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Lauransia Tanya Lie

X IPS 1/14
B. Inggris
Too and Enough Paragraph
The other day I went to the beach with my family. It was a scorching day, I asked my friend to
come but he said it was too hot to go to the beach. We got in the car and drove to the beach.
The beach was very crowded.
“Oh no! There are too many people here!” said my Mum.
“Don’t worry, there’s enough space for everyone.” said my Dad.
We unpacked the car and walked down to the beach. We put our towels down and my sister
and I decided to go for a swim. We ran to the water and jumped in.
“Brrrrr!” said my sister. “It’s too cold for me!” and she ran back to my Mum and Dad. I
continued swimming for a few minutes when suddenly I saw people windsurfing and there was
a shop renting windsurfing boards, it looked so much fun. I ran back to my parents and asked
them if I could try it.
“I’m not sure.” said my Mum. “Do you think he’s old enough?” she asked my Dad.
“I think he’s old enough, but is he strong enough? I think the sail will be too heavy for you son.”
“Please please please Dad!” I begged.
“Ok, let’s go and see how much it costs.” So we walked down to shop. It cost €20 to rent the
board for the whole day.
“Buff!” said my Dad. “I think that’s too expensive, I don’t have enough money to pay that
much.” So Dad negotiated and in the end we paid €15 for the day. We took the board out into
the water and I tried to lift the sail but it was too heavy.
“Come on son! You’re not trying hard enough!” said my Dad. So I took the sail with both hands
and made a big effort. I didn’t want my dad to think I wasn’t strong enough to lift it. The sail
came out of the water and the board started moving across the water it was the most amazing
feeling! We spent the whole day windsurfing, it was one of the best days of my life.

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