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The essential oil of ginger, Zingiber officinale, and anaesthesia

Article  in  International Journal of Aromatherapy · December 2005

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijat.2004.12.002


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James L Geiger
Banner Health System


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The International Journal of Aromatherapy (2005) 15, 7–14
The International
Journal of

The essential oil of ginger, Zingiber officinale,

and anaesthesia
James L. Geiger*

Banner Desert Medical Center, Integrative Therapy, Mesa, AZ 85296, USA

KEYWORDS Summary It is proposed that a 5% solution of essential oil of ginger, Zingiber offi-
Ginger; cinale, is an effective post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) prevention when
Zingiber officinale; administered preoperatively, naso-cutaneously concurrently with conventional
Integrative; therapies to general anaesthesia patients at high risk for PONV. This is a summary
Anaesthesia; of six months clinical experience and impressions of a single anaesthesia practi-
Nausea; tioner using best practice multimodal management plus 5% oil of ginger, Zingiber
PONV; officinale, in the prevention of PONV in high risk group adult patients.
CAM The results of the clinical experience show improvement gained in patient
response as measured by lower incidence of nausea and vomiting in the post-anaes-
thesia recovery unit (PACU). The group treated with the essential oil of ginger expe-
rienced approximately less than 20% nausea in the PACU. This low percentage of
high risk PONV patients that experienced nausea in the ginger group mostly required
only one single intravenous supplemental medication to control nausea. Approxi-
mately, 80% of high risk patients had no complaint of PONV and therefore did not
require any further intravenous therapy during recovery from anaesthesia through
discharge from PACU. The non-ginger oil treated patients in this clinical experience
had a roughly 50/50 chance of PONV.
A 5% solution of the essential oil of Zingiber officinale in grape seed carrier oil,
when applied naso-cutaneously, can be administered safely for the effective pre-
vention and therapeutic management of nausea in general anaesthesia patients at
high risk for post-operative nausea and vomiting, with increased patient satisfaction
and less expense to patients and hospital. Guidelines and regulations established for
the safe use of integrative therapy with an essential oil are critical to observe.
c 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Smell is a learned process shaped by language and
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URL: genetics (Buck, 1992). The medical science of

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8 J.L. Geiger

nausea is complexly interwoven with coexisting dis- nents. The second messenger neurotransmitter,
ease states. Safe practical choices in essential oil cyclic adenosine monophosphate (c-AMP), working
therapy can be extrapolated from evidenced based with olfactory G protein and ionic calcium modu-
clinical references, which may be integrated into late an excitatory synapse at the olfactory bulb
the medical management of various conditions. mediating c-aminobutryic acid (GABA) and
Specifically, the naso-cutaneous application of N-methyl-D -aspartate (NMDA) receptors (Chen
essential oil of ginger, Zingiber officinale, can be et al., 2000). GABA is a receptor system for seda-
a safe and effective addition to the medical man- tion. NMDA is a receptor system for pain.
agement for the prevention and treatment of the After an essential oil is applied to the skin a
complications of nausea and vomiting associated blood level is achieved. The following example is
with general anaesthesia. given for Lavandula angustifolia. A 2.0% dilution
The 2004 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine of L. angustifolia oil applied to the abdomen of a
has been awarded to Richard Axel and Linda Buck volunteer showed that approximately 10% of the
for their discoveries of odorant receptors and Lavender oil was absorbed into the general blood
the genetic organization of the olfactory system circulation. Then plasma levels peaked 20 min
(, 2004). Previously numerous similar after application as circulation via capillaries to
theories for odorant detection systems and mecha- tissue continued. After 90 min, both linalool and li-
nisms of actions of anaesthesia have been proposed. nalyl acetate had dropped almost to zero, illustrat-
These similar theories are the spectral recognition ing almost complete metabolism (Jäger, 1992).
of vibrational molecules (Turin, 1996), metallo- Renal and hepatic mechanisms probably metabo-
protein ‘‘shuttlecock’’ mechanism (Wang et al., lize the majority of an average essential oil treat-
2003), mnemonic perception (Stevenson and Boa- ment dose.
kes, 2003), agonist–antagonist receptor binding Similar kinetics could apply to transnasal inhala-
(Firestein, 2004), cell membrane molecular configu- tional absorption. There is potentially more rapid
ration stress (Cantor, 2001), and cyclic nucleotide absorption across the highly vascular cribiform
ligand-gated ion channels (Yamakura et al., 2001). plate in the nose, which is a direct transdural
Our understanding of the odorant detection system pathway to the brain. This complex cellular vas-
is evolving. The mechanism of action of the chemi- culo-lymphatic plexus, associated with abundant
cal constituents of ginger oil at the level of cellular glomerulo-mitral apparatus in the olfactory bulb,
biosynthesis shows that ginger extracts block activa- cross the blood–brain barrier to perfuse brain tis-
tion of proinflammatory mediators and its transcrip- sue. The kinetics of an anaesthetic agent is similar
tional regulator in human synoviocyte cultures in that the volatilized gas is absorbed across the
(Frondoza et al., 2004). The mechanism of action basement membranes of the lungs. The anaesthetic
of the chemical constituents of scents at the cellu- chemicals cross into the bloodstream and rapidly
lar level may involve intranuclear protein synthesis circulate to vascular rich organs first, such as brain,
from DNA. liver, lungs, heart, kidney and muscles. Then, by
The uptake and distribution mechanism of ana- mass action, as concentration effect increases over
esthetics is known (Eger, 1998). A predominantly time, less vascular rich organs such as bowels, epi-
accepted theory ascribed to the action of anaes- dermis, bones and fat gain in tissue anaesthetic
thetics, namely ‘‘molecular membrane stress’’ ap- content.
plied to the bilipid layer of cell membranes (Ueda, Therapy with essential oils is somewhat like
2001), might conceivably be applied to explain general anaesthesia in that volatile anaesthetic
some of the actions of essential oils at the cellular vapour is delivered diluted in the carrier gases
level. Many essential oils and many anaesthetic oxygen and or nitrous oxide via a breathing cir-
molecules are aliphatic hydrocarbon chains. The cuit. In the field of essential oil therapy, 100%
natural plasticity of the bilipid layers of cell walls pure volatile essential oils from select plant parts
and organelles of various body tissues is due in part are diluted with various carrier oils for delivery
to the orientation of the hydrophilic and hydropho- by numerous methods in concentrations, usually
bic lipid layers. The cell membranes have abundant ranging from 1% to 5%. The concentration chosen
embedded protein receptors and ionic channels, depends on the clinical circumstances, which is
which are thought to be acted upon by the various similar to administration of anaesthesia vapour.
volatile chemicals of the anaesthetic gas agents. The uptake and distribution of the chemical con-
Perhaps the chemical constituents of the vapours stituents of essential oils are transmitted via
from essential oils as well as the absorbed chemical chemical messengers directly into the brain and
constituents act directly as chemical messengers brain stem via complex neuronal and circulatory
on the cell membranes and other cellular compo- pathways when inhaled.
The essential oil of ginger, Zingiber officinale, and anaesthesia 9

The science of nausea as effective, evidence based, best practice with

known PONV failure rates (Habib and Gan, 2004;
The first cranial nerves, CNI (the olfactory nerves), Apfel et al., 2004).
are embedded into the base of the frontal lobes of The powdered root of ginger is as effective as
the brain. Early human clinical treatment series metaclopamide in the prevention of PONV in cer-
using surgically implanted glial support cell cul- tain settings (Ernst and Pittler, 2000). Ginger juice
tures of olfactory ensheathing cells, OEC, of the produces anti-motion sickness action possibly by
olfactory nerves are shown to aid regeneration central and peripheral anticholinergic and has
spinal nerve function (Huang et al., 2003). There antihistaminic effects (Qian and Liu, 1992). Ginger
appears to be right nasal to right hemisphere dom- syrup decreased duration and severity of nausea in
inance of unfamiliar odour recognition. Familiar pregnancy (Keating and Chez, 2002). Powered gin-
odours are recognized symmetrically, when lan- ger root was shown to be as effective as Vitamin B6
guage is involved (Savic and Berglund, 2000). The in reducing the symptoms of nausea vomiting and
sensory cells for odours have receptor binding sites dry retching of pregnancy. No untoward tetaro-
which have unique properties for odorant chemical genic effects were shown (Portnoi et al., 2003;
recognition and information mediation. In the Smith et al., 2004). Powered ginger root has shown
olfactory bulb, olfactory receptor cells recognize, negative results for effective prevention of PONV
convert and transmit chemical odorant generated post-laparoscopy (Eberhart et al., 2003). There ap-
information into chemical messengers across glom- pears to be a difference between the potency of
erulo-mitral pathways by G-protein activation. ginger preparations and the degree of the effects
These chemical messages are transmitted as chem- they mediate when comparing the various prepara-
ical data along aroma mediated pathways to vari- tions administered orally, such as ginger juice, gin-
ous areas of the brain, such as the amygdala, ger powdered root and syrup of ginger. To date no
hippocampus and thalamus. The stress of surgery studies have examined the efficacy of ginger
activates the amygdala and learning occurs during essential oil, Zingiber officinale, administered
general anaesthesia (Gidron et al., 2002; Andrade, naso-cutaneously for prevention of nausea and
1995). vomiting in conjunction with surgery and general
The cranial nerves of the oropharynx, Facial, anaesthesia.
CNVII, Glossopharyngeal, CNIX and Vagus, CNX, lo-
cated at the base of the tongue and back of the
throat have taste receptors that transmit chemi-
cally translated data to the medulla in the brain- Chemistry receptor applications
stem. Located next to the medulla is the
chemotactic trigger zone, CTZ, which mediate nau- Receptor chemistry is a challenging field of study
sea and vomiting. These receptors are located because every system has system specific receptor
bilaterally and lateral to the fourth ventricle in sites serving as information conversion stations.
the area postrema. These receptors for nausea There are two commonly known receptors of the
and vomiting respond to vagal and sympathetic vomiting centre in the brainstem located in the
afferents, as well as blood-borne toxins. The most reticular formation of the medulla. The well-known
commonly used volatile anaesthetic, Sevoflurane, muscarinic receptors are mediated by acetylcho-
is ether-based. Ether is known as a highly emetic line. Histamine receptors are blocked by H1 antag-
anaesthetic vapour agent. onists and H2 antagonists. The chemoreceptor
Intravenous medications work on specific path- trigger zone (CTZ) has receptor sites for benzodi-
ways and receptors for nausea prevention and azepines, histamine and dopamine. D3 dopaminer-
treatment. These various classes of medications gic receptors are blocked by dopamine antagonists.
administered in combination therapy are estab- The therapeutic successes of the expensive intra-
lished as the foundation of effective multimodal venous medications, the 5-HT3 serotonin receptor
therapy for prevention and treatment of nausea antagonists, work slowly but degrade quickly, hav-
and vomiting of various origins (Scuderi et al., ing half-lives on the order of 2–3 h. This peripher-
2000). Some causes of nausea and vomiting respond ally acting class works indirectly via the vagus
better to different drug choices to manage specific nerve to block receptor sites to circulating seroto-
nausea receptors (Bone et al., 1990). The routine nin at end-organs.
prophylactic use of antiemetics decreases the inci- Ginger exhibits 5HT3 receptor antagonistism
dence of PONV (Gupta et al., 2003). Escalating which effectively antagonizes serotonin at 5-HT3
multimodal therapy for PONV is generally accepted receptors. This effect is mediated by galanolactone,
10 J.L. Geiger

a diterpenoid isolated from ginger (Huang et al., The nasal route of administration is utilized suc-
1991). Ginger essential oil appears to mediate its cessfully for many FDA approved medications,
warming effects by decreasing body serotonin especially those related to the treatment of aller-
(Huang et al., 1990). The shogaols and 6-, 8-, and gic and vasomotor rhinitis.
10-gingerols, isolated from the methanolic extract Ginger had been thought to adversely affect
of Zingiber officinale rhizome, exhibit anti-emetic platelet aggregation. Ginger had been thought to ad-
principles (Kawai et al., 1994). The capsaicin-like ef- versely affect platelet aggregation. Ginger’s plate-
fect of 6-shogaol is possibly the analgesic substance let inhibition is like that of aspirin and the anti-
found in ginger that inhibits the release of the neuro- coagulation effect of warfarin is potentiated by
peptide, substance P (Onogi et al., 1992). Ginger acetaminophen (Lesho et al., 2004). It is notable
essential oil is thought to be analgesic as well as anx- that only two reported cases of bleeding in humans
iolytic (Vishwakarma et al., 2002), whilst ginger have been associated with the combined anticoagu-
powder taken orally decreased osteoarthritis symp- lation effect of warfarin with acetaminophen while
tomatology (Altman and Marcussen, 2001). dieting on ginger herbal powder tea and eating
pieces of ginger root (Lesho et al., 2004; Kruth
et al., 2004). Previous studies show that eating large
oral doses of ginger powder or raw ginger root do
Side effect profiles of antiemetics change thromboxane concentration, which is
reversible (Guh et al., 1995) but do not adversely af-
There are numerous potentially serious adverse drug fect the clotting ability of platelets as measured
reactions attributed the various classes of antie- with clinical laboratory data (Lamb, 1994; Janssen
metic medications. These adverse drug reactions et al., 1996). Preanaesthesia check lists name ‘‘gin-
range from mild confusion, dysphoria, headache, ger’’ for possibly associated bleeding problems
phlebitis, tics, torticolis, serotonin syndrome, neu- (Hodges and Kam, 2002). This consideration possibly
roleptic malignant syndrome, and a-blockade alter- should be modified to include safe applications for
ations in blood pressure to potential life threatening the use of ginger.
cardiac rhythm disturbances. Droperidol has re-
cently been subjected to a ‘‘Black Box’’ warning
by the FDA (Habib and Gan, 2003). This controversial
warning describes the rational for patients to have a Materials
normal QT interval documented by ECG prior to
intravenous administration of droperidol. The risk The essential oil of ginger, Zingiber officinale, was
of the malignant ventricular dysrhythmia called Tor- obtained from lot number 4702 dated August 3,
sades de Pointes associated with droperidol is also 2002 by The Fragrant Earth. A 5% solution of the
known to occur with several of the new selective essential oil was mixed in grape seed oil and placed
blocking agents of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor in a rollerball applicator. The essential oil used in
antagonists. The chemical restraint, haloperidol is this clinical application costs a few cents per
a useful antiemetic, without significant side effects patient.
when given intravenously at very low dose (Buttner
et al., 2004). Perhaps ginger essential oil could be
considered an alternative for droperidol, even
though one investigation failed to show benefit when Medical management of PONV:
compared with powdered ginger root (Visalyaputra procedure and method
et al., 1998).
Ginger is a food product which is both safe and Informed consent was obtained prior to surgery for
non-toxic, although sensitization could pose a po- general anaesthesia. As specific consent for the use
tential problem. IgE allergy and food spice allergy of ginger essential oil was also obtained, it was pos-
had negative prick-test results for sensitization to itively suggested that smelling ginger essential oil
ginger (Moneret-Vautrin et al., 2002). Mild gastro- could possibly assist in the prevention of PONV
intestinal burning and sedation appears to be the (Laurion and Fetzer, 2003). Patients resulted from
only side effect of several grams orally ingested daily case work of one clinical practitioner at one
per day (Sripramote and Lekhyananda, 2003). The facility, adding ginger essential oil to the MD anaes-
essential oil of ginger can be safely and directly thesia management of PONV. The essential oil of
administered to the emetic centres of the brain ginger solution was applied to both wrists during
in the chemoreceptor trigger zone via the olfactory preoperative anaesthesia evaluation immediately
pathways and skin absorption, naso-cutaneously. prior to surgery.
The essential oil of ginger, Zingiber officinale, and anaesthesia 11

The rollerball applicator method was utilized for out ginger essential oil there was almost no differ-
application of 5% ginger essential oil to the volar as- ence in the nausea/no nausea in PACU out come,
pects of both wrists at the P6 NEI-KUAN accupres- which was approximately 50/50.
sure points (Wang and Kain, 2002). The volume of There have been no ill-effects such as gastric
oil applied covered approximately a 4 · 4 cm2 area, burning or sensitization reported in any patients
using slight pressure at the P6 sites bilaterally, with utilizing these methods when administered prior
the suggestion for the patient to smell those sites ad to the induction of general anaesthesia. In this sit-
lib prior to induction of general anaesthesia. uation, in which sometimes as many as 5–15 differ-
The clinical experience presented here is with ent medicines are given intravenously during the
patients at high risk for PONV, during a six month course of the anaesthetic and surgery, no known
period using similar combinations of intravenous adverse reactions or bleeding due to essential oil
multimodal therapy to prevent PONV. The initial of ginger occurred.
three month period consisted of similar combina-
tions of intravenous multimodal therapy alone.
During the following three months, similar combi-
nations of intravenous multimodal therapy plus Limitations and considerations for
5% essential oil of ginger were given in combina- future investigations
tion. All cases were high risk for PONV; defined as
either having significant history of prior PONV The following enumerates the problems with the
and/or they were subject to a surgical intervention realization of this clinical treatment series. Risk
that predisposed them to PONV. The surgeries cho- factors mentioned in studies that influence a mean-
sen were open gynaecological surgeries, upper and ingful clinical investigation included control for
lower abdominal laparoscopic procedures and multiple variables such as age, gender and non-
operations requiring high dose intravenous narcotic smoking history (Apfel and Roewer, 2003). More
management of major post-surgical pain, as seen in challenging control group considerations possibly
spine fusion or total joint replacement. Patients could include; nasal dominance, blood pressure,
were excluded if there was lack of time, interest, dependent or non-dependent learned states, alter-
known ginger sensitivity, surgical or personnel con- nations in sense of smell due to medications and
siderations. Possible congenital, acquired, or iatro- coexisting diseases states, as well as prior ginger
genic coagulation disorders, including preoperative experience.
thrombo-embolic prophylaxis were also excluded. The specific NSAID cyclooxygenase (Cox-2)
Patients were prescribed multimodal antiemetic receptor of anti-inflammatory pain management
intravenous medication regimens including similar strategy has been called in question as shown by
intravenous drug combinations of the selective the FDA issued public health advisory recommend-
blocking agent of the serotonin 5-HT3 receptor ing limited use of Cox-2 inhibitors and the volun-
class, H1 and H2 blockers, metaclopamide and dex- tary recall of rofecoxib, Vioxx (www.FDA.GOV).
amethazone. Oxygen was provided for all patients These problems arise from the unbalanced critical
in PACU continuously for SpO2 less than 94%. Upon relationship of the dual actions of Cox and 5-lipo-
awakening in PACU, the patient responded to ques- oxygenase (5-Lox) receptor inhibition on the ara-
tioning by a PACU nurse pertaining to nausea and chidonic acid and leukotriene enzymatic pathways
pain and medicated as needed. Response to ques- combined with the altered induction of receptors
tioning determined any patient that received an for certain broad spectrum protective mechanisms
antiemetic in the PACU, as a ‘ginger failure’. (Fiorucci et al., 2001). Initially known Cox/5-Lox
benefits were cardiovascular (stroke/heart attack)
gastrointestinal (bleeding/PONV), pulmonary
(bronchoconstrictive), and prevention of neurode-
Clinical impressions generation (Bertolini et al., 2002). Specifically,
the chemical constituent, [8]-paradol, in ginger
Prevention of post-op nausea using prophylactic oil is fibrinolytically active, increasing the Cox-1
multimodal intravenous medication therapy plus inhibitory anti-platelet aggregation activity as
essential oil of ginger was effective over 80% of strongly as aspirin (Tjendraputra, 2003). The
the time, as measured by no complaint of nausea anti-inflammatory action of [8]-shogaol of ginger
during the PACU recovery period. The nausea fail- oil at Cox-2 blocks pro-inflammatory enzymatic
ure rate in the ginger treated group was less than biosynthetic pathways of the undesirable
20%. In a similar group of patients prophylactically prostaglandin-2 (Tjendraputra et al., 2001). The
treated with multimodal intravenous therapy with- curcuminoid oils of the Zingaberaceae family
12 J.L. Geiger

chemically mediate the dual action of Cox/5-Lox to use it more. There is a lack of study data examin-
inhibitors (Chainani-Wu, 2003) while providing ing the differences between oropharnygeal uptake
anticarcinogenic actions as well as anti-inflamma- and distribution of vapour agents versus direct pul-
tory mediated pain control (Hong et al., 2004). monary uptake and distribution. Exogenous lipoid
These more challenging variables are potentially pneumonia should be prevented by safe inhalational
significant and relatively difficult and are perhaps applications of essential oil therapies that have yet
unquantifiable control variables for most investiga- to be established (Spickard and Hirschmann, 1994).
tional purposes. This review of clinical practice is Other methods of application of oil products could
presented with respect for the investigational re- be considered, such as continuous naso-inhalation
view board protocols and thus patient privacy and from a medicated nasal adhesive strip.
safety. These considerations should be a primary Different essential oils might have been used to
concern in the care provided by aromatherapy evaluate the prevention and treatment of PONV,
practitioners (Myles and Tan, 2003). Standardized such as essential oil of peppermint (Anderson and
extracts of phytopharmaceutical preparations are Gross, 2004). There is evidence of medical litera-
available and have been utilized for specific inves- ture pertaining to the effective use of essential oil
tigations of the various effects of the chemical of peppermint therapy in this field of PONV (Tate,
constituents of ginger (Bonati, 1991). 1997). Peppermint has possible toxicity issues
Increasing numbers of adults are using comple- regarding G6PD deficiency (Olowe and Ransome-
mentary and alternative medicine (CAM) to im- Kuti, 1980). No other phytopharmaceuticals prepa-
prove their health. Some patients and surgeries rations have data as pertains to safety and efficacy
may not be suited to receive essential oils. Ginger in association with general anaesthesia in the med-
is considered a CAM therapy for migraine head- ical literature to the same extent to compare to as
aches (Mustafa and Srivastava, 1990). Perhaps the the studies with the various preparations of ginger.
serotonin mediated vasodilating properties of gin-
ger are propagated via nasal inhalation. Cutaneous
application of ginger oil, perioperatively, might
contribute in the maintenance of critical body tem- Conclusions
perature during surgery. Other properties of the
various chemical constituents of ginger are recog- Integrating prophylactic intravenous multimodal
nized such as the anti-tumour promoting effects therapy with the essential oil of Zingiber officinale
of 6-gingerol and 6-paradol and the antimicrobial therapy in acute care and ambulatory settings to
effects of the monoterpenes 1,8-cineole, b-pinene prevent the general anaesthesia complication of
and a-terpineol found in ginger essential oil (Surh post-operative nausea and vomiting significantly in-
et al., 1999; Martins et al., 2001). creases successful outcomes, resulting in increased
Closed circuit anaesthesia utilizes injection of patient satisfaction. This clinical experience with
the unit dose of the liquid volatile anaesthetic various limitations is presented as having gener-
agent, according to patient weight and square root ated meaningful information, indicating that a 5%
of time interval, directly into the anaesthesia circuit solution oil of ginger essential oil to be a safe and
to induce and maintain general anaesthesia (da Silva effective choice for the prevention of PONV. A pre-
et al., 1997). Pulmonary vascular vasodilatation can vious multimodal antiemetic study indicated that
be accomplished for the management of pulmonary choice of intravenous medication prophylaxis of-
hypertension with inhaled nebulized nitroglycerin, fered little impact on clinical outcome or in patient
directly into the anaesthesia circuit via the endotra- satisfaction (Darkow et al., 2001). The resulting
cheal tube (Yurtseven et al., 2003). One referenced clinical impression in this setting implies increased
letter portrays a general anaesthesia study ap- patient satisfaction and outcomes warrants further
proved by the Ethics Research Committee utilizing evaluation as well as consideration for change in
sweet orange essential oil. Children assessed them- the anaesthetic perioperative assessment and man-
selves as more relaxed and cooperative at induction agement of PONV. These findings are similar to a
of anaesthesia for dental surgery. Four drops of previous study demonstrating the need for less
sweet orange essential oil were applied into a filter intravenous anti-nausea medications during the
of the anaesthesia circuit. This application was uti- recovery period in those patients that received gin-
lized to promote acceptance of the Sevoflurane ger powder (Phillips et al., 1993). Reducing the
vapour gas mask induction of anaesthesia and then incidence of PONV by approximately 30%, if repro-
removed for surgery to proceed in 60 children ducible, is noteworthy. Perhaps other patients hav-
(Mehta, 1998). Several advantages were noted and ing less risk factors for PONV would benefit from
it was concluded that it was safe and recommended application of ginger essential oil alone. Ginger
The essential oil of ginger, Zingiber officinale, and anaesthesia 13

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