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AWS ELB interview questions

 1) What Is elb in aws?

 2) How AWS Elastic Load Balancing Works?
 3) List few Pros/cons of using AWS Elastic Load Balancer?
 4) What is the difference between auto-scaling and ELB?
 5) List type of techniques that are used by load balancers?
 6) What do you mean by a target group in AWS Load Balancing?
 7) What is the difference between a load balancer and Amazon's Route 53?
 8) Can we use multiple Aws elastic load balancers for single EC2 Instance?
 9) Why AWS Elastic Load Balancers have more than 1 IP addresses?
 10) Can you explain NLB in AWS?
 11) How to create an alert for AWS load balancer 'outofservice'?
 12) Why does ELB have 60 seconds of non-configurable request timeout?
 13) How do we create a VPC load balancer in AWS?
 14) What is VPC load balancer?
AWS VPC Interview Questions

 1) What is AWS VPC ?

 2) How to connect My VPC to the Internet?
 3) What are the elements of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud?
 4) How to build a custom VPC?
 5) What are the advantages of using Amazon Web Services VPC?
 6) Can the network traffic in your VPC be monitored?
 7) Within which Amazon EC2 Region is Amazon VPC available?
 8) Can a VPC span multiple availability zones?
 9) How can you differentiate between stateful and stateless filtering?
 10) How do you specify which availability zone my Amazon EC2 instances are launched in?
 11) Can you use your present AMIs in Amazon VPC?
 12) Are there any bandwidth limitations for Internet gateways?
 13) How do you secure Amazon EC2 instances running within My VPC?
 14) What are the differences between security groups in a VPC and network ACLS in a VPC?
 15) How do you determine which availability zone my subnets are located in?
 16) What do you understand by default VPC?
 17) State the advantage of a default VPC?
 18) Which account is enabled for default VPC?
 19) How will you differentiate between VPC security groups and VPC network ACLs?
 20) How will you locate the availability Zone of subnets?
 21) What IP addresses range can be used in a VPC?
AWS S3 interview questions

 1) Explain AWS S3 bucket?

 2) What is the maximum size of S3 bucket?
 3) How to list objects of a S3 bucket?
 4) Explain process of mounting s3 to ec2 instance?
 5) How to install aws s3 cli?
 6) How to clear AWS S3 cache?
 7) How to delete a AWS s3 bucket?
 8) How to get AWS S3 access key?
 9) What are options available for protecting data at rest in Amazon S3?
 10) Explain S3 Versioning? What are benefits of using versioning in S3.
 11) How to Configure Versioning on a Bucket?
 12) How to enable Multipart Upload capability in Amazon S3.
 13) What is AWS s3fs.
AWS Ec2 interview questions

 1) Explain EC2 in Amazon?

 2) Mention some pros and cons of using Amazon EC2?
 3) List types of EC2 instances available in AWS?
 4) What is the easiest and safest way to backup in Amazon EC2?
 5) For what purpose EC2 instance tags are used?
 6) Why do we create instances in AWS?
 7) List some tools to monitor AWS?
 8) How do you route a domain name to an EC2 Instance?
 9) What is the difference between a public IP and an elastic IP in AWS?
 10) How to regenerate a .pem file for my AWS EC2 server?
 11) What is the difference between a spot instance and an on-demand instance?
 12) How to set AWS EC2 CPU utilization to max or use all cores?
 13) How do we permanently terminate or delete AWS EC2 instance?
 14) What is the purpose of 'Reservations' in Amazon EC2?
 15) What is the difference between Amazon ECS and Amazon EC2?
 16) I am not able to ping my AWS EC2 instance. What is the problem?
 17) How to find EC2 instances running a certain AMI?
 18) What is '2' signifies in EC2 of AWS?
 19) What is ec2 snapshot?
AWS Lambda Interview Questions

 1)  What does AWS Lambda mean?

 2) What restrictions apply to AWS Lambda function code?
 3) How long can an AWS Lambda function execute?
 4) How does AWS Lambda secure my code?
 5) On AWS Lambda what all kinds of code can run?
 6) What is the definition of Auto-Scaling?
 7) Which all languages are supported by AWS Lambda?
 8) Is the infrastructure accessible on which the AWS Lambda runs?
 9) Can I use packages with AWS Lambda?
 10)  Are AWS Lambda functions available and to what extent?
 11)   On a functional level is there any default limit to be applied?
 12)   How can a serverless application be automated?
 13)   How to get started with a serverless application ?
 14)   How do I troubleshoot a serverless application?
 15)   Do the AWS Lambda-based functions stay available when code or its configuration is
Linux Interview Questions - Frequently Asked [Updated-
 What is Linux?
 What is the History of Linux?
 What is the difference between Linux and Unix?
 What is BASH?
 What is the Linux Kernel?
 What is LILO?
 What are the Basic Components of Linux?
 What are the Features of the Linux Operating System?
 What is a Swap Space?
 What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Open-source Operating
 What is LVM? Its a requirement in Linux?
 What is netstat Command?
 What are the Popular Linux Distributions?

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