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Good night teacher, my name is Felipe Pucha. I´m listening the spotlight the golden Record.

spotlight talks about the communication of the human with civilizations from outer space.

The human being made a recording a lot of messages in different languages into a hard-plastic
disc. This disc was made in gold. They expected this record to survive for billions of years. That
is amazing.

This disc was launched alongside the spaceship Voyager in 1977 to outer space. The Voyager
ship left the earths solar system in 2012.

One of the messages in the Golden Record was created by Carl Sagan one of the most
famous astronomers of all time. He says if people from other planets ever found it, this
message would represent all the life on earth.

Other things include in this Golden record was music from all earth. The audio include was
music from United States, Australia, China, Congo, Japan, Peru and others countries. .

There were 12 minutes of sounds from Earth and 90 minutes of music.

Also, in the Golden record include pictures of all the earth in a total of 115 pictures. The
pictures include many different things like the structure of DNA of the human, Olympic runners,
the golden Gate in San Francisco and pages of the most famous books in human history.

Also includes Greetings in 55 different languages. Some are in Arabic, Dutch, Indi, Italian,
Spanish and many others.

Finally, the purpose of the Golden record was show how beautiful is the planet earth. And how
special is the culture of the human civilization and his technological advances.

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