So his
wife can’t take any legal action against him. The court won’t take her complain.

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