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Class : Accounting – 2A
NIM : 2005081021
Courses : English
Lecturer : Dra. Heddy, Dipl. TESOL., M.Hum.
Date : May 13, 2021

1. When do will, shall and going to (Simple Future Tense)  are used?

When to Use Going To?

Using conditions that are certain to happen, there are several conditions that you
must respond to when you want to use them. What are they?

1. When we have made a decision or we already know for sure what to do in

the future

Example of sentences:

 They're going to retire to the beach - in fact, they've bought a little beach

 I will accept job offers.

2. When there are signs that will happen with evidence or in advance

Example of sentences:

 I thought it was going to rain - I only felt a drop of water.

 I don't feel well. I thought I was going to throw up.

3. When something will happen in a matter of time

Example of sentences:

 Back! The bomb will explode.

When to Use Will?

In contrast to going to, there are several conditions for using will. Between:

Breaking things up spontaneously (fast drying)

1. If you decide something suddenly or suddenly, you can use it in sentences.

 I'll buy you too.

 I think I'll try one of them.

2. When you believe in predictions of the future (predictions)

Have you ever read the zodiac predictions or theories that are posted on the
internet? If you believe in predictions made by other people or predictions that
you make yourself, you can use a statement sentence.


 My team won't win the league this season.

 I think it will rain later, so bring an umbrella.

3. Make offers, promises, and threats

Want to make an appointment or offer with a client at the office? You can use
statements in your sentences.

Example of sentences:

 I'll give you a discount if you buy it now.

 I promise I'll be nice next time.

 I'll take you to the movies if you want.

When to use Shall

In the past, the word "shall" was widely used to replace "will". Usually you can
find this word in famous literature first. However, in modern English people
usually use "will" in affirmative and negative sentences. Even so, "will" is still
often used to form interrogative sentences using "I" and "we", especially in
British English.

The use of "shall" in various sentence forms:

a. To offer something using I / Us:

 Shall I make lunch?

 Shall we help you with your bags?

 Where shalI take you? Outside your office?

 Shall I water your plants while you are away?

b. To give suggestions using I / We:

 Shall we go to the park later?

 Shall we eat something?

 Who Shall we invite to the party?

 What shall we do after watching the film?

c. To express a formal obligation:

 Applicants shall provide proof of their qualification.

 The defendant shall appear in court again on October 26.

d. To make an appointment:

 I shall never forget the help you gave me.

 I shall not be late.

 We shall do everything we can to solve the problem.

 He shall not be long. Please sit down while you wait.


2. Differentiate the use of will, shall and going to

Going To

a. To convey an activity that has been planne

As an example :
"I am going to watch" What's up with love 2 ″ tonight "

In other words, the speaker already intends and schedules to watch the AADC 2
movie while he is speaking.

b. Reveal predictions that something will happen in the near future


“I feel terrible. I think I am going to be ill "

Because the speaker felt that something was wrong with his body, he predicted
that he would get sick.

Will / Shall

a. State the work or activity that will be carried out immediately


X: What would you like to drink, sir?

Y: I will have a glass of milk, please?

When asked what he wanted, the Y emphasized that he wanted milk, and of
course it would soon be done

b. When disclosing timeless predictions


The bridge will break down one day.

One day does not indicate that it will happen at a definite time, it could be
tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or even a year from the time of speaking.
This prediction has no certainty of what will happen.

c. Making a request or request sentence

Will you shut the door, please?

d. Make a predictive sentence using the following words

 Expect, hope, think, wonder, I am sure, I am afraid

 I believe he will pass the exam.

 I am afraid he will fail the exam.

e. If there is an adverb, perhaps, probably, certainly

Often we find adverbs such as perhaps, probably , certainly. Usually these words
will be followed by will.


 Perhaps she will come to the party tomorrow

 My son will probably go to Jakarta the day after tomorrow

f. Express promises

 I will come to your home tomorrow


3. Find each, two Recount Texts on the use of  will, shall and going to (Simple
Future Tense).
1. Hi, my name is Sasha. I am going to have a long holiday next
month. It will be about two weeks. My family and I are going to
go to Hongkong. We are going to spend five days there. We have
planned a trip to Hongkong since January. Have you been there?

2. Next Thursday is going to be my younger sister’s birthday. She

will be 10 years old. We are going to have a simple but awesome
birthday party.

1. Hongkong is my first place abroad that I will travel to. I am so
excited about it. This month we will arrange our trip itineary. So,
after school I’ll browse some places to visit. I’ll also watch some
Hongkong travel videos.

2. Hongkong Disneyland is a place that will be put in our first list. I

love almost all of Walt Disney’s movies. Besides, we’ll also go to
Macau because my mother really wants it. I am sure we’ll have
so much fun there. What about you, where are you going to go
when you have a long holiday?
3. Our sister has a new-born baby girl, our niece. The baby will be
about three weeks old this weekend. She is so cute and chubby.
We also have a five-year-old nephew. He is a super active boy.
He likes to create things and to play soccer. He will play and do
creative activities with me. Then, he’ll play soccer with my
brother. He’ll be so happy playing with us.

4. In the afternoon, my brother and I will go swimming in the pool

at a hotel near my sister’s house. We’ll do a swimming race. We
love swimming. If my brother has nothing to do on Sunday, we’ll
probably stay overnight at our sister’s house.


4. What is your plan:

a. to celebrate long holidays during Fiest day (Idul Fitri) while the
government banned people to travel?

My plan to enjoy the Idul Fitri holiday in Id year is to celebrate it well in

accordance with the rules made by the government, namely obeying the
ban on going home until May 17, because that will reduce crowds so that
the corona virus does not spread anywhere.

Do not reduce the meaning of this holiday, I will still carry it according
to how it is usually just not gathering with large families and only
celebrated modestly with small and closest families.
that's my vacation plan for this holiday

b. when the Covid 19 Pandemic is over? 

After the covid 19 pandemic has passed, I will carry out all the activities
that I left behind during this outbreak. Especially in terms of
communicating with friends, the people closest to me besides that I will
also take a vacation that I don't do on Christmas and New Year, because
during this pandemic there was no memorable experience in terms of
enjoying the holidays.
Included in it is doing face-to-face learning and meeting directly with
teachers and with friends. That's my plan after this pandemic ends

Source: self-composed

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